Dieses Gerät hat auch andere Anweisungen:
Anleitung Zusammenfassung
2 T he M ain M enu (For exam ple: BIOS Ver. :F2) ................................................. 3 Standard CMO S Features .................................................................................... 5 Advanced BIO S Features ..................................................................................... 8 Advanced Chipset Features ............................................................................... 11 Integrated Peripherals ........................................................................................ 14 Power M anagem ent Setup ................................................................................. 23 PnP/PC I Configurations ...................................................................................... 28 PC Health Status .................................................................................................. 30 Frequency/Voltage Control ................................................................................. 32 SelectLanguage .................................................................................................. 34 Load Fail-Safe Defaults ....................................................................................... 35 Load O ptimized Defaults .................................................................................... 36 Set Supervisor/User Password .......................................................................... 37 Save & Exit Setup ................................................................................................ 38 Exit Without Saving ............................................................................................. 39 Block Diagram ................................................................................ 4 0 Dual BIOS / Q-Flash Introduction ..................................................... 4 1 Four Speaker & SPDIF Introduction ................................................. 4 9 @ BIOS Int roduction ....................................................................... 5 3 Easy TuneIIIT M Introd uction .............................................................. 5 4 RAID Introduc tion ........................................................................... 5 5 Driver Installing .............................................................................. 7 3 GA-8IR XP Motherboard BIOS Setup BIOS Setup is an ov er v iew of the BIOS Setup Pr ogram. T he progra m that a llow s us ers to m odify the ba sic sy stem configurat ion. This ty pe of information is stored in battery -ba cked C M OS RAM so tha t it reta ins t he Setup infor mation w hen th e pow er is tur ned off. E N T ER I N G SE T U P Pow er ON the computer and press immedia tely w ill allow y ou to enter S etup. C ON T R OL K EY S > M ov e t o prev ious item > M ov e to nex t item > M ov e to t he it em in the left h and > M ov e to t he it em in the r ight h and