Anleitung Gigabyte, modell GA-6IEM
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
• Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. • Please do not remove any labels on motherboard, this may void the warranty ofthis motherboard. • Due to rapid change in technology, some of the specifications might be out of date before pwblicution of this booklet. Declaration of Conformity Rex L i n DE CLARATION OF CONFORMITY Pe r FCC Part 2 Sect ion 2.1077( a) Res pons i bl e Par ty G. B. T. I NC . Name : Addres s : 183 05 Val l ey Bl vd., S u i te#A LA Puen t, CA 9 1744 Ph on e/Fax N o: (818) 854-9338/ (818) 854-9339 h ereby declares t h at t h e produ ct Pr oduct N ame: Mot h er boar d Mode l Nu mber : GA-6 I EM / GA -6 IEML Con f orms t o t h e f ollo win g s pecificat ion s : FCC Par t 15, Su b part B, Sect io n 15. 107( a) an d Se ct ion 15. 109 (a), Clas s B Digi t al De v ice Su ppl emen tar y Inf or mat i on: Th is dev ice co mplies wi t h part 15 of t h e FCC Ru les . Operat i on is s u bj ect t o t h e f ollo win g t wo con diti on s : (1) T h is de v ice may n ot cau se h armf u l and (2) t h is dev ice mu s t accept an y in feren ce receiv ed, in clu din g t h at may cau s e u n des ired operat ion . Repres en t at iv e Pers on ’s Name: ERIC LU Sig n at u re: Eric Lu Dat e: October 19,2001 GA-6IEM(L) Series Socket 370 Processor Motherboard USER’S MANUAL Socket 370 Processor M otherboard Rev . 1.1 First Edition 12M E-6IEM -1101 GA-6IEM Series M otherboard Table of Content Re visio n Histo ry .............................................................................. 4 Ite m Che cklist .................................................................................. 4 WARNING! ....................................................................................... 5 Chap te r 1 Intro d uctio n ....................................................................... 6 Features Sum m ary ................................................................................................ 6 GA-6IEM Series M otherboard Layout ............................................................... 8 Chap te r 2 Hard ware Installatio n Pro ce ss ............................................ 9 Step 1: Install the Central Proc essing Unit (CPU) ......................................... 10 Step1-1: C PU Installation ........................................................................................ 10 Step1-2: C PU H eat Sink Installation .......................................................................... 11 Step 2: Install m em ory m odules ....................................................................... 12 Step 3: Install expansion c ards ......................................................................... 13 Step 4: Connec t ribbon c ables, c abinet wires, and power supply ............. 14 Step4-1:I/O Back Panel Introduction ......................................................................... 14 Step4-2: C onnectors Introduction .............................................................................. 16 Chap te r 3 BIOS Se tup .................................................................... 23 T he M ain M enu (For exa m ple: BIOS Ver. :F3d) ........................................... 24 Standard CM O S Features ................................................................................. 26 Advanc ed BIOS Features ................................................................................... 30 Advanc ed Chipset Features .............................................................................. 33 Integrated Peripherals ....................................................................................... 40 2 Table of Content Power M anagem ent Setup ................................................................................ 48 PnP/PCI Configurations ...................................................................................... 52 PC Health Status .................................................................................................. 54 Frequenc y/Voltage Control ................................................................................ 56 Load Fail-Safe Defaults ...................................................................................... 58 Load Optimized Defaults .................................................................................... 59 Set Supervisor/User Password .......................................................................... 60 Save & Exit Setup ................................................................................................. 61 Exit Without Saving ............................................................................................. 62 Chap te r 4 Te chnical Re fe re nce ........................................................ 63 Bloc k Diagram ..................................................................................................... 65 @ BIOS Introduc tion ............................................................................