Anleitung Roland, modell DR-550
Hersteller: Roland Dateigröße: 2.64 mb Dateiname:

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Vfg 1046/1984 (Gerat. Typ. Bezeichnung) (Amtsbiattverfügung) funk-entstört ist. Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen emgeräumt. Roiand Corporation Osaka/Japan Name des Herstellers/Importeurs For the USA- RADIO AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCE WARNING — Thss equipment has been verified to comply with the limits lor a Crass Б computing device, pursuant a Susoan J, of Pari 15. of FCC rules. Operation with ncn-certtliea or ncrs-veritied equipment is likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception. The equipment descnoec m this manual generates and uses rad« frequency energy. !l is is not installed and used properly, that is. in strict accordance with our instructions. ¡1 may cause interference with radio and television reception. This equipment has been lasted and found !o comply wiih the limits (or a Class 3 computing device in accordance w:tn (he specifications in Suepart J. ot Pars IS. o! FCC Rules. These ruies а/e designed и provide reasonable protection against such a interference in a rasidenfial Installation. However, there is no guaramee that the interference will not occur in a p anicular insta nation. II this equipment does cause interference lo raoa or television reception, which can tie determined fcy luining the equipment on and oft, the user is encouraged to try lo conect the interference by the following measure: « Disconnect other devices and their input/output cables one at a time. II the interference stops, n is caused by either the olher device or its I/O cable. These devices usuaify require Roland designated shielded I/O cables. For Roland dev.-ces, you can ootain i?te proper shielded cable from your dealer. For non Roland devtces, contact the manufacturer or dealer (or assistance. It your equipment does cause interference lo radio Of television reception, you can try to correct the interference by using one ot more ot the tallowing measures. • Turn the TV dr radio antenna until tne interference stops. • Move the equipment to one side or she other o! the TV or radio. • Move the equipment farmer away Iron-, the TV or radio. • Plug tne equipment into an ouliet that is on a Different circuit than the TV or radio (That is. make certain me equipment arid the radio or television set are on circuí! s controlled by different circuit breakers or fuses.) • Consider installing a rooftop television antenna wri.t coaxial саЫе lead-in between tne antenna and TV. If necessary, you should consult your dealer or an experienced radio/Ielevision technician for additional suggestions. You may find hetpiul the following PocKlet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission; "How to identity and Resolve Radio — TV Interference Problems" This booklel is available Irom the U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington. O.C. 2Ы02. Stock No 004-000-00345-4, •For Canada- CLASS B NOTICE This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. CLASSE B AVIS Cet appareil numérique ne dépasse pas les ¡imites de ia classe B au niveau des émissions de bruits radioéiectriques fixés dans le Règlement des signaux parasites par le ministère canadien des Communications. ■ Contents ■ important Notes....................................................................................................6 fli Features of the DR-550 ........................................................................................8 E Panel Description..................................................................................................9 ■ How to Change the Batteries .............................................................................11 ■ Basic Setup.........................................................................................................12 Section One Having a Listen..................................................................13 fli Try out the key pads to hear how they sound..............................................14 Playing the Demonstration Songs.................................................................18 Listening to Rhythm Patterns.......................................................................19 Section Two Preparing for Creation of Rhythm Patterns.........21 TJ How rhythms are created.............................................................................22 2] Organization into Modes..............................................................................23 Section Three Creation of Rhythm Patterns....................................25 Tj Basic Procedures..........................................................................................26 1. Step Write....................................................................................................26 2. Real-time Write................