Anleitung Team Products, modell PMD8141
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
FOR hOW LONg: 2 years from date of purchase. WhAT WE WILL DO: If your product is defective and returned within 30 days after the date it was purchased, we will replace it at no charge to you. If returned after 30 days but within 2 years of the date of purchase we will repair it or, at our option, replace it at no charge to you. If we repair your product, we may use new or reconditioned replacement parts. If we choose to replace your product, we may replace it with a new or reconditioned one of the same or similar design. The repair or replacement will be warranted under our standard 2 year warranty. LIMITATIONS: IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDINg ThOSE OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERChANTAbILITy (AN UNWRITTEN WARRANTy ThAT ThE PRODUCT IS FIT FOR ORDINARy USE), ARE LIMITED TO 2 yEARS FROM DATE OF PURChASE. WE WILL NOT PAy FOR LOSS OF TIME, INCONvE- NIENCE, LOSS OF USE OF yOUR PRODUCT OR PROPERTy DAMAgE CAUSED by yOUR PRODUCT OR ITS FAILURE TO WORk, OR ANy OThER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEqUENTIAL DAMAgES INCLUDINg PERSONAL INjURy. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you. WhAT WE ASk yOU TO DO: To get warranty service for your product, you must provide proof of the date of purchase. Within 30 days of the date it was purchased, return your product to your place of purchase for immediate replacement. After 30 days, but before the end of the 2 year warranty period, you may return the product to the following address: Customer Service Department TEAM PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL INC. 3 Entin Road Parsippany, Nj 07054 We suggest that you retain your original packing material in the event you need to ship your product. When sending your product include your name, address, phone number, proof of date of purchase, and a description of the operating problem. After repairing or replacing your product, we will ship it to your home or office within four weeks. WhAT ThIS WARRANTy DOES NOT COvER: Among oTher ThIngS ThIS WArrAnTy doeS noT cover defecTS reSulTIng from AccIdenTS, dAmAge WhIle In TrAnSIT To our ServIce locATIon, AlTerATIonS, unAuThorIzed repAIr, fAIlure To folloW InSTrucTIonS, mISuSe, fIre, flood, And AcTS of god. If your producT IS noT covered by our WArrAnTy, cAll our cuSTomer ServIce number AT (888) 231-4022 To deTermIne WheTher We WIll repAIr your producT And oTher repAIr InformATIon, IncludIng chArgeS. We, AT our opTIon, mAy replAce rATher ThAn repAIr your producT WITh A neW or recondITIoned one of The SAme or SImIlAr deSIgn. The repAIr or replAcemenT WIll be WArrAnTed for 2 yeArS. ThIS lImITed WArrAnTy IS The only one We gIve on your producT, And IT SeTS forTh All our reSponSIbIlITIeS regArdIng your producT. There Are no WArrAnTIeS WhIch exTend beyond The deScrIpTIon SeT forTh Above. STATE LAW RIghTS: This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which may vary from state to state. 18V Cordless Reciprocating Saw Owner’s Manual Model: PMD8141 ©2005 The Coleman Company, Inc. All rights reserved. COLEMAN® and are registered trademarks of The Coleman Company, Inc., used under license. Designed in the USA and custom-manufactured in China for Team Products International Inc. Distributed by Team Products International Inc., Parsippany, NJ 07054 PMD8141093005-205 Model: PMD8141 Welcome This COLEMAN® product has been carefully engineered and manufactured to give you dependable operation. Please read this manual thoroughly before operating your new COLEMAN® product, as it contains the information you need to become familiar with its features and obtain the performance that will bring you continued enjoyment for many years. Please keep this manual on file for future reference. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS WHEN USING ANY BATTERY OPERATED TOOL. WARNING! READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO USING ANY POWER TOOLS. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN ELECTRIC SHOCK, FIRE AND/OR SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY. 1. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. 2. Keep work area clean. Cluttered work areas and workbenches may cause injury. 3. Be conscious of the work area. Do not use the power tools in damp or moist areas. Do not expose power tools to rain. Do not use these tools in the presence of flammable liquids or gases. 4. Keep work area well lit. 5. Keep out of reach of children. 6. Store idle tools. Remove the batteries and store tools in a dry place when not in use. 7. Do not force tools. Forcing the tools can cause damage to the unit or serious injury. 8. Use the right tool for the right job. Use power tools for the purpose intended. 9. Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or dangling jewelry when operating any power tool as they can be caught in moving parts. Rubber gloves and nonskid footwear are recommended when working outdoors. Keep longer hair pulled back. 10. Always wear protective safety glasses when operating ...