Anleitung Gigabyte, modell GA-8IGML-T
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
(Default Value) 8S3(STR) Set Suspend type to Suspend To RAM under ACPI OS. • Power LED in S1 state 8Blinking In standby mode(S1), power LED will blink. (Default Value) 8Dual/Off In standby mode(S1): a. If use single color LED, power LED will turn off. b. If use dual color LED, power LED will turn to another color. • Soft-off by PWR_BTTN 8Instant-off Press power button then Power off instantly. (Default value) 8Delay 4 Sec. Press power button 4 sec to Power off. Enter suspend if button is pressed less than 4 sec. -35 -BIOS Setup English EnglishEnglish • PME Event Wake Up 8Disabled Disable this function. 8Enabled Enable PME Event Wake up. (Default Value) • ModemRingOn/WakeOnLAN 8Disabled Disable Modem Ring on/wake on Lan function. 8Enabled Enable Modem Ring on/wake on Lan. (Default Value) • Resume by Alarm You can set "Resume by Alarm" item to enabled and key in Data/time to power on system. 8Disabled Disable this function. (Default Value) 8Enabled Enable alarm function to POWER ON system. If RTC Alarm Lead To Power On is Enabled. Date ( of Month) Alarm : Everyday, 1~31 Time ( hh: mm: ss) Alarm : (0~23) : (0~59) : (0~59) • Power On By Mouse 8Disabled Disabled this function. (Default value) 8Mouse Click Double click to power on system by PS/2 Mouse left button. CPower On By Keyboard 8Password Enter from 1 to 5 characters to set the Keyboard Power On Password. 8Disabled Disabled this function. (Default value) 8Keyboard 98 If your keyboard have “POWER Key” button, you can press the key to power on your system. CKB Power ON Password 8Enter Input password (from 1 to 5 characters) and press Enter to set the Key board Power On Password. CAC Back Function 8Mem ory System power on depends on the status before AC lost. 8Soft-Off Always in Off state when AC back. (Default value) 8Full-On Always power on the system when AC back. GA-8IGML-T series Motherboard -36 PnP/PCI Configurations CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2002 Award Software PnP/PCI Configurations PCI 1 IRQ Assignment Auto Item Help PCI 2 IRQ Assignment Auto Menu Level uPCI 3 IRQ Assignment Auto higf: Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults Figure 6: PnP/PCI Configurations • PCI 1 IRQ Assignment 8Auto Auto assign IRQ to PCI 1. (Default value) 83,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 Set IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to PCI 1. • PCI 2 IRQ Assignment 8Auto Auto assign IRQ to PCI 2. (Default value) 83,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 Set IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to PCI 2. • PCI 3 IRQ Assignment 8Auto Auto assign IRQ to PCI 3. (Default value) 83,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 Set IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to PCI 3. -37 -BIOS Setup English EnglishEnglish PC Health Status CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2002 Award Software PC Health Status Reset Case Open Status Disabled Item Help Menu Level u higf: Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults Figure 7: PC Health Status CReset Case Open Status CCase Opened If the case is closed, "Case Opened" will show " No". If the case have been opened, "Case Opened" will show "Yes". If you want to reset "Case Opened" value, set "Reset Case Open Status" to "Enabled" and save CMOS, your computer will restart. GA-8IGML-T series Motherboard -38 Frequency/Voltage Control CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2002 Award Software Frequency/Voltage Control CPU Clock Ratio 15X Item Help CPU Host Clock Control Disabled Menu Level uDisabled Host/DRAM Clock ratio Auto higf: Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults Figure 8: Frequency/Voltage Control CCPU Clock Ratio This option will not be shown or not be available if you are using a CPU with the locked ratio. 810X~ 24X It’s depends on CPU Clock Ratio. CCPU Host Clock Control Note: If system hangs up before enter CMOS setup utility, wait for 20 sec for times out reboot . When time out occur, system will reset and run at CPU default Host clock at next boot. 8Disable Disable CPU Host Clock Control.(Default value) 8Enable Enable CPU Host Clock Control. CCPU Host Frequency 8100MHz ~ 355MHz Set CPU Host Clock from 100MHz to 355MHz. CPCI/AGPDivider 8You can choose Disabled,PLL/40,PLL/32,PLL/24,PLL/20/PLL/16 mode to adjust PCI/AGP frequency. -39 -BIOS Setup English EnglishEnglish CHost/DRAM Clock Ratio (Warning: wrong frequency may make system can’t boot, clear CMOS to overcome wrong fre quency issue) 81.5 Memory Frequency = Host clock X 1.5. 82.0 Memory Frequency = Host clock X 2.0. 82.5 Memory Frequency = Host clock X 2.5. 8Auto Set Memory frequency by DRAM SPD data. (Default value) CMemory Frequency(Mhz) 8The values depend on CPU Host Frequency(Mhz) . CPCI/AGP Frequency(Mhz) 8Setup PCI/AGP frequency by adjusting CPU Host Frequency or PCI/AGP Divider item. GA-8IGML-T series Motherboard -40 Top Performance CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2002 A...