Stimmen - 2, Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4.5 ( )

Anleitung Roland, modell ME-6B

Hersteller: Roland
Dateigröße: 757.01 kb
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

RETURNING TO THE FACTORY SETTINGS — INITIALIZATION.................................... FACTORY SETTINGS................................... BLANK CHART............................................ SPECIFICATIONS......................................... For Germany — Bescheinigung des Herstellers / Importeurs Hiermit wird bescheinigt, daß dsr/die/das BASS MULTIPLE EFFECTS ME-6B (Gerät, Typ. Bezeichnung) in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der _Amtsbl. Vfg 1046/ 1984 (Amtstsiattverfügufig) funk-entstort ist. Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Geräles angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeräumt. Roland Corporation Osaka / Japan_ Name des Herstellers/importeurs For the USA RADIO AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCE WARNING— Iftiseqit^enihasBeerivei^MtocomptywitMnetiirHstciaaasseeoi'rayir.gcevice.c-.i'suarioSubpMJ otPs;i >5.i' "CC rjies Opcra^onwiih r>o.-vcrt i.ea or non-vetiUtd #qu;pmeni i; i to resuK ir r>!6r!erence to raa c an£ Tv -eccp :0'\ Tne eqj^en: desi'iWd inltiis manual generates and uses ratfio iiwsuency energy t!i!tsrvotin$ta!ieda*xi vseepwoei'y. mat rs. <«*'/■« asco'oanccwJftej» instructions. ■: may causa -its-rcrence with raaio aM television reception. This equipment i»3s betn ibs!«! and fauna to ¡»rrc-y me r.miuiof a Oass 6 oompyt.ro eev.ce in accordance *v.m me «woi-cat'ons m Sutjoi-i J. oi Pari 15. of fCC Rules. Tn«so fulis Sfft dssonei} to P'Dvico 'easc-as'fl prote&ttn aoamst suc*> a intorterence >n a a! tnsianal'On. However. we is no guarantee rrta; we inieneren«* wit r-o; occur m a pariajljr installation. H this ecmpmani co-es cause mtorterenoe :o rise or television reception. which can be determined by '.utmr.Q ire equipment on and oil. trie user i escotragso to I*; lo cor'trc* ine tnteilerancs by ms foiiowing treasure: • Disconnect other devices Jt-'ts ihair inpuwoutput cats'et oria at a wie II trie interference «tops. i!is cajjao by either ine cms< aev/ce or its irOcaKe. ThsseOivcftsusus iyrecut'O ftoianoaes;;pateasrv«'aBd i.Oca^'es. ForRoiana dcvices. yoi/anooutn inetyooers”'«««) wSe from your oeax. For non Roland devices, contact tne manufacturer or deater for assistance. II you/ equipment coos cause interference to radio or tetovis-on receptor. >oj can try :c correct trte inisrterence by uSirtfl cr.eor T-o'e oi tfie ^ measures, • Turn the TV or raaio antenna ur.M the mterltt'ence siop», • Move ini sflupniam to one stoe or the other ol tfie TV or rae.o • Move me eouiWi#nt lartnar away Irom the TV or rad 0. ■ Wuq ifieeqcipmeMirtto an ouiieltnat son a e>fterenie'reuit!Mntft» TV or raaiO.(Tnat is. rtvue certain tn#CQjp~entand the r.as:oorw!ev.s-onsiiBr«Qno(«uitsco№OiiWt>y flitter*«! circuit tMesKers or lusei.) ■ Consider installing # rooftop tstcvij Comnn jso*' : ■Ho»» 10 toennly »rtj Resolve ftad* ■ TV l/utr!erene* Prob'eW Tnij boo'd»!« airaiiabie ttom tn» U.S. Government Pif'Vf.g OMio. Wa*''irflton, D C.. WXCi. Sioek No.«)i 000 003


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