heruntergeladen wurde: 4   Dateigröße: 3 mb   Hersteller: Lenovo  
Kategorie: Boote Zubehör

12. Insert the Setup CD into the CD drive, then click the Have Disk button. 13. Click OK. 14. Ensure that the CD drive letter is selected. 15. Choose ThinkVision L192p Monitor and click OK. The files will be copied from the CD your hard disk drive. 16. Close all open windows and remove the CD. 17. Restart the system. The system will automatically select the maximum refresh rate and corresponding Color Matching Profiles. Note: On LCD monitors, unlike CRTs, a faster refresh rate does not improve d

heruntergeladen wurde: 6   Dateigröße: 3 mb   Hersteller: Lenovo  
Kategorie: Boote Zubehör

3-6 Getting further help ............................................................................................................................................... 3-7 Service information .................................................................................................................................................. 3-7 Product numbers ............................................................................................................................................

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Kategorie: Boote Zubehör

U.S. GOVERNMENT USERS -RESTRICTED RIGHTS: Our products and/or services are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to the GSA ADP Schedule contract with Lenovo Group Limited, if any, or the standard terms of this commercial license, or if the agency is unable to accept this Program under these terms, then we provide this Program under the provisions set forth in Commercial Computer Software- Restricted Rights at FAR 52.227-19, when applicable,

heruntergeladen wurde: 7   Dateigröße: 3 mb   Hersteller: Lenovo  
Kategorie: Boote Zubehör

The image size, position and shape might change when the display mode changes. This is normal and the image can be readjusted using automatic image setup and the image controls. Unlike CRT monitors, which require a high refresh rate to minimize flicker, LCD or Flat Panel technology is inherently flicker-free. Note: If your system has previously been used with a CRT monitor and is currently configured to a display mode outside the range of this monitor, you may need to re-attach the CRT monitor t
