Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Althoughthe Lesser GeneralPublicLicenseisLessprotective of the users' freedom, it doesensure that the user ofa program that is linked with the Libraryhas the freedomand thewherewithal to run that program usinga modified version oftheLibrary. Thepreciseterms andconditionsfor copying,distributionandmodification follow. Payclose attentionto the difference between a"work based onthe library"and a"work thatusesthelibrary". Theformer contains code derivedfrom the library,whereas the latter must becombinedwith the library inorder to run. GNULESSER GENERALPUBLIC LICENSE TERMSANDCONDITIONS FORCOPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. ThisLicense Agreementappliestoanysoftwarelibraryorother programwhichcontains anotice placed by the copyrightholderorother authorizedpartysaying it may bedistributedunderthe termsof thisLesser GeneralPublicLicense(also called "thisLicense"). Eachlicensee is addressedas"you". A "library"meansa collectionof software functions and/ordata preparedso as to beconvenientlylinked withapplication programs (which usesome of thosefunctionsand data)toform executables. The"Library",below, referstoanysuchsoftwarelibraryorworkwhichhasbeen distributed under these terms. A "workbasedon theLibrary" meanseither the Libraryorany derivativeworkundercopyright law:that istosay, aworkcontainingtheLibrary or aportionof it, eitherverbatimorwithmodifications 138 and/ortranslatedstraightforwardly into anotherlanguage.(Hereinafter, translation isincludedwithout limitation in the term"modification".) "Sourcecode" fora work meansthepreferred formofthe workformakingmodificationstoit. For a library,complete sourcecode meansallthesource code forall modulesit contains, plusany associated interface definition files, plusthescriptsused tocontrol compilation andinstallation of thelibrary. Activities otherthan copying, distributionand modificationare not coveredby this License;theyare outside its scope.The actofrunning aprogram usingtheLibrary is notrestricted,andoutput fromsucha program iscovered only if its contents constitutea work basedontheLibrary (independentoftheuseof the Libraryina toolforwriting it). Whether that istrue depends onwhattheLibrary doesand what the program that usesthe Library does. 1. Youmay copyanddistribute verbatim copies of the Library's complete sourcecode asyoureceiveit, in anymedium, provided thatyouconspicuously andappropriatelypublishon each copyanappropriate copyrightnoticeand disclaimer of warranty; keepintactall thenoticesthat refertothisLicense andto the absence of anywarranty;and distribute acopy ofthisLicense along withthe Library. Youmaycharge afeefor thephysicalact of transferringa copy,and youmay at youroption offer warranty protection inexchangefor afee. 2. Youmay modifyyourcopyorcopies oftheLibrary or anyportion of it,thusforminga work based on the Library, andcopyand distribute suchmodificationsorworkunderthe terms ofSection1 above, providedthatyoualsomeetallofthese conditions: a) Themodifiedworkmustitselfbea software library. b) Youmust cause thefiles modified to carry prominent notices stating thatyouchanged thefiles andthe date of any change. c) Youmustcausethewholeofthe work to belicensed at nocharge to all third partiesunder the terms of this License. d) Ifa facility in themodifiedLibrary refers toa functionora table of data tobe supplied byanapplication program that usesthe facility,other thanas anargument passed whenthefacilityis invoked, thenyou mustmake agood faithefforttoensure that,intheevent anapplication doesnot supplysuchfunction or table,thefacilitystilloperates, and performswhateverpart ofits purposeremains meaningful. (Forexample, afunction ina library to compute squareroots has apurposethatis entirely well-defined independent of the application. Therefore, Subsection2d requiresthat anyapplication-suppliedfunction or tableusedby this functionmustbe optional:if the applicationdoesnotsupply it,thesquare root functionmuststillcomputesquare roots.) Theserequirementsapply to the modifiedworkas awhole. If identifiablesectionsof thatworkarenot derivedfrom the Library, andcanbe reasonably consideredindependentand separate works in themselves,thenthisLicense,anditsterms,do not applytothose sectionswhenyoudistributethem as separateworks.Butwhen youdistributethesame sectionsas partofawholewhichis aworkbased on 139 the Library, the distributionofthe whole must beon thetermsof this License, whosepermissions for otherlicensees extendtotheentire whole,and thustoeachand everypart regardlessofwho wroteit. Thus, it isnottheintent ofthis sectiontoclaim rightsorcontest your rightstoworkwrittenentirelyby you; rather, the intentis to exercisetherightto controlthedistribution ofderivativeorcollectiveworks basedon theLibrary. In addition, mere aggregationofanother work notbased onthe Librarywith the Library(or witha work basedon theLibrary) onavolumeofa storage or distributionmedium doesnot bringthe otherwork under the scope of this License. 3. Youmay opt to applytheterms oftheordinary GNU...
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