Anleitung Roland, modell VK-77
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
control change message are assigned to each Harmonic Bar as follows. ;■ H.ßar Feel ■l&H ; 7 Li I I L (i • ■ÎP.H ! 7,? ) \ 8' •Î9 И ¡73) I 4’ *1 Alt (7.1.) I 2 - i ■ 3 * 4BH (75) I 2' 4CH (7C) I Д-3-Ь* 4DH er/) i 4 EH (7 Я) I i' ‘ The control value corresponds to the H.Bar levels ¿is follows vv j H.Bar L»=voi 00H GEH i o OFU-iCH i ¿ 1DH-2AÜ ! 2 2ВН-ЗРИ ! 3 39H-J7H ! -i 4 й К - 5 ЫI i ь '¿6H-62H i 6 64H-7 1H 1 ? 7/H-7FH 1 3 }RPN MSB/LSB (Controller number 100,101) Sfntiis 2lLdi.IVU’ 3rd hv(e BnH h?M mini I BnH o4H IIM n =MiD! Channel Number. 0! l-EI I ( mm supper hvte (MSB) of parameter number specified by RPN II =lower byte (I .SB) of parameter number specified by RI'N The RPN (Registered Parameter Number) messages are expanded control changes and each Junction ot RPN is described in' the MIDI Standard. To use those messages von must first use RPN MSB and RPN LSI! messages to specify the parameter to be controlled, and then use Data Entiy messages to specify the value of the specified parametei Once an RPN parameter lias been specified, .ill Data Entry messages received on that channel will modify the value of that parameter. To prevent accidents, it is recommended that you set RPN Null (RPN Number - 7FH/7FH) when you have finished selling the value of the desired parameter. Chi the VK-77, RPN can tv u-i'd to modify the following parameters. RPN MSB LSB (ЮН ООН Data entry MSB I .SB inml l 00H Explanation ¡‘itch Bend Sensitivity |CTRL][ORCH| mm: OOH-OCH (0-12 semi(ones) 11: processed as 001 ! specify up to I ochees in semitone steps. This messages can control the Organ Voice Pitch Bend Sensitivity parameter (ORGAN BASIC MENU -> Org Bend Sens) when it is received in the channel which was specified by Control MIDI Channel (SYSTEM MIDI MENU ->Control MIDI Ch). This messages can rewrite the Orchestral Voice Pitch Bend Sensitivity parameter (ORCHESTRAI. MENU -> Orch Bend Sens) when it is received in the channel which was specified by Orchestral MIDI Channel «SYSTEM MID! MENU ->Orch MIDlCh). H I til! I inmH 111 ! Master Fine 1 uning |CTRI.| mm, 11: 20 0ÜH-40 00H-6Í)ООН (•8142 *50 / М92-0-+81Ч2 * 50 / KI42cenl) This messages can control the Master Tune parameter (SYSTEM BASIC MENU' -> Master Tune) ol the VK-77 itself when it is received in the channel which was specified by Control MIDI Channel (SYSTEM MIDI MENU -> Control MIDI Ch). ’EH 7EH RPN null |CTRL|fOKCH| Scl Condition wheie RI'N is unspecified. YGeneral Purpose Controller 5 (Controller number 80) (Rotary Speed) [CTRL] Status 2nd byte 3rd byle BnH ЗОН v\H n =MIDI Channel Number: vv -control value: Ol l-EH (cii.l—ch.lC») (KJH-7FH (0-127) 0-63 - SI..CHV, 64-127 = FAST ^General Purpose Controller 6 (Controller number 81) (Rotary Brake) [CTRL} Status Inciiivie 3jd_bvkJ BnH 51H vvH n =MiDI Channel Number: vv -control \'alue: 01 l-FH (ch.l-ch lb! IMH-7FH (0-127) (Mi? = BRAKE. Ы-127 = SPIN ^General Purpose Controller 7 (Controller number 82) (Reverb Return Level) [CTRL] Status 2nd byte 3rd bvte BnH 5211 vvH n =MIDI Channel Number: vv ^control value: OH-FH (clt.I-ch.16) 00H-7ITI (0-127) DGeneral Purpose Controller 8 (Controller number 83} (Ring Modulator Switch) [CTRL] 3rd byte Status BnH 2nd bvtc S3H n -MIDI Channel Number: vv -control value: v\ 11 Oil-FH lch.1 drift) (K)H 7FH (0-127) IW»3 = OFF, (4-127 =• ON •Program Change [CTRL] [ORCH] SbliUS CnH 2nd byte PPH n -MIDI Channel Number: pp -program number OH-FH (') 00H-7FH (prog 1-prog.12S) This messages can control the registration when it is received in the channel which was specified by Control MIDI Channel (SYSTEM MIDI MENU Control MIDI Ch). This messes can control each part oí the program number of the orchestral voices when it is received in the channel which was specified bv Orchestral MIDI Channel (SYSTEM MIDI MENU -> Orch MID! Ch). •Channel Aftertouch [ORCH] SiatUS 2nd byte DnH v\H n =MIDI Channel Number: vv -channel aftertouch: 01 l-Ell(ch.l-ch.ló) OOH-7FH (0-127) •Pitch Bend Change [CTRL] [ORCH] Status EnH 2niihyie HH n -MIDI Channel Number: mm, II = Pitch Bend value 3rd byte mniH OH-FH ích.l-trh.U») (XI 00H-ft.l Í.K1H-7E 7EH (-SH2-HT—«141 ) This messnges can control Pitch Bend Chango ot the organ voice when it is »eieived in the channel which was speciíied hv Control MIDI Channel (SYSTEM MIDI MENU -> Control MIDI Ch). Ti lis messages can control Pifch tknti Ch.mge oí ilu> cach parí oí «Jic ordu>tr,il voice иррст/ luwer/pedal when it is received in the channel which was specified bv Orchestral MIDI Channel (SYSTEM MIDI MENU Orch MIDI Ch) 100 (Channel Mode Messages •All Sound Off (Controller number 120) [ORGAN] [ORCH] Slotus 2nd byte 3rd hvte Bnll 7SH ООН n = MlDI Channel Number: OH-FH fch.l~ch.l6) ’ When (his message is received, all notes currently sounding on the corresponding channel will be turned off. •Reset All Controllers (Controller number 121) [CTRL] [ORGAN] [ORCH] St...