Anleitung Roland, modell MPG-80
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Therefore please take both the MKS-80 and MPG-80 to the repairs. m OUTLINE OF THE MPG-80 Provided with the controls which correspond with the parameters of the MKS-80, the MPG-80 makes sound synthesis extremely easy. The MPG-80 features MIDI IN, MIDI THRU and Programmer Out Connectors MIDI message is transmitted to the external devices as shown in Fig 1. The data of the MPG*80\ panel setting is transmitted through the Programmer Connector with the MiDi Format called Exclusive. There are two types of Edit Modes by using the MPG-80; one is to edit only a part of music data, and the other is to synthesize your own sound from scratch. Power is supplied by the MKS-80 through the Programmer Connector. < Fig 1 > M)Df THRU m CONNECTION Use a 6P DIN cord for setting up the MPG-80 and MKS-80. (Fig 2) * To connect the MPG-80 to the MKS-80, use the Programmer Connector. This Programmer Connector is provided specifically for the MKS-80. Connecting any other device will cause trouble. * The signal sent out from the Programmer Connector of the MPG-80 is the exact copy of the MIDI IN's input. il SPECIFICATION MPG-80 Programmer Tone Section Tone Manual Button LFO-1 Rate LFO-1 Delay Time LFO-1 Waveform 'S/ , Гч , ru , RND VCO Modulation LFO-1 Depth VCO Modulation ENV-1 Depth Envelope Reset ENV-1 Dynamics ENV-1 Attack Time ENV-1 Decay Time ENV-1 Sustain Level ENV-1 Release Time ENV-1 Key Follow : ON, OFF ON, OFF Pulse Width : 50 to 0 % Pulse Width Modulation PWM Mode Select : ENV-1, LFO-1, KEYBOARD PWM Polarity : NORMAL, INVERT VCO Key Follow VCO Select ■Oto 100 % : VCO-1, OFF, VCO-2 Cross Modulation Manual Depth XMOD ENV-1 Depth XMOD Polarity : NORMAL, INVERT VCO-1 Modulation VCO-1 Range VCO-1 Waveform VCO Synchro VCO-2 Modulation VCO-2 Range VCO-2 Fine Tune VCO-2 Waveform Source Mix NORMAL, OFF, INVERT 32' to 2' "V , N . mj. ru NORMAL, OFF, INVERT LOW, 32' to 2', HI ±50 cent 'V , K , nu , NOISE : VCO-1 & VCO-2 High Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency VCF Cutoff Frequency VCF Resonance VCF Envelope Select : ENV-1, ENV-2 VCF Envelope Polarity - NORMAL, INVERT VCF Modulation ENV Depth VCF Modulation LFO-1 Depth VCF Key Follow VCA ENV-2 Level VCA Modulation LFO-1 Depth Dynamics Time Dynamics Level ENV-2 Dynamics - ON, OFF ENV-2 Attack Time ENV-2 Decay Time ENV-2 Sustain Level ENV-2 Release Time ENV-2 Key Follow Patch Section Patch Manual Button Key Mode Split Point Tone Number Balance Octave Shift Assign Mode WHOLE,SPLIT 1, SPLIT 2, DUAL AO to C8 11 to 88 UPPER & LOWER +2, +1, NORMAL, -1,-2 SOLO, UNISON 1. UNISON 2, POLY 1, POLY 2 MIDI, ON, OFF WIDE, NORMAL, OFF WIDE, NORMAL, OFF Unison Detune Hold Glide Bender Sens VCO-1 Bend VCO-2 Bend After Touch Sens After Touch Mode Select : VCO, VCF LFO-2 Rate Programmer channel : 1 to 16 Power switch Rear Panel Programmer Out Connector MIDI THRU Connector MIDI IN Connector Power Consumption : 0.9W Dimensions : 480(W) x 78(D) x 177(H) mm 19"(W) x 3-1 /8"(D) x 7-1/16"(H) Weight 3 kg / 6 lb 10 oz MPG-80#MKS-80^ffl7“n ^'7 7' ф Y- Ъ? is 3> h - л. TJU ■ тЦ9 > LFO-1 U -Г b LFO-1 t" -f -f • ^ -f A LF0-17 x-7'7*-A VCO-t yil/ —V a > LFO-1 7*7 Я VCOti?jU->> a >ENV-1 7^УД 50% — 0% А;ия • 7 < я' /\’JUX • O-f X ■ íyil/ — -> a > PWM-t “ к • H2 U? h ENV-1, LFO-1, +-/1Î-K PWMÍ7 'Jf-f- У—VJK < >/<— V VCO * — ■ 7 * □ VCO-tzU? h 0%-100% VCO-K OFF, VCO-2 * vr j7;и • тУя XMOD ENV-1 т7Д XMODrfi У—VJb, h VCO“1 ir л. U- — 3 > /-7Л/, Í7, -f >/í— h VCO-1 U > V 32’-2’ VCO-1 7 x — 7 7i- А 'v , fx , au , ru *•2, OFF, 1 —2 VCO'> > 9 □ VCO-ZtviU-y a > у ~ vjk зг 7, < — h VC0-2U>v LOW, 32’ —2'^ HI VCO-2 7 T "f > • •?■ л. — > ± 50-t > h VC0~2 7 x — 77 ^ — A ^4N.vnu4 y-fX У-Я--5-у?Я VCO-l & VCO-2 /\< • /\я '7-(Л/?--Л7^7 ■ 7 'J ^ > V — VCF b "j b * 7 • 7 'J *r > •> — VCFU '/1->Z VCFx >-Чр — у - iz к ENV-1, ENV-2 VCFX >^P — 7 У —V Л-, -f h VCFïyi U — V 3 > ENVf'7 Д VCFí V л. 3 >LF0-1x 7 Я VCF*- * 7 * P- VCA ENV-2U^JU VCAïvjb—> 3 >LFO-1 х'7:Д 9'< -Г i ? Я • ? -f А y-H-s.?* ' u"<;u x > ^ □ - 7 • U *tz 'y h ENV-1 ?4 í- i Я ENV-1 У 9 7? ‘MA ENV-1 x -f • L^JU ENV-1 >J ‘J -Я • 5- -f A ENV-1 * — • 7 * □ — ENV-2 ^4 t î ENV-2T ÿ 7 ^ * ÿ'f A ENV-2x - ÿ-fA ENV-2+f Ях< > • ENV-2*J U — Я • HA ENV-2* - • 7 * P“ ® / \ *y . t?‘>3 У y-iy¿- • *7- 3.7JU • #9 : * - ■ í - к Я 7" U 'У h ■ 7$ -f > h / < 7 > я зГ ? ? - 7" ■ ■> 7 h Т V О ' ï - К *>, ^-7 *—JU, Я 7 U 'У h 1, Д 7U у h 2, fi7Jb А0-С8 UPPER & LOWER "Ь2, Ч" 1, У—7 Л/, -К -2 V О , Л. X '/ > 1, а--/>2. tfUI, *'J2 Л— '/ > * у'-?" д. — > *-Л/ К Í7 7< F *<> 9 — • iz > я VC0-1^> к VC0-2^> К Y 7ÿ-.ÿ7f .-ь>Я Т~? 9 — ' 9 "j ■?■ • ï — К ■ tbí7 Ь VCO, VCF MIDI, >, Í7 7^ К, У — v;U, ^7 7-Г К, У-vju, ^7 LF0-2H' h §7‘П^7 7- • ^ f > Й' • -yf1 • У Т' ♦ 7'П^7 7~ - Т7 7 h • -ЗЙ'? 9 — М101Д O'— ■ 3 í7 -МЮК > • 9 — ■16 ISM 0.9W 480(W) x78(D) X177(H ) mm 3kg BIRoland 6Р DIN И - К *-f-~ Л ■ -? Т)\у =г559 *B&míÉ¿>lE«á3-7-13 (06)681-3661 '~±¥ Г(% UWl ít/-^ V •...