Anleitung Gigabyte, modell GA-8IRX
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11, 2001 Nam e: Tim m y H u a n g DE CL ARATI ON OF C ONF OR M I TY Pe r FCC P art 2 S ect io n 2.1 077( a) Res ponsib le Pa rty G. B. T. I NC . Na me : Address: 1735 8 Railr oad St reet Cit y of Ind ustr y, C A 91 748 Ph on e/F ax N o: (818) 854-9338/ (818) 854-9339 h ereb y d eclares t h at t h e p ro d u ct Pr od uct N am e: M ot h er b o ar d Mo de l Nu mb er : G A-8 IR X Co n f o rms t o t h e f o llo win g s p ecificat io n s : FCC Par t 15, Su b p art B, S ect io n 15. 107( a) an d Se ct io n 15. 109 (a), Clas s B Dig i t al De v ice Su pp lem en tar y Inf or mat io n: T h is d ev ice co mp lies wi t h p art 1 5 o f t h e FCC Ru les . Op erat i o n is s u b j ect t o t h e f o llo win g t wo co n d iti o n s : (1) T h is d e v ice may n o t cau se h armf u l and (2) t h is dev ice mu s t accep t an y in feren ce receiv ed , in clu d in g t h at may cau s e u n d es ired o p erat io n . Rep res en t at iv e Pers o n ’s Name: ERIC LU Sig n at u re: Eric Lu Dat e: Oc t. 11,2001 Acronyms A cronym s M eaning A CP I A dv anced C onfiguration and P ow er I nterface AP M A dvanced P ow er M anagem ent AG P A ccelerated G raphics P ort AM R A udio M odem R iser AC R A dvanced C om m unications R iser BB S B IO S B oot S pecification B IO S B asic I nput / O utput S ystem CP U C entral P roc essing U nit CM OS C om plem entary M etal O xide S em iconductor CRIMM C ontinuity RIM M CN R C om m unication and N etw orking R iser DM A Direct M em ory A ccess DM I Desktop M anagem ent Interface DIM M Dual Inline M em ory M odule DRM Dual Retention M echanism DRA M Dynam ic Random A ccess M em ory DDR Double Data Rate EC P E xtended C apabil ities P ort E SC D E xtended S ystem C onfiguration D ata EC C E rror C heck ing and C orrec ting EM C Electrom agnetic C om patibility EP P E nhanced P aral lel P ort ES D Electrostatic Discharge FDD Floppy Disk Device FS B Front Side B us HDD H ard Disk Device IDE Integrated Dual C hannel E nhanc ed IRQ Interrupt Request I/O Input / O utput IO AP IC Input O utput A dvanced P rogram m able Input C ontroller IS A Industry S tandard A rchitecture to be continued.. .... A cronym s M eaning LA N Local A rea N etw ork LB A Logi cal Bloc k A ddres sing LE D Light E m itting Diode MH z M egahertz M IDI M us ical Interface Digital Interface MTH M em ory Translator H ub M P T M em ory P rotocol Transl ator NIC N etw ork Interface C ard OS O perating S ys tem OE M O ri ginal E quipm ent M anufacturer PA C P C I A .G .P . C ontroller P O S T P ow er-O n S elf Test PC I P eripheral C om ponent Interc onnect RIM M Ram bus in-line M em ory M odule SC I S pec ial Ci rcum stance Instructions SE CC Single E dge C ontact C artri dge S RA M Static Random A ccess M em ory SM P S ym m etric M ulti-P rocessing SM I S ys tem M anagem ent I nterrupt US B U niversal S erial B us VID Vol tage ID Technical S upport /RMA S heet C ustom er/ C ountry: C om pany: P hone N o.: C ontact P erson: E -m ail A dd. : M odel nam e/ Lot N um ber: P C B revision: B IO S version: O .S ./A .S.: H ardw are Mfs. M odel nam e Size: Driver/U tility: C onfiguration CP U M emory B rand Video C ard A udio C ard HDD C D-RO M / DV D-RO M M odem N etw ork A MR / C N R K eyboard M ouse P ow er supply Other Device P roblem Desc ription: When you installing AGP card, please make sure the follow ing notice is fully understood and practiced. If your AGP card has "AGP 4X notch"(show below), please make sure your AGP card is AGP 4X (1.5V). Do not use AGP 2X card (3.3V) in this motherboard. It will burn and damage the motherboard due to Intel® 845 chipset can't support AGP 2X(3.3V). Exam ple 1: Diamon d Vippe r V770 golden finge r is co mpatible with 2X/ 4X mode AGP slot. It can be switch ed between AG P 2X (3 .3V) o r 4X (1.5 V) mod e by a djusting the jumpe r. The facto ry default for this card is 2X(3.3 V). If you install this card in GA-8IRX (or any AGP 4X only) motherbo ards withou t switchin g the jump er to 4X m ode (1 .5V), it will burn the mo therbo ard. Example 2: ATi Rage 1 28 Pro (Power Color) & SiS 305 golden finger is com patible with 2X/ 4X mo de AGP slot, but it su pports 2X( 3.3V) only. If you install this card in GA-8IR X (or an y AGP 4X only) motherboard s, it will burn the motherb oard. Note : Althou gh Gigab yte's AG 32S graph ics card is base d on ATi Rage 128 Pro ch ip, the desig n of AG 32S is compliance w ith AGP 4X (1 .5V) specification . There fore, AG 32S will work fine with Intel 84 5 / 850 based motherb oard s. Before you install PCI cards, please remove the Dual BIOS label from PCI slots if there is one. • T he author assumes no responsibi lity fo r any errors o r omissions that may appear in th is document nor d oes th e auth or make a comm itment to upd ate the infor mation contain ed her ein. T hi rd-par ty brands an d names are the p ropert y of t heir r espect ive ow ners. ? • P lease do no t remove any lab els on m otherboard, thismay void the w arr anty of this m otherbo ard. • Due to rap id change in...