Fotos und technische Daten MSI Z77A-G43 GAMING![]() |
Anleitung Zusammenfassung
We take every care n the preparat on of th s document, but no guarantee s g ven as to the correctness of ts contents. Our products are under cont nual mprovement and we reserve the r ght to make changes w thout not ce. Trademarks All trademarks n th s manual are propert es of the r respect ve owners. .MSI® s reg stered trademark of M cro-Star Int’l Co.,Ltd. .NVIDIA® s reg stered trademark of NVIDIA Corporat on. .ATI® s reg stered trademark of AMD Corporat on. .AMD® s reg stered trademarks of AMD Corporat on. .Intel® s reg stered trademarks of Intel Corporat on. .W ndows® s reg stered trademarks of M crosoft Corporat on. .AMI® s reg stered trademark of Amer can Megatrends Inc. .Award® s a reg stered trademark of Phoen x Technolog es Ltd. .Sound Blaster® s reg stered trademark of Creat ve Technology Ltd. .Realtek® s reg stered trademark of Realtek Sem conductor Corporat on. .JM cron® s reg stered trademark of JM cron Technology Corporat on. .Netware® s a reg stered trademark of Novell, Inc. .Luc d® s trademarks of Luc dLog x Technolog es, Ltd. .VIA® s reg stered trademark of VIA Technolog es, Inc. .ASMed a® s reg stered trademark of ASMed a Technology Inc. . Pad, Phone, and Pod are trademarks of Apple Inc. Rev s on H story Rev s on V5.0 Rev s on H story F rst release for PCB 5.X Date 2013/ 03 MS-7758 MS-7758MS-7758 MS-7758 calTechnSupport If a problem ar ses w th your system and no solut on can be obta ned from the user’s manual, please contact your place of purchase or local d str butor. Alternat vely, please try the follow ng help resources for further gu dance. V s t the MSI webs te for techn cal gu de, BIOS updates, dr ver updates, and other nformat on: .com/serv ce/download/ Contact our techn cal staff at: .com Safety Instruct ons .Always read the safety nstruct ons carefully. .Keep th s User’s Manual for future reference. .Keep th s equ pment away from hum d ty. .Lay th s equ pment on a rel able flat surface before sett ng t up. .The open ngs on the enclosure are for a r convect on hence protects the equ pment from overheat ng. DO NOT COVER THE OPENINGS. .Make sure the voltage of the power source s at 110/220V before connect ng the equ pment to the power nlet. . Place the power cord such a way that people can not step on t. Do not place anyth ng over the power cord. . Always Unplug the Power Cord before nsert ng any add-on card or module. . All caut ons and warn ngs on the equ pment should be noted. . Never pour any l qu d nto the open ng that can cause damage or cause electr cal shock. . If any of the follow ng s tuat ons ar ses, get the equ pment checked by serv ce personnel: . The power cord or plug s damaged. . L qu d has penetrated nto the equ pment. . The equ pment has been exposed to mo sture. . The equ pment does not work well or you can not get t work accord ng to User’s Manual. . The equ pment has been dropped and damaged. . The equ pment has obv ous s gn of breakage. . DO NOT LEAVE THIS EQUIPMENT IN AN ENVIRONMENT ABOVE 60oC (140oF), IT MAY DAMAGE THE EQUIPMENT. PrefacePreface PrefacePreface Preface FCC-B Rad o Frequency Interference Statement Th s equ pment has been tested and found to comply w th the l m ts for a Class B d g tal dev ce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These l m ts are des gned to prov de reasonable protect on aga nst harmful nterference n a res dent al nstallat on. Th s equ pment generates, uses and can rad ate rad o frequency energy and, f not nstalled and used n accordance w th the nstruct ons, may cause harmful nterference to rad o commun cat ons. However, there s no guarantee that nterference w ll not occur n a part cular nstallat on. If th s equ pment does cause harmful nterference to rad o or telev s on recept on, wh ch can be determ ned by turn ng the equ pment off and on, the user s encouraged to try to correct the nterference by one or more of the measures l sted below. . Reor ent or relocate the rece v ng antenna. . Increase the separat on between the equ pment and rece ver. . Connect the equ pment nto an outlet on a c rcu t d fferent from that to wh ch the rece ver s connected. . Consult the dealer or an exper enced rad o/telev s on techn c an for help. Not ce 1 The changes or mod ficat ons not expressly approved by the party respons ble for compl ance could vo d the user’s author ty to operate the equ pment. Not ce 2 Sh elded nterface cables and A.C. power cord, f any, must be used n order to comply w th the em ss on l m ts. VOIR LA NOTICE D’INSTALLATION AVANT DE RACCORDER AU RESEAU. M cro-Star Internat onal MS-7758 Th s dev ce compl es w th Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operat on s subject to the follow ng two cond t ons: 1) th s dev ce may not cause harmful nterference, and 2) th s dev ce must accept any nterference rece ved, nclud ng nterference that may cause undes red operat on. CE Conform ty Hereby, M cro-Star Internat onal CO., LTD declares that th s dev ce s n compl ance w th the essent al safety requ rements and other r...
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