Anleitung Gigabyte, modell GA-8SQ800
Hersteller: Gigabyte Dateigröße: 3.16 mb Dateiname:

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
With peak bandwidth of2.664GBper second, DDR memoryenables system OEMs to build high performance and low latency DRAM subsystems that are suitable for servers, workstations, high- end PC's and value desktop SMA systems. With a core voltage of only 2.5 Volts compared to conventional SDRAM's 3.3 volts, DDR memory is a compelling solution for small form factor desktops andnotebookapplications. GA-8SQ800 Ultra/GA-8SQ800 Motherboard -12 GA-8SQ800 Ultra/GA-SQ800 supports the Dual Channel Technology. After operating the Dual Channel Tec hnology, the band width of M em o ry B us will a dd d ouble up to 5 .4GB /s. GA-8SQ800 Ultra /GA-SQ 800 in cludes 4 DIM M sock ets, a nd eac h Chan nel ha s two DIM M s ockets as fo llowin g: Channel A : DIM M 1, DIM M 2 Channel B : DIM M 3, DIM M 4 If you want to o perate the Dual Chann el Technology, pleas e note the following explanatio ns due to the limitation of SiS® ch ipset specificatio ns. 1 . Only one DDR m em ory m odule is installed: The Dual Cha nnel Tec hnology can't op erate whe n only one DDR m em or y m o dule is in stalled. 2 . Two DDR m e m ory m o dules are in stalled (the sam e m e m ory s ize an d type) : The Dual Cha nnel Techno logy will operate whe n two m em or y m od ules are in serte d ind ividua lly into Channel A and B. If yo u install two m em ory m odules in the sam e cha nnel, the Dual Channel Te chno logy will n ot o pera te. Add itio nally, y ou can boot th e sy stem only when one of the m em ory m odules is inse rted into Chan nel A or Chann el B. On the o ther hand, the m em ory m odu le m ust be in serted into an y sock ets. 3 . Three DDR m em ory m odules are installed: If you install three m em ory m odules at the sam e tim e, th e Dua l Cha nnel Tech nolog y will ope rate only when those m od ules have the s am e m e m ory size and typ e. 4 . Four DDR m em o ry m odule s are in stalled: If you install four m em or y m odule s at the sam e tim e, th e Dua l Cha nnel Tech nolog y will ope rate only when those m od ules have the s am e m e m ory size and typ e. We'll strongly recommend our user to slot two DDR memory modules into the DIMMs with the same color in order for Dual Channel Technology to work. The following tables include allmemory-installed combination types: (Please n ote th at tho se typ es not in th e tables will not boot u p.) • Figu re 1: Du al Channe l Techno logy (DS: Double Side, SS: Single Side) DIMM 1 DIMM 2 DIMM 3 DIMM 4 2 me mory mo d ule s DS/SS X DS/SS X DS/SS X X DS/SS X DS/SS DS/SS X X DS/SS X DS/SS 3 me mory mo d ule s DS/SS DS/SS DS/SS X DS/SS DS/SS X DS/SS DS/SS X DS/SS DS/SS X DS/SS DS/SS DS/SS 4 me mory mo d ule s DS/SS DS/SS DS/SS DS/SS English -1 3 -Har dware Installatio n Proc ess English English • Figur e 2: Don't operate D ual Channe l Technolog y (DS: Dou ble Side, SS: Single Side) DIMM 1 DIMM 2 DIMM 3 DIMM 4 1 me mo ry mo d ule DS/SS X X X X DS/SS X X X X DS/SS X X X X DS/SS 2 me mo ry mo d ule s DS/SS DS/SS X X X X DS/SS DS/SS Step 3: Install expansion cards 1. Read the related expansion card's instruction document before installthe expansion card into the computer. 2. Remove your computer's chassis cover, necessary screws and slot bracket from the computer. 3. Press the expansion card firmly into expansion slot in motherboard. 4. Be sure the metalcontacts on the card are indeed seated in the slot. 5. Replace the screw to secure the slot bracket of the expansion card. 6. Replace your computer's chassis cover. 7. Power on the computer, if necessary, setup BIOS utility of expansion card from BIOS. 8. Install related driver from the operating system. Please carefully pull out the small white- drawable bar at the end of the AGP slot when you try to install/ Uninstall the AGP card. Please align the AGP card to the onboard AGP slot and press firmly down on the slot . AG P Ca rd Make sure your AGP card is locked by the small white-drawable bar. GA-8SQ800 Ultra/GA-8SQ800 M otherboard -1 4 Step 4: Connect ribbon cables, cabinet wires, and power supply Step 4-1: I/O Back Panel Introduction uvwxy • PS/2 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Connector This connector supports standard PS/2 keyboard PS/2 Mouse Connector and PS/2 mouse. (6 pin Female) PS/2 Keyboard Connector (6 pin Female) Before you connect your device(s) into USB connector(s), please make sure your device(s) such as USB keyboard,mouse, scanner, zip, • USB & LAN Connector LAN* * speaker..etc. Have a standard USB interface. Also make sure your OS supports USB controller. USB 0 If your OS does not support USB controller, please USB 1 contact OS vendor for possible patch or driver upgrade. For more information please contactyour OS or device(s) vendors. English "**" For GA-8SQ800 Ultra only. -1 5 -Har dware Installatio n Proc ess • Parallel Port and Serial Ports (COMA/COMB) If you want the detail information for 2-/4-/6-channel audio setup installation, please refer to page 77. English Parallel Port (25 pin Female) C OM A C O M B SerialPort (9 pin Male) • Game /MIDI Po...