Anleitung Gigabyte, modell 8I845GE-RZ
Hersteller: Gigabyte Dateigröße: 9.3 mb Dateiname:

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
N ote that BIO S can not te ll fro m 720K , 1.2M or 1. 44M dr ive ty pe as they a re all 80 tr ac ks . English -2 5 - BIOS Setup English PasswordCheck Setup Th e sy stem will b oot but will no t a cces s to Se tup page if the cor rec t pa sswo rd is not e ntered at the p rom pt. (Default value) Sy stem The sys tem will not boot and will not acc ess to S etup page if the corr ect pass word is not entered at the pro m pt. CPUHyper-Threading This option is available only when y ou ins tall an Intel® Hy per-Thre ading pro cess or. Disa bled Disab le CPU Hy per Th rea din g. Enabled En able C PU Hype r T hre ading Fea tur e. P lea se note that th is feature is on ly wo rking fo r o per ating sys te m with m u lti p roc ess ors m o de su ppo rte d. (D efau lt valu e) Limit CPUID Max. to 3 Th is op tion is av ailab le on ly wh en yo u ins ta ll an In te l® P re sc ott p roc es so r. Enabled Limit C PUID M ax im u m value to 3 whe n using older OS like NT 4. (D efa ults v alue ) Disa bled Disa ble CP UID L imit for W ind ows X P. Init Display First Se lec t th e firs t inita tio n o f th e m onitor dis pla y from onb oar d/A GP o r P CI VGA car d. PC I Se t Init Display Firs t to PC I. Onb oard/ AGP Se t Init Displa y F irs t to o nbo ard /AG P. (Default v alu e) Graphics Aperture Size Th is op tio n is av ailab le only whe n you u se the o nbo ar d V GA fu nctio n. 128M B Se t Gr aph ics Ape rtu re S ize to 128 M B. (De fau lt valu e) Disa bled Disable this fun ctio n. Graphics Share Memory Th is op tio n is av ailab le only whe n you u se the o nbo ar d V GA fu nctio n. 8M B Se t Gr aph ics Sha re M em o ry to 8 M B. (De fau lt valu e) 1M B Se t G raph ics Sh are M e m ory to 1M B. 8I845GE-RZ Series M otherboard -2 6 Integrated Peripherals CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2004 Award Software Integrated Peripherals On-Chip Primary PCI IDE On-Chip Secondary PCI IDE IDE1 Conductor Cable IDE2 Conductor Cable USB Controller USB Keyboard Support USB Mouse Support AC97 Audio Onboard H/W LAN * Onboard LAN Boot ROM * Onboard Serial Port 1 Onboard Serial Port 2 [Enabled] [Enabled] [Auto] [Auto] [Enabled] [Disabled] [Disabled] [Auto] [Enabled] [Disabled] [3F8/IRQ4] [2F8/IRQ3] Item Help Menu Level • If a hard disk controller card is used, set at Disabled [Enabled] Enable onboard IDE PORT [Disabled] Disable onboard IDE PORT Onboard Parallel Port Parallel Port Mode x ECP Mode Use DMA Game Port Address Midi Port Address x Midi Port IRQ [378/IRQ7] [SPP] 3 [201] [Disabled] 10 higf: Move Enter: Select F5: Previous Values +/-/PU/PD: Value F10: Save F6: Fail-Safe Defaults ESC: Exit F1: General Help F7: Optimized Defaults On-Chip Primary PCI IDE Enabled Enable on board 1st channel IDE port. (Defau lt value) Disabled Disable on board 1st channel IDE port. On-Chip Secondary PCI IDE Enabled Enable onboar d 2nd channel IDE port. (D efault value) Disabled Disable onboard 2nd channel IDE port. IDE1 Conductor Cable Auto BIOS auto detects IDE1 condu ctor cable. (Defau lt Value) ATA66/100 Set IDE1 Conductor Cable to ATA66/100 (80-pin). Please m ake sure your IDE dev ice a nd ca ble is c om patible with ATA66/ 100. ATA33 Set ID E1 Conductor Cable to A TA33 (40-pin). Please m ake sure yo ur IDE dev ice an d cable is c om patible with ATA 33. IDE2 Conductor Cable Auto BIOS auto detects IDE2 condu ctor cable. (Defau lt Value) ATA66/100 Set IDE2 Conductor Cable to ATA66/100 (80-pin). Please m ake sure your IDE dev ice a nd ca ble is c om patible with ATA66/ 100. ATA33 Set ID E2 Conductor Cable to A TA33 (40-pin). Please m ake sure yo ur IDE dev ice an d cable is c om patible with ATA 33. USB Controller Enabled Enable USB Con troller. ( Default v alue) Disabled Disa ble USB Controller. "*" Fo r 8 I8 45 GE -RZ o nly. English -2 7 -BIOS Setup EnglishEnglish USB Keyboard Support Enabled Enab le USB Keyboa rd Supp ort. Disabled Disa ble USB Keyboar d Suppo rt. (Default va lue) USB Mouse Support Enabled Enable USB M ouse Su pport. Disabled Disable USB M ous e Support. (Default value) AC97 Audio Auto Autodetect onboard AC '97 audio func tion. (Default value) Disabled Disa ble this function. Onboard H/W LAN * Enabled Enabled onboard LAN fun ction. (Default value) Disabled Disa ble this function. Onboard LAN Boot ROM * Enabled Enab le to invoke the boo t ROM of the onboard LAN c hip. Disabled Disab le this function. ( Default v alue) Onboard Serial Port 1 Disabled Disable onboard Serial port 1. 3F8/ IRQ4 Enable onboard Ser ial port 1 and address is 3F8/IRQ4 . (Default value) 2F8/ IRQ3 Enable onboard S erial port 1 and addr ess is 2F8 /IRQ3. 3E8/ IRQ4 Enable onboard S erial port 1 and addr ess is 3E8 /IRQ4. 2E8/ IRQ3 Enable onboard S erial port 1 and addr ess is 2E8 /IRQ3. Auto BIO S will autom atically setup th e Por t 1 addre ss. Onboard Serial Port 2 Disabled Disable onboard Serial port 2 3F8/ IRQ4 Enable onboard S erial port 2 and addr ess is 3F8 /IRQ4. 2F8/ IRQ3 Enable onboard Ser ial port 2 and address is 2F8/IRQ3 . (Default value) 3E8/ IRQ4 Enab...