Anleitung Gigabyte, modell GA-8PEMT4
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
I f your AGP card has "AGP 4X(1.5V) notch"(show below), please make sure your AGP card is AGP 4X(1.5V). Caution: AGP 2X(3.3V) card is not supported by I ntel® 845(GE/PE) / 845(E/G) / 850(E). You might experience system unable to boot up normally. P lease insert an AGP 4X (1.5V) card Ex ample 1: Diamond Vipper V770 g olden finger is comp atible with 2X/4X mode AG P slot. It can b e switch ed betwe en AGP 2 X(3.3V) or 4X (1.5 V) mod e by ad justin g the jumper. The fa ctory d efault for th is car d is 2X(3.3V). The G A-8PEMT4 (or any AG P 4X only ) motherb oards migh t not fun ction prop erly , if y ou in stall this car d withou t switc hing th e jumper to 4X( 1.5) mod e in it. Ex ample 2: Some ATi Rage 128 Pro graph ics cards made by "Power Color", th e graphics card manufa cturer & so me SiS 305 cards, their gold en fin ger is compatible with 2X( 3.3V)/ 4X(1.5V ) mode AGP s lot, but they support 2X(3.3V) only. The GA-8P EMT4 (or any AGP 4X only ) motherboa rds might n ot fu nction prope rly , If y ou install th is ca rd in it. Note : Althou gh Gigaby te's AG32 S(G) gra phics car d is bas ed on ATi R age 128 Pro chip , the des ign of A G32S(G) is compliance with AGP 4X(1. 5V) spec ification . Therefo re, AG32 S (G)will work fine with Intel® 845(GE/P E) /845(E /G) / 85 0(E) base d motherbo ards. • The author assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions that may appear i n this document nor does the author make a commitment to update the i nformation contai ned herein. • Third-party brands and names are the property of theirrespective owners. • Please do not remove any labels on motherboard, thismay void the warranty of this motherboard. • Due to rapid change in technology, some of the specifications might be out of date before publ i cation of this bookl et. Declaration of Conformity We,Manufacturer/Importer (full address) G.B.T. Technology Tr ading GMbH Ausschlager Weg 41,1F, 20537 Hambur g, Germany declare that the product ( description of the apparatus, system, installation to which it refers) Mother Board GA-8P EMT4 is in conformity with (reference to the specification under which conformity is declared) in accordance with 89/336 EEC-EMC Directive • EN 55011 Limit s and met hods of measurement • EN 61000-3-2* Dist urbances in supply systems cause of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of • EN 60555-2 by household appliances and similar indust rial, scient ific and medical (I SM elect rical equipment “Harmonics” high f requency equipment Limit s and met hods of measurement • EN 61000-3-3* Dist urbances in supply systems cause of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of by household appliances and similar • EN 55013 • EN 60555-3 broadcast receivers and associat ed elect rical equipment “Volt age f luctuat ions” equipment • EN 55014 Limit s and met hods of measurement • EN 50081-1 Generic emission st andard Part 1: of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of Residual commercialand light indust ry household elect rical appliances, • EN 50082-1 port able t ools and similar elect rical Genericimmunit y st andard Part 1: apparat us Residual commercialand light indust ry • EN 55015 Limit s and met hods of measurement • EN 55081-2 Generic emission st andard Part 2: of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of I ndust rialenvironment fluorescent lamps and luminaries • EN 55020 I mmunt y f rom radiio int erf erence of • EN 55082-2 Generic emission st andard Part 2: broadcast receivers and associat ed I ndust rialenvironment equipment • EN 55022 Limit s and met hods of measurement • ENV 55104 lmmunit y requirement s f or household of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of appliances t ools and similar apparat us inf ormat ion t echnology equipment • DI N VDE 0855 Cabled dist ribut ion syst ems; Equipment • EN50091-2 EMC requirement s for unint errupt ible • p art 10 f or receiving and/ or d i stri b u tio n f rom powersyst ems(UPS) • p art 12 sound and t elevision signals (EC conf ormit y marking) • CEmarki n g T h eman u factu rer al so d ecl aresth e co n fo rmi ty of ab ove menti o n ed p ro du ct wi th th e actu al req u i red safety stan dard s i n acco rd an ce wi th L VD 73/ 23EEC • EN 60065 Saf et yrequirement s f or mains operat ed • EN 60950 Saf et yf or inf ormat ion t echnology equipment elil ect ronc and reat ed apparat us f or including elect ricalbussiness equipment household and similar general use General and Saf ety requirment s f or • EN 60335 Saf et y of household and similar • EN 50091-1 unint errupt ible power syst ems(UPS) elect rical appliances Manufacturer/Importer Signat ure: T im m y H uang (S ta mp ) Dat e : Nov. 15, 2002 Name: Timm y Huang DE CLARATION OF CONF ORMITY Pe r FCC P art 2 S ect ion 2.1077( a) Re s pon s ibl e P arty Name: G. B. T. IN C. (U.S .A .) Addres s : 17358 Railroad S treet Cit y of Indus tr y, C A 91 748 Ph on e/Fax N o: (818) 854-9338/ (818) 854-9339 hereby declares that the product Pr oduct N ame: Mot h er boar d Mode l Nu mber : GA-8 P EMT4 Conforms to the fo...