
Refer servicing to qualified personnel only. This appliance is classified as a CLASS 1 LASER product. This marking is located on the rear exterior. To prevent fire, do not cover the ventilation of the apparatus with news papers, table-cloths, curtains, etc. And don’t place lighted candles on the apparatus. To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not place objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the apparatus. Don’t throw away the battery with general house waste, dispose of it correctly as ch

Other Functions Additional Information Additional Information Precautions On safety • Caution — The use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye hazard. • Should any solid object or liquid fall into the cabinet, unplug the recorder and have it checked by qualified personnel before operating it any further. • Discs with non-standard shapes (e.g., heart, square, star) cannot be played on this unit. Attempting to do so may damage the unit. Do not use such discs. On power sources •

Кpомe 999 aльбомов, нa жecтком диcкe можно cоздaть eщe 10 cпиcков воcпpоизвeдeния, кaждый из котоpыx можeт cодepжaть до 400 композиций. Композиции можно в любоe вpeмя добaвлять в cпиcок воcпpоизвeдeния или yдaлять из нeго. Удaлeниe композиции из cпиcкa воcпpоизвeдeния, нe пpиводит к yдaлeнию этой композиции из aльбомa, зaпиcaнного нa жecтком диcкe. Пpимeчaния • Зaпиcaннaя мyзыкa пpeднaзнaчeнa только для личного иcпользовaния. Чтобы иcпользовaть мyзыкy в дpyгиx цeляx, тpeбyeтcя paзpeшeниe влaдeль

1 After selecting (AV SYNC) on the Control Menu (page 17), press c to select “SET t,” then press ENTER. The “AV SYNC” adjustment bar appears. 2 Press c repeatedly to adjust the delay. Each time you press C/c, the delay is adjusted by 10 milliseconds. 3 Press ENTER. The selected setting takes effect. To reset the “AV SYNC” setting Press CLEAR in step 2. b • This function is not effective if you use the DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL) jack, and set “DOLBY DIGITAL” or “MPEG” in “AUDIO SETUP” to “DOLBY DIGITA

При использовании схем A и B также обязательно выполните аудиоподключения (стр. 12). R AUDIO VIDEO L INPUT AТелевизор (красный) (белый) (желтый) Аудио-/видео кабель (прилагается) Кабель компонентного видеосигнала (не прилагается) (красный) (зеленый) (красный) (зеленый) (синий) (кра- сный) к LINE OUT (VIDEO) Проигрыва- тель USB к выходу COMPONENT VIDEO OUT (синий) (белый) (желтый) Кабель HDMI (не прилагается) к выходу HDMI OUT Подключения и настройки PB/CB PR/CRY COMPONENT VIDEO IN BCHDMI IN Тел

• Sony cannot be held liable in any way for monetary losses, lost profits or claims from third parties arising from the use of this software. • Should any manufacturing defects occur, Sony’s responsibility shall be limited solely to replacing said defective merchandise. • This software is approved for use only with the specified equipment. • Sony reserves the right to change software specifications without prior notice. Program © 1997-2001 Sony Corporation Documentation © 2001 Sony Corporation ©