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Anleitung Roland, modell VE-GS1

Hersteller: Roland
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

sS1£T'Mi4®fefc K7ii • -tz -y h £^itl*3 b£, 16/\’- h28#'-t'X(7)v^51 • x -f > /''-Âü^fo ttz, 171-75-t üT'J/'i-7i:a-7^£rtjtL Tt'Sfo JV-1000Cg*t5ii:T\ è £ t A'"?' *JT’Lj:?o C«ffi?I®;gliGM'>^xAtGS7=t--V'y Mcil£ UTl'f f„ JV-1000lCë»t3££:T\ £i^7-5i)Ol'fe5i->'7? • x-£ feisty? # 5 i 9 i: 4' ‘J if. ■i?7./t>$/3> ■ /K-H©æuwit «tÎfflütsCDItlU -1" -7 =}■ 11 y K b T < te S L'o 1 JV-1000CDiISBlC&-5±/S-f (if L,f to (UT7 • i:i/tiiro*M-Tfo ) H 2 (73J: 9 4'|p]§c-ê-t3-tii f „ ii;lL!i*ifo :ßii3ooSSiAi-i'\ i?;m> -> g >#- KA' Ôtüâ et 9lC tsf □ ÎLOCKÆfàlC va >•*'-KiSÆUif„ «Î*!C*/s-ÎlSiJ#l t*f„ lt, > • **- K*'"iEb<æu#tte>nÆA>«iiigLf f o V-EXPi-K (JV-1000roTOlMf*£#PS) CT'gfri'fc#«, ■Roland Copyright © 1993 by ROLAND CORPORATION All rights reserved. No part of ihis publication may be reproduced in any form without the permission of ROLAND CORPORATION. fcL< i±±§B£M№*¥- g*t5;t«i;if0 Thank you for purchasing the Roland VE-GS1 "GS Expansion" Sound Module. This expansion board—a 16 part/28 voice multi-timbral sound source—contains many high-quality instrument sounds, drum sets and on-board effects (chorus and reverb). The VE-GS1 is designed to enhance the potential of your JV-1000. This product supports both General MIDI and GS. When you install the VE-GS1 in the JV-1000, you can accurately reproduce any song data which carries either of these logos. • Installing the expansion board. * Turn off the JV-1000. 1. Remove the cover on the bottom of the JV-1000. (On the right looking from the keyboard.) 2. Set the board holder as shown in Fig. 2. 3. Insert the expansion board connector into the main unit connector. Three board holders must protrude through the expansion board at this time. 4. Turn the board holder in the LOCK direction with the enclosed fixing tool, and fix the expansion board. Finally, replace the cover. 5. Confirm that the expansion board has been mounted properly. If the V-EXP mode (refer to JV-1000 Owner's Manual) cannot be selected, reinstall the expansion board. Expansion board removal I^/t>->'3 > • KCO lif I rr- VE-GS1l±m®T0l l' < ti £ l'„ ■ÿi-SOTMIDHÉflV5 i-'J-y 7 • x-*A'Ç>, [GM Wf A • t >j CO.* 7-fe-v£ë-> a > • *■- K±CDK3I§-;iI£ u iz "J b LT < t£ Ëf l'„ WU\ Ix-f "j h*fT't5ct9!:4'U3:f„ If U < ii, JV-1OOOro№m0Mi £ . Jg< ifil'o ✓ .........................................................................—> Caution The VE-GS1 cannot be used on its own; it must be installed in the JV-1000. Some instruments' parameters cannot be edited when a "GM system on" message is received from an external MIDI device or a song data disk. If this situation occurs, reset the VE-GS1 so you can edit the instruments' parameters. Refer to the JV- • 1000 Owner's Manual for details. \________ ____________________________________________________^ *|UpDpC7M±fii5 J:tmtfttt, < UiMf U S to * In the interest of product improvement, the specifications of this unit are subject to change without prior notice. ■GM$/*xA> GM"7^r —"7‘У MCOUT GM'> Д хЛ fc li ч • T-ÿiMfSÆfelt H^roMIDIÎIfêfâliètT7^ ил® MMA (MIDI Manufacturers Association) 1C J: -3 tot £ ft /t > m ;®см-г^*аш#тТо GMÿifÀftt, йШИ^*'- ht ^#*4 ДЙ, IStSL4ltft tf4ô4uMIDI* y-tz-->\ Л?7Л • f i>ÿ • ±>/-\-1СЙ mt ъ и x'AtÊB«^ гоя и а г 4t* с ■o i 'r æ: » e. n Tuf to ¿да^9 4-ШИ*»й'"&-5 7Ь», GM'/XfÀIClâb /г^;1 « « я /ев? й> *э 6 f GM Я □ T7 (GMv^xAffllCf^ÿft*S л-'уу?т-$) êIDUJ: *fo GENERAL miai •GS7*-7'y ht»? GS7i-Y7 ht», MIDItilaêSitb/ctêCO-7^^ • x-f > P-7> КГО^С^Т ЗЙШШ T\ GMÿXfÀCfelâlTHÎto GS7Î-77 Hi, ÎèCiÈfflfÊ, h-><7)1x4 "J h^I 7i?b (UA-7>n-7X) ICMt-Stbtl* MIDICMTSbÜ <пка;ш?5Ъ£&шьпт\,'£Го gs7î-77 b<7)®;sf GSêigfflii-v-yi'x-ÿ (GS7 — -7-У HCt)i:t5urft®èft/:5i-v-y7 • x-30 ilsiujrii cSiÈtiit^Têito »lîGM/GSiOffiÆCa-è L ZiMppT'To JV-1000Cü£*T £ г tT\ ïÎb©7-Î(»0(,'tb->'^ • x-ÿfe;i*T#f То • The GM System and GS Format What is the General MIDI System? The General MIDI System is a universal set of specifications for sound generating devices which has been agreed upon by both the Japanese MIDI Standards Committee and the American MMA (MIDI Manufacturer's Association). These specifications seek to allow for the creation of music data which is not limited to equipment by a particular manufacturer or to specific models. The General MIDI System defines things such as the minimum number of voices that should be supported, the MIDI messages that should be recognized, which sounds correspond to which Program Change numbers, and the layout of rhythm sounds on the keyboard. Thanks to these specifications, any device that is equipped with sound sources supporting the General MIDI System will be able to accurately reproduce General MIDI Scores (music data created for the General MIDI System), regardless of the manufacturer or model. What is the GS Format? The GS Format is a standardized set of specifications for Roland's sound sources which defines the manner in which mu...


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