Anleitung Gigabyte, modell GA-8SD533
Hersteller: Gigabyte Dateigröße: 1.3 mb Dateiname:

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Ty pe the pas sw ord, u p to eig ht char acters, and pres s . You w ill be asked to confirm the pas sw or d. T y pe the pass w ord aga in a nd p ress . Yo u ma y also p ress to ab ort the selec tion and not ente r a pass w ord. To disable pass w ord, just press w hen y ou are pr ompted to enter pass w ord. A me ssage "PASS WORD DIS ABLED" w ill appe ar to con firm the passw or d being d isabled. Once th e passw o rd is disab led, the sy stem w ill boot and y ou c an enter Setup fr eely . The B IOS Setup program a llow s y ou to specify tw o sepa rate passw ords: SUPE RVISOR PASSWOR D and a USER PASSWORD. When disabled, any one may access all BIOS Setup progra m function. When enabled, the Sup erv isor passw ord is required for entering the BIOS Setup pro gram and hav ing full configuration fields, the Use r passw ord is req uired to access o nly basic ite ms. If y o u s ele ct " Sy s tem " a t " Pas sw o rd Che ck" in Adv anc e B IOS Fe atu res Men u, y ou w ill be prompted for the passw ord ev ery time the sy stem is rebooted or any time y ou try to enter Setup Menu. If y ou selec t "Setup" at "Passw ord Check" in Adv ance BIOS Features Menu, y ou w ill be prompted only w hen y ou try to enter Se tup. GA-8SD533 Motherboard -44 Save & Exit Setup CMOS Setup Utility -Copy right (C) 1984-2002 Aw ard Softw are }Standard CMOS Features Top Performance }Adv anced BIOS Features Load Fail-Safe Defaults }Integrated Peripherals Load Optimized Defaults }Pow er Management Setup Set Superv isor Passw ord }PnP/PCI C Sav e to CMOS and EXIT ( Y/N) ? Y }PC Health }Frequency /Voltage Control Ex it Without Sav ing ESC:Quit higf:Select Item F8: Q-Flash F10:Sav e & Ex it Setup Sav e Data to CMOS Figure 13: Sav e & Ex it Setup Ty pe "Y" w ill quit the Setup Utility and sav e th e user se tup v alue to RTC CMOS. Ty pe "N" w ill return to Setup Utility . -45 -BIOS Setup English English Exit Without Saving CMOS Setup Utility -Copy right (C) 1984-2002 Aw ard Softw are }Standard CMOS Features Top Performance }Adv anced BIOS Features Load Fail-Safe Defaults }Integrated Peripherals Load Optimized Defaults }Pow er Management Setup Set Superv isor Passw ord }PC Health S }PnP/PCI Co Quit Without Sav ing (Y /N) ? N }Frequency /Voltage Control Ex it Without Sav ing ESC:Quit higf:Select Item F8: Q-Flash F10:Sav e & Ex it Setup Abandon all Data Figure 14: Ex it Without Sav ing Ty pe "Y" w ill quit the Setup Utility w ith out sav in g to RTC CMOS. Ty pe "N" w ill return to Setup Utility . GA-8SD533 Motherboard -46 Chapter 4 Technical Reference Block Diagram Pentium 4 Soc ket 478 C P U SiS 645 AC 97 CO DE C SiS 961B CPUC LK+/-( 100/133 M Hz) Sy stem B us 400M Hz SDR AM 100/133/166M Hz ZCLK ( 66M Hz) HCLK+/-(100/133M Hz) 66 M Hz 33 M Hz 14.318 M Hz 48 M Hz 24 M Hz 33 M Hz LP C BU S AG P 1X /2X/ 4X AG PC LK (66M Hz) 5 P CI P CICL K (33M Hz) AC9 7 Link 6 U SB Por ts ATA33/66/100/133 IDE Chann els Flop py LPT Port PS /2 KB/M ouse BIOS IT8705 Gam e Port 2 C OM Po rts CLOC K G E N ICS 9 52004 ZCLK ( 66M Hz) PCIC LK (33 M Hz) CPUC LK+/-( 100/133 M Hz) USBC LK (48 M Hz) AGPCLK (66M Hz) 14.318 M Hz HCLK+/-(100/133M Hz) 33 M Hz MICLINE-INLINE-OUT -4 7 -Tech nical Refere nce English English @BIOS™ Introduction Gigabyte announces @B IOS Windows BIOS live update utility Have you e ver upd ated BIOS by yourself? Or like ma ny o ther peo ple , yo u ju st k now wha t BIOS is, but always hesitate to update it? Because you think updating newest BIOS is unnecessary and actually you don’t know h ow to update it. Maybe not like others, you are very experienced in BIOS updating and spend quite a lot of time to do it. But of course you don’t like to do it too much. First, download different BIOS from website and then switch the operating system to D OS mode. Secondly, use different flash utility to update BIOS. The above process is not a interesting job. Besides, always be carefully to store the BIOS source code corre ctly in yo ur disks a s if you u pdate the wrong BIOS, it will be a nightmare. Certainly, you wonder why motherboard vendors could not just do something right to save your tim e and effo rt an d save you from the lousy BIOS upda ting work? Here it c omes! Now Gigab yte announces @BIOS— the first Windows BIOS live update utility. This is a smart BIOS update software. It co uld help you to download the BIO S from interneta nd update it. No t like the other BIOS up date softw are, it’s a Window s utility. With the help o f “@BIOS’, BIOS up dating is no more than a c lick. Besides, no matter which mainboard you are using, if it’s a Gigabyte’s product*, @BIOS help you to maintain the BIOS. This utility could detect your correct mainboard modeland help you to choose the BIOS accordingly. It then downloads the BIOS from the nearest Gigabyte ftp site automatically. There are se veral different choic es; you co uld use “In ternet Upd ate”to do wnload and update you r BIOS directly. Or you may want to keep a backup for your current...