Anleitung Zusammenfassung
plug. Input Select Switches Set thaee swltchee baed on what Is plugged into PHON01JLINE1 and PHON02ILINE3. Stereo Une Inputs Let you connect most high-level audio sources, such as CD players,tape dack,tuner or VCR. USB IN/OllT Port Dual Purpose Stereo Iputs Allows you to connect the Laptop or For using a turntable wHh a magnetic desktop PCIMAC using high speed USB cartridge OR a high level Input source. ::,':.":;' :=!..:: !!l .... .. ! Ground Screw USB cable. • @ To connect ground wire from turntable, to ...'h ......m hum. Power Switch .. """"' ..... m""" ...... meld .. any .. CO"""'ono. _. -L-Penn" you to coo_ a balanced DO' unbalanced low Impedance microphone Power Supply with 114-plug. Plug the Included power supply or AC 15V adaptor into the mixer lim while the Input Select Switches power Is ewttched off, then plug AC power Set these switches based on what is supply into a proper power ouUet. This plugged Into PHON011LINE1, PHON02IUNE3 mixer is designed to work with the and LlNE4IUSB. Included AC power supply only. ualng an incompatible power supply could result in Stereo Line Inputs damage to the mixer. Let you connect most high-level audio Output Jacks To connect mixer to a receiver Dr amplifier -use the cable with RCA plugs. Record Output Jacks To connect mixer to a tape deck for racording the mixed program. aourcea, such as CD players,tape deck,tuner or VCR. Pyle Pro Mixer PYD7251728U -2 Owner's Manual Features and Controls: PYD725 Channel Gain Controls Let you adjust the gain or each Input sou .... Dual DisplayMeter Power on LED indicatorDisplays your choice of and RIght Levels, or Phones Output Channel Tone Controls Level. tor CUE and PGM. © !lUI Permit adjustment of the high, midrange O. and low of a selacted Input -" ..... Cue Mode Selector MIC Tone Controls Pennit adjustment of the high and low of _ Selects the audio that III 88nt to the headphones. Switch it to -MASTER" to hear the Program mix. Switch it to ''CH 1- CH %' to hear Channels 1 and 21n the Cue channel.microphone algnal. MIC Level Controls the volume of the microphone. MIC Taikover Switch Lowen! the leval of Input ItOUI'C8II, pennltllng you to talkover' them using a microphone. Input Source Selector Lela you easily aelad your choice of audio inputs for mixing. Cue CH1/CH2 Control Selects the audio that is sent to the headphones betweem CH1 and CH2. So you can ·preview" an input soures and adjust the volume prior to mixing it in. Cue Level Control SeIa the listening level for the headphonee. Master Level Control AdJusta the mixer's overall output volume level . Crossfader Slope SWitchChannel Level Controls Allow ftngertlp control of all aound mixing Allows you to choose the slope of crossfader curve between the gradual and quick cl'OSSfades. and fading. CrossfaderMode SWitchAllows you to reverse the aeeignment of Crossfader Control © © CH1 on the left andCH2 on the right of Leta you quickly and smoothly switch and CH 2 @ crossfader. mix two playing input SOUrotlS,it is HEADPHONEI replaceable. 't' HeadphoneJackAccepts 1/4-plug. PYD728U Channel Gain Controls Let you adluathe gain of each Input eoun::e. Dual Display Meter Power on LED indicator and Right Levels, or Phones Output Channel Tone Controls Levels torCUE and PGM. \3tl e» Permit adjustment of the high, midrange o 0 and low of a selected input o HKIH "'....;"I'I'I-'-a..;:E=...toMIC Tone Controls ·0-iO_· helIrthe Program mix. Switch it to -CH 1- Permit adjuslmant of the high and low of -CHZ'tohearChannels1 and 2 In the Cue microphone signal. IIID channel. .C)-L Cue CH1/CH2 Control MIC Lovel Controls the volume of the microphone. MIC Talkover Switch L.owars the level of Input IIOUrcee, permitting you to talkover them using a }J._ SeI_ ... aud;o'h.U ..... 'o ... headphones betweemCH1 and CH2. So you can "prevl8W.. an Input eouraa and adjust the volume prior to mixing it in. microphone. Input Source Selector Leta you eaally seleel your choice of audio Inpub for mixing. Channel Level Controls Allow ftngertlp control of all eound mixing Cue Level Control Sets the listening level for the headphones. Master Level Control Adjusta the mixer's overall output volume level. CH2 input Selector for USB Allows you to choose the USB connection to play at CH2. and fading. Crossfader Slope Switch Allows you to choose the alope of croellfader curvebetween the gradual and quick croafadu.a Crossfader ControlLeta you quickly and smoothly switch and \3tl CH 1 CH I mix two playing input soul'08S,it is ... _10. 3 -Pyle Pro Mixer PYD7251728U Owner's Manuel HEADPHONES• Features and Controls: PYD725 Channel Gain Controls Let you adjust the gain or each Input sou .... Dual DisplayMeter Power on LED indicatorDisplays your choice of and RIght Levels, or Phones Output Channel Tone Controls Level. tor CUE and PGM. © !lUI Permit adjustment of the high, midrange O. and low of a selacted Input -" ..... Cue Mode Selector MIC Tone Controls Pennit adjustment of the high and low of _ Selects the audio that III 88nt to ...
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