Anleitung Graco Inc., modell Hydra-Clean 2104ES
Hersteller: Graco Inc. Dateigröße: 765.06 kb Dateiname: 1612b3f8-c27a-4446-81ff-f864261df3d0.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
NEVER put hand or fingers over the spray tip. NEVER try to stop or deflect leaks with your hand or body. ALWAYS have the tip guard in place when spraying. MEDlCAU TREATMENT If anyfluidappearstopenetrateyourskin. get EMERGENCY MEDKAL CAREAB ONCE. DOMOK TREAT AS A SIMPLE GUT. Tell the doctor exactly what fluid was injected. For treatmentinstructions haveyourdoctorcallthe RIAJIORIAU POISON CENTER NETWORK ($a2w~-666~ AVOID COMPONENT RUPTURE Even after you shut off the gasoline engine, there is high pressure in the pump, hose and gun until you release it by triggering the gun. So before removing the spray tip or servicing the unit,always shut off the unit and trigger the gun to release pressure. Be surethatallaccessoryitemsandsystem components will withstand the pressure developed. NEVER exceed the pressure rating of any component in system. NEVER alter or modify equipment -your personalsafety,aswell as thefunctionofthe equipment, is at stake. Beforeeach use,checkhoseforweak, worn or damaged conditions caused by traffic, sharp corners, pinchingorkinking.Tightenallfluidconnections securelybeforeeachuse. Replace any damaged hose. Do notusechemicalsoragentswhicharenot compatible with Buna-N andPVC or neoprene cover of hose. Do not leave a pressurized unit unattended. Shut off the unit and release pressure before leaving. FORE Do not spray flammable liquids. Do not operate the enginewherecombustiblefumesordustmay be present. GENERAL NEVER run the unit with thebeltguardremoved. Keep clear of moving parts when the unit is running. Observe manufacturer's detergent safety precautions. Avoid getting detergent or other liquids in your eyes. Follow the directions on the container regarding with eyes, nose, skin, contact and breathingfumes,etc.Alwayswearfullgogglesto protect your eyes from the spray as well as any debris dislodged by the spray. If necessary, wear gloves or otherprotectiveclothing.Ifantidotesortreatment are 'recommended, be prepared to use them. DON'T spray toxic chemicals such as insecticide or weed killer. This unit is supplied with an 8-foot power cord made up of three AWG No. 10wires. The green wire of the electriccordisconnectedtotheunitchassisand motor frame. The other three wires are connected to the starter switch. Be sure to connect the power cord to the appropriate approved plug to fit your requirements. The starter switch has a built-in circuit breaker that willshut off the powertotheunitwheneverthe circuit is overloaded. Always check tobe sure the switchis off andthat the hosesandelectriccordareclear of movingparts before plugging in the power cord. IMPORTANT : .. ~ .. United States Government safety standards have been adopted under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. These standards -particularly the General Standards, Part 1910. and the ConstructionStandards,Part 1926- Should be consulted in connection with your use of airless spray equipment. 2 801-457 . . . .. . . . .. ._i.. . . . ~. . . . .. ... . .-.~. . .. INSTALLATION '.. Check Electrical Service and Plug In Before pluggingin the sprayer, be sure the electrical service is 1 phase 220 V, 60 HAC, 30Amp. WitKthe ON-OFF switch in the OFF position, plug the power supplycordinto a groundedoutlet.Ifyouusean extension cord, it must have 3 wires of at least 10 gauge (2.5 mm2)and should not be over100ft (30.3 m) long. Install Wheels and Handle Slide the axle through the frame. Slide the wheels and washers onto the axle and securein place with cotter pins provided. Install the hub caps. Attach the handle with thefour screws, flatwashers, lock washers and nuts provided. l,nstall Hose and Spray Gun Connect the spray hose to the spray gun by inserting thepinattheend of the hose intothequick disconnect coupler on the gun. Connect the hose to the fluid outlet in the same way. Remove the tape from the cap on top of the pump. -... $. Cleaning Accessories For spraying detergent or other cleaningsolution,we recommend using a chemicalinjectorkit. See ' Accessories andinstructionmanual801-192for installation and operation. For removing rust andold paint we recommend using a water sandblaster.SeeAccessoriesand instruction manual 801.190 for installation and operation. Connect To Water Supply CAUTION Before attaching to water supply.checklocal plumbing code regarding cross-connectionto water supply. Backflow check valve 801-133. Do not exceed 16OoF(7OOC) water temperature to pump in a direct supply system. Connect a hose with at least a 3/4 in. (19 mm) ID fromyourcitywatersupplytotheunit's 3/4 in. garden hose threaded inlet. The supply hose should not be more than 50 ft. (15 m) long. NOTE: For adirectsupply system,your water source at theunitmust have a flow rate of AT LEAST 5 GPM (19 LITER/MINI. If your operating conditions are above. different from contactourCustomer Department Service for assistance. OPERATION Startup 1 .. Before starting, be sure to read the safety warnings and setup instructions. Turn on the water supply. Trigger the gun to release any...