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Anleitung Gigabyte, modell GA-8ILFT

Hersteller: Gigabyte
Dateigröße: 1.91 mb


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ENTERING SETUP Powering ON the computer and pressing immediately will allow you to enter Setup. If you require more advanced BIOS settings, please go to “Advanced BIOS”setting menu.To enter Advanced BIOS setting menu, press “Ctrl+F1”key on the BIOS screen. CONTROL KEYS Move to previous item Move to next item <.> Move to the item in the left hand Move to the item in the right hand Main Menu -Quit and not save changes into CMOS Status Page Setup Menu and Option Page Setup Menu -Exit current page and return to Main Menu <+ /PgU p> Increase the numeric value or make changes <-/PgDn> Decrease the numeric value or make changes Generalhelp, only for Status Page Setup Menu and Option Page Setup Menu Reserved Reserved Reserved Restore the previous CMOS value from CMOS, only for Option Page Setup Menu Load the file-safe default CMOS value from BIOS default table Load the Optimized Defaults Q-Flash function Reserved Save all the CMOS changes, only for Main Menu GA-8ILFT Series M otherboard -2 2 GETTING HELP Main Menu The on-line description of the highlighted setup function is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Status P age Setup Menu / Option P age Setup Menu Press F1 to pop up a small help window that describes the appropriate keys to use and the possible selections for the highlighted item. To exit the Help Window press . The Main Menu (For example: BIOS Ver. : F1) Once you enter Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility, the Main Menu (Figure 1) will appear on the screen. The Main Menu allows you to select from eight setup functions and two exit choices. Use arrow keys to select among the items and press to accept or enter the sub-menu. CM O S Se tup Utility-C opyr ight (C) 1984 -200 2 Awa rd S oftware }Standa rd CM OS Fe atures Top Perform ance }Adv anced BIOS Featu res Load Fail-Sa fe Defaults }Integrated Peripherals Load Optimiz ed Defaults }Powe r M anag em ent S etup Se t S up erv iso r P as swo rd }PnP /PCI Config urations Se t Us er Pa ss wo rd }PC Health Sta tus Sa ve & Exit S etup }Freq uency/ Voltag e Control Ex it W itho ut Saving ES C:Qu it higf:Se lect Item F8: Q-Flash F1 0:Sa ve & E xit Setup Tim e, D ate, Har d Disk T ype. .. Figure 1: M ain M enu • Standard CMOS F eatures This setup page includes all the items in standard compatible BIOS. • AdvancedBIOS F eatures This setup page includes allthe items of Award special enhanced features. -2 3 -BIOS Setup English EnglishEnglish • Integrated P eripherals This setup page includes allonboard peripherals. • P owerManagementSetup This setup page includes allthe items of Green function features. • P nP/P CIConfigurations This setup page includes all the configurations of PCI & PnP ISA resources. • P C Health Status This setup page is the System auto detect Temperature, voltage, fan, speed. • F requency/Voltage Control This setup page is control CPU’s clock and frequency ratio. • Top Performance If you wish to maximize the performance of your system, set "Top Performance" as "Enabled". • Select Language This setup page is select multilanguage. • LoadF ail-Safe Defaults Fail-Safe Defaults indicates the value of the system parameters which the system would be in safe configuration. • Load Optimized Defaults Optimized Defaults indicates the value of the system parameters which the system would be in bestperformance configuration. • Set Supervisor password Change, set, or disable password. It allows you to limit access to the system and Setup, or just to Setup. • Set User password Change, set, or disable password. It allows you to limit access to the system. • Save & Exit Setup Save CMOS va lue settings to CMOS and exit setup. • Exit Without Saving Abandon all CMOS value changes and exit setup. GA-8ILFT Series M otherboard -2 4 Standard CM OS Features CM O S Se tup Utility-Copy righ t (C ) 19 84-2 002 Awar d So ftwa re Sta ndard CM OS Featu res Da te ( m m : dd:y y) M on, Feb 21 2000 Item Help Tim e (hh:m m :ss) 22:31:24 M en u Leve l uChan ge the day, m o nth, }IDE Prim a ry M as ter None y ea r }IDE Prim ary Sla ve None }IDE Second ary M a ster None }ID E Se cond ary Sla ve None Sun . to S at. Dr ive A 1.44 M , 3.5 in. Dr ive B None Jan . to D ec. Floppy 3 M ode Su pport Disabled Halt On All, Bu t Ke yboa rd 1 to 31 (o r m axim um allo wed in the m o nth) Bas e M em ory 640K Extended M em ory 130048K Total M em ory 131072K 1999 to 2098 higf: M ove En ter: Sele ct +/-/ PU/P D:Va lue F1 0:Sa ve ESC: Exit F1:G ener al H elp F5 :Pre vio us Valu es F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults Figure 2 : Standard CM OS Features • Date The date format is , , , . 8Week The wee k, fr om S un to Sat, determ in ed b y the BIO S and is display o nly 8M onth The m on th, Jan. Throu gh Dec. 8Da y The d ay, from 1 to 31 (or the m axim um allowed in the m onth) 8Year The year , from 1999 thro ugh 2098 -2 5 -BIOS Setup English EnglishEnglish • T...


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