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Anleitung Bosch, modell GSD36PI20/01

Hersteller: Bosch
Dateigröße: 1.54 mb


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Dieses Gerät hat auch andere Anweisungen:

Anleitung Zusammenfassung

14 Super-Gefrieren .................................... 15 Gefriergut auftauen .............................. 15 Eisausgabe ........................................... 16 Ausstattung ........................................... 18 Gerat ausschalten und stilllegen ...... 18 Abtauen ................................................. 18 Gerat reinigen ....................................... 19 Beleuchtung (LED) .............................. 19 Energie sparen ..................................... 20 Betriebsgerausche .............................. 20 Kleine Storungen selbst beheben .... 21 Gerate-Selbsttest .................................. 24 Aqua-Stop-Garantie ............................. 25 Kundendienst ........................................ 25 en Table of Contents Safety and warning information ......... 26 Information concerning disposal ....... 27 Scope of delivery ................................. 28 Ambient temperature and ventilation ............................................... 29 Connecting the appliance .................. 29 Getting to know your appliance ........ 31 Switching the appliance on ................ 31 Setting the temperature ...................... 32 Alarm function ...................................... 32 Usable capacity .................................... 33 Freezer compartment .......................... 33 Max. freezing capacity ........................ 34 Freezing and storing food .................. 34 Freezing fresh food .............................. 34 Super freezing ...................................... 35 Thawing frozen food ............................ 35 Ice dispenser ........................................ 36 Interior fittings ....................................... 37 Switching off and disconnecting the appliance ............................................... 37 Defrosting .............................................. 38 Cleaning the appliance ....................... 38 Light (LED) ............................................ 39 Tips for saving energy ........................ 39 Operating noises ................................. 40 Eliminating minor faults yourself ....... 40 Appliance self-test ............................... 43 Aqua-Stop guarantee .......................... 43 Customer service ................................. 44 fr Table des matieres Consignes de securite et avertissements ................................. 45 Conseil pour la mise au rebut ........... 47 Etendue des fournitures ..................... 48 Controler la temperature ambiante et l'aeration ............................................ 48 Branchement de l’appareil ................. 49 Presentation de l’appareil ................... 50 Enclenchement de l’appareil ............. 51 Reglage de la temperature ................ 51 Fonction alarme ................................... 52 Contenance utile .................................. 53 Le compartiment congelateur ............ 53 Capacite de congelation maximale .. 53 Congelation et rangement .................. 54 Congelation de produits frais ............ 54 Supercongelation ................................. 55 Decongelation des produits .............. 56 Distribution des glacons ..................... 56 Equipement ........................................... 58 Arret et remisage de l'appareil .......... 59 Si vous degivrez l'appareil ................. 59 Nettoyage de l’appareil ...................... 59 Eclairage (LED) .................................... 60 Economies d’energie .......................... 61 Bruits de fonctionnement ................... 61 Remedier soi meme aux petites pannes ................................................... 62 Autodiagnostic de l’appareil .............. 65 Garantie Aqua-Stop ............................. 66 Service apres-vente ............................. 66 it Indice Avvertenze di sicurezza e potenziale pericolo .................................................. 67 Avvertenze per lo smaltimento .......... 69 Dotazione ............................................... 70 Osservare la temperatura ambiente e la ventilazione del locale ................. 70 Collegare l’apparecchio ..................... 71 Conoscere l’apparecchio ................... 72 Accendere l’apparecchio ................... 73 Regolare la temperatura ..................... 73 Funzione di allarme ............................. 74 Capacita utile totale ............................. 75 Il congelatore ........................................ 75 Max. capacita di congelamento ........ 75 Congelare e conservare ..................... 75 Congelamento di alimenti freschi ..... 76 Super-congelamento ........................... 77 Decongelare surgelati ......................... 77 Dispenser di ghiaccio ......................... 78 Dotazione .............................................. 80 Spegnere e mettere fuori servizio l'apparecchio ........................................ 80 Scongelamento .................................... 81 Pulizia dell’apparecchio...

Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:
Gefrieren - GSD36PI20/04 (1.54 mb)
Gefrieren - GSD36PW20/01 (1.54 mb)
Gefrieren - GSD36PW20/04 (1.54 mb)


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