Anleitung Gigabyte, modell GA-8VM533P
Hersteller: Gigabyte Dateigröße: 3.55 mb Dateiname:

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Make sure your AGP card is locked by the small white-drawable bar. GA-8VM533(-P) M otherboard -1 6 Step 4: Connect ribbon cables, cabinet wires and power supply Step 4-1: I/O Back Panel Introduction uvyxw(j) • PS/2 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Connector PS/2 Mouse Connector This connector supports standard PS/2 (6 pin Female) keyboard and PS/2 mouse. PS/2 Keyboard Connector (6 pin Female) • Parallel Port, Serial Port and VGA Port (LPT/COMA/VGA) Parallel Port This connector supports 1 standard COM (25 pin Female) port, 1 Parallel port and 1 VGA port. Device like printer can be connected to Parallel port; mouse and modem etc can be connected to Serial ports. C OM A VG A VGA Port (15 pin Female) Serial Port (9 pin Male) English • For GA-8VM533-P only. -1 7 -Har dware Installatio n Proc ess Before you connect your device(s) into USB w(j)/• USB / LAN Connector connector(s), please make sure your English LAN USB 0 USB 2(j) USB 1 USB 3(j) • Audio Connectors Line In(Rear Speaker) Line Out(Front Speaker) MIC In(Center and Subwoofer) device(s) such as USB keyboard,mouse, scanner, zip, speaker..etc. Have a standard USB interface. Also make sure your OS supports USB controller. If your OS does not support USB controller, please contact OS vendor for possible patch or driver upgrade. For more information please contact your OS or device(s) vendors. After install onboard audio driver, you may connect speaker to Line Out jack, microphone to MIC In jack. Device like CD-ROM,walkman etc. can be connected to Line-In jack. Please note: You are able to use 2-/6-channelaudio feature by S/W selection. If you w ant to ena ble 6 -cha nnel function, you have 1 choose for hardware connection. Method1: Connect "Front Speaker" to "Line Out" Connect "Rear Speaker" to "Line In" Connect "Center and Subwoofer" to "MIC Out ". If you want the detail information for 6-channel audio setup installation, please refer to page 70. • For GA-8VM533-P only. GA-8VM533(-P) M otherboard -1 8 Step 4-2: Connectors Introduction 5 7 9 1 3 6 10 11 2 4 8 12(j) 1) ATX_12V 7) F_PANEL 2) ATX 8) PWR_LED 3) CPU_FAN 9) F_AUDIO 4) FDD 10) CD_IN 5) IDE1 / IDE2 11) F_USB1/F_USB2(k) 6) BAT 12) COMB(j) English • For GA-8VM533-P only. • For GA-8VM533 only. -1 9 -Har dware Installatio n Proc ess EnglishEnglish 1) ATX_12V (+12V Power Connector) Th is c onn ector ( ATX _12 V) s upp lie s th e C PU oper ation voltage (V core ). If th is "AT X_1 2V con nec tor " is no t c onn ected, sy ste m c ann ot boo t. 4 3 2 1 Pin No. Definition 1 GND 2 GND 3 +12V 4 +12V 2) ATX(ATX Power) AC p ower co rd s hou ld o nly b e co nne cted to y ou r power s up ply u nit a fter ATX po we r c ab le a nd other rela ted dev ices ar e firm ly con nec ted to the m ain boar d. 20 111 10 Pin No. Definition 1 3.3V 2 3.3V 3 GND 4 VCC 5 GND 6 VCC 7 GND 8 PowerGood 9 5V SB (stand by +5V) 10 +12V 11 3.3V 12 -12V 13 GND 14 PS_ON(softon/off) 15 GND 16 GND 17 GND 18 -5V 19 VCC 20 VCC GA-8VM533(-P) M otherboard -2 0 3) CPU_FAN (CPU Fan Connector) Pleas e no te, a prop er ins tallation of the CPU coo ler is es sential to pre ven t the C PU fro m ru nning un de r abn or m a l c on ditio n or da m a ge d b y ov erh ea ting . T he C PU fa n con ne ctor su pp orts M a x. cur rent up to 6 00 m A. 1 Pin No. Definition 1 GND 2 +12V 3 Sense 4) FDD (Floppy Connector) Pleas e co nne ct the flo ppy dr ive rib bon cab les to FD D. It s upp orts 36 0K, 1. 2M , 720 K, 1.44 M a nd 2 .8 8M b ytes flo pp y disk typ es . Th e r ed stripe of the ribbon ca ble m u st be the sam e s ide with the Pin 1. 1 34 2 33 English -2 1 -Har dware Installatio n Proc ess EnglishEnglish 5) IDE1 / IDE2 (IDE1 / IDE2 Connector) Im por tant No tic e: Pleas e co nne ct fir st h ard disk to IDE1 an d c onne ct CD-ROM to IDE 2. Th e r ed stripe of the ribbon ca ble m u st be the sam e s ide with the Pin 1. 1 39 2 40 ID E2 ID E1 6) BAT (BATTERY) + CAUTION D a ng e r o f e x p lo s io n if b atte r y is inc o r r e ctly rep lace d. Re place on ly with th e s am e o r equ iv ale nt ty pe rec om m en ded b y the m anufactur er. Dis p o se o f u s e d b a tte r ie s a c c o r d in g to th e m a nufa ctu rer 's instruc tion s. If y ou wan t to e ra se C M O S. .. 1. Turn OFF the com puter and unplug the power cord. 2. R em ov e th e b atte ry , wa it fo r 30 s ec on d. 3. R e-ins tall the b atter y. 4. Plug the power cor d a nd tur n O N th e c om p ute r. GA-8VM533(-P) M otherboard -2 2 7) F_PANEL (2 x 10 pins Connector) Please connect the power LED, PC speaker, reset switch and power switch etc of your chassisfront panel to the F_PANEL connector according to the pin assignm ent above. 1 2 1 9 2 0 HDHD+ RES+ RESNC SPEAKMSGMSG+ PWPW+ Mes sa ge L ED / P o we r / Slee p LE D SPEAK+ 1 1 1 1 1 S of t P o we r Con nect or Sp eak er Co nne ct or R es et S witc h I DE H a rd D isk Ac tiv e LE D HD (IDE Hard Disk Active LED) Pin 1: LED anode(+) Pin 2: LED cathode(-) SPEAK (Speaker Connector) Pin 1: V CC(+) Pin 2-Pin 3: NC Pin 4: Data(-) RES (Reset Switch) Open:Normal Op...