Hersteller: MSI
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Enabling Dual-Channel mode can enhance system performance. The following illustrations explain the population rules for Dual-Channel mode. 1 DIMM1 DIMM2 DIMM3 DIMM4 2 DIMM1 DIMM2 DIMM3 DIMM4 Important DDR3 memory modules are not interchangeable with DDR2, and the DDR3 standard is not backward compatible. Always install DDR3 memory modules in DDR3 DIMM slots. To ensure system stability, memory modules must be of the same type and density in Dual-Channel mode. Due to chipset resource usage, the system will only detect up to 31+ GB of memory (not full 32 GB) when all DIMM slots have 8GB memory modules installed. • • • Installed Empty 1-17 MS-7752 Chapter 1 Installing Memory Modules Unlock the DIMM slot by pushing the mounting clips to the side. Vertically insert the memory module into the DIMM slot. The memory module has an off-center notch on the bottom that will only allow it to fit one way into the DIMM slot. Push the memory module deep into the DIMM slot. The plastic clips at each side of the DIMM slot will automatically close when the memory module is properly seat and an audible click should be heard. Manually check if the memory module has been locked in place by the DIMM slot’s side clips. Notch Volt 1. 2. 3. Gett ng Started Expans on Slots Expans on Slots Th s motherboard conta ns numerous ports for expans on cards, such as d screte graph cs or aud o cards. PCIe (Per pheral Component Interconnect Express) Slot The PCIe slot supports the PCIe nterface expans on card. PCIe 2.0 x16 Slot PCIe 3.0 x16 Slot Important PCIe 2.0 x1 Slot When add ng or remov ng expans on cards, always turn off the power supply and unplug the power supply power cable from the power outlet. Read the expans on card’s documentat on to check for any necessary add t onal hardware or software changes. 1-18 MS-7752 V deo/ Graph cs Cards If ava lable, th s motherboard takes advantage of the CPU’s ntegrate graph cs processor, but d screte v deo cards can be nstalled by way of the motherboard’s expans on slots. Add ng on one or more d screte v deo cards w ll s gn ficantly boost the system’s graph cs performance. For best compat b l ty, MSI graph cs cards are recommended. S ngle V deo Card Installat on 1. Determ ne what type of expans on slot(s) the v deo card w ll use. Locate the expans on slot(s) on the motherboard. Remove any protect ve expans on slot covers from the computer case. 2. L ne up the v deo card on top of the expans on slot(s) w th the d splay ports fac ng out of the computer case. For a s ngle v deo card nstallat on, us ng the PCI_E2 slot s recommended. 3. Push the v deo card nto ts expans on slot(s). Depend ng on the expans on slot(s) used, there should be cl p(s) on the expans on slot(s) that w ll lock n place. 4. If needed, screw the edge of the graph cs card to the computer case. Some v deo cards m ght requ re a power cable d rectly from the power supply. 5. Please consult your v deo card’s manual for further nstruct ons regard ng dr ver nstallat on or other spec al sett ngs. Chapter 1-19 Gett ng Started AMD CrossF re™ (Mult -GPU) Technology AMD CrossF re™ s a mult -GPU performance gam ng platform. By l nk ng together two or more d screte GPUs, CrossF re™ can s gn ficant mprove system graph cs performance. It allows the ab l ty to scale a system’s graph cs power as needed, mak ng t the most scalable gam ng platform. Th s motherboard w ll automat cally detect CrossF re™ technology and make changes n the BIOS as needed. Follow the nstruct ons below to ensure a successful two-way CrossF re™ nstallat on. 1. Install two AMD Radeon™ HD graph cs cards nto the PCI_E2 & PCI_E5 expans on slots. 2. W th the two cards nstalled, two CrossF re™ V deo L nk cable are requ red to connect the graph cs cards. Attach one s de of the cable on each of the cards by way of the metal contacts (please refer to the p cture below). Please note that although two graph cs cards have been nstalled, only the d splay ports on the graph cs card nstalled n the first PCIe x16 slot w ll work. All d splays should be connected to th s graph cs card. CrossF reTM V deo L nk cable Important • Please ensure that all graph cs cards used n CrossF re™ mode are of the same brand and spec ficat ons. For best compat b l ty w th the motherboard, MSI graph cs cards are recommended. • Make sure to connect an adequate power supply to the power connectors on the graph cs cards to ensure stable operat on. • Only W ndows® XP w th Serv ce Pack 2 (SP2), W ndows™ XP Profess onal x64 Ed t on & W ndows™ 7 w ll support CrossF re™ mode. 1-20 MS-7752 3. Boot up the computer and nstall the dr vers and software ncluded n your v deo card package. For more nformat on, please refer to the manual that came w th your v deo card. 4. After all of the hardware and software has been properly nstalled, reboot the system. After enter ng the operat ng system (OS), r ght cl ck on the desktop and choose the “Catalyst Control Center II”. 5.The CrossF re™ sett ng must be enabled to allow CrossF re™ m...