Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Since windows are kept closed, it is a good idea to open them and ventilate the room now and then. When air conditioner is not going to be used for a long time. Turn off the circuit breaker, and disconnect the plug. Remove the batteries from the remote control. Turn off the circuit breaker when the air conditioner is not going to be used for a long time. Dirt may collect and may cause a fire. Clean the air filter and install it in the indoor unit. (Refer to page 15 for cleaning filters.) When the air conditioner is to be used again. 16 Room Air Conditioner Maintenance and Service Troubleshooting Check the following points before requesting repairs or service.... If the fault persists, please contact your dealer or service center. Case Explanation See page The air conditioner does not • Have you made a mistake in timer operation? operate. • Has the fuse blown or has the circuit breaker been tripped? - The room has a peculiar odor. • Check that this is not a damp smell exuded by the walls, carpet, furniture, or cloth items in the room. - It seems that condensation is leaking from the air conditioner. • Condensation occurs when the airflow from the air conditioner cools the warm room air. - Air conditioner does not operate for about 3 minutes when restarted. • This is the protector of the mechanism. • Wait about three minutes and operation will begin. - Does not cool or heat effectively. • Is the air filter dirty? See air filter cleaning instructions. 15 • Has the temperature been set incorrectly? 10, 12 • Are the indoor unit's air inlet or outlet vents obstructed? - The air conditioner operation is noisy. • For a noise that sounds like water flowing. -This is the sound of freon flowing inside the air conditioner unit. • For a noise that sounds like the compressed air releasing into atmosphere. -This is the sound of the dehumidifying water being processed inside the air conditioning unit. - Remote control display is faint, or no display at all. • Are the batteries depleted? • Are the batteries inserted in the opposite (+) and (-) directions? 8 Crack sound is heard. • This sound is generated by the expansion/constriction of the front panel, etc. due to changes of temperature. - ENGLISH NOTE This product has a lifetime of 7 years from the date of transfer to the user. Owner's Manual 17 Memo 18 Room Air Conditioner Монтаж кондиционера должен быть согласован с коммунальной службой,обеспечивающей подачу электроэнергии. (EN61000 -3Norm.) АЮ64 Инструкция по эксплуатации бытового кондиционера настенного типа Обслуживание кондиционера ... Устранение неисправностей ......... aA.. O.A‰OOUO.OEIOOUE CIUU.AIIEA E ‚IA.IEA OOA‰EIAIEfl O.O‚O‰IE ‰OIEI. ·.U. I‡‰AEIO A‡I.AOIAI., ‡ I‡·AI. ‰OIEAI ·.U. O.OIOEAI OOOU‚AUOU‚U..EI O·.‡AOI, EOII..‡..EI I‡UflEAIEA E OUOOA‰EIAIEA I‡·AIfl OU OOA‰EIEUAI.I.. IIAII. • cAO.‡‚EI.I.A OOA‰EIAIEfl EIE OUOUUOU‚EAIOIU‡IU‡ IO„UU O.E‚AOUE I ..AAIA.IOIU‚.‰AIAIE. UAOI‡ EIE OOE‡.U e.O‚A..UA EOOOI.AUAI.E .I‡‰‡„AIU. eAI‡IOI.UAO. O EIUO.I‡.EAE I‡ ·E.IA EA‰AIEfl. • aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA IAOOOU‚AUOU‚U..A„O .I‡‰‡„AIU‡ IOEAU O.AOflUOU‚O‚‡U. IO.I‡I.IOE .‡·OUA EA‰AIEfl. cA .‡AIA.‡EUA .IAIU.OO·O„.A‚‡UAI. EIE ‰.U„OAI‡„.A‚‡UAI.IOAO·O.U‰O‚‡IEA.fl‰OIOO .IU.OI OEU‡IEfl. • e.EOUUOU‚UAU .EOI ‚OA„O.‡IEfl E OO.‡EAIEfl .IAIU.E.AOIEI UOIOI cAEOOOI.AUEUAEA‰AIEA‚ „A.IAUEAE.O‚‡IIOI O.OOU.‡IOU‚A ‚ UA.AIEA O.O‰OIEEUAI.IO„O ‚.AIAIE. eA„UIfl.IOO.O‚AU.E‚‡EUA OOIA.AIEA • COAIOEI‡ IA.‚‡UI‡ IEOIO.O‰‡, E I‡I .AAUI.U‡U, IOEAU ·.U. I‡IAOAI ‚.A‰ A‰O.O‚... OOIE ‚ OOIA.AIEE .‡·OU‡AU .IAIU.OOIEU‡, I‡„.A‚‡UAI.I.E .IAIAIU E U ‰, ‚.AIfl OU ‚.AIAIE O.O‚AU.E‚‡EUA OOIA.AIEA ‚O ‚.AIfl .IOOIU‡U‡.EE EA‰AIEfl • COAIOEI‡ IA.‚‡UI‡ IEOIO.O‰‡ E I‡I .AAUI.U‡UIOEAU ·.U. I‡IAOAI ‚.A‰ A‰O.O‚.. eIA‰EUA A‡ UAI, .UO·. IEIUO, OOO·AIIO ‰AUE, IA I‡OUUO‡I EIE IA O‡‰‡I I‡ I‡.UEI.E ·IOI • uUO IOEAU O.E‚AOUE I U.‡‚IA E OO‚.AE‰AIE. EA‰AIEfl eO·I.‰‡fl IA.. O.A‰OOUO.OEIOOUE, U‰‡IEUA‚OAUO‡IO‚O.I.AI‡UA.E‡I., U‡IEA I‡I ‚EIU., „‚OA‰E, I.AOAEI.A IOIOU.UI.EE, OIOI‡II.AO.A‰IAU. E U‰. eOOIAOIOI.‡IEfl IOIU‡E‡ UO‡IO‚O.I.AOI‡OUEIO‚.AIA.IE ‰OIEI. ·.U. ‚.·.O.AI. • cA.AIA‚OA EOOOI.AO‚‡IEA UO‡IO‚O.I..I‡UA.E‡IO‚ ‰AU.IE IOEAU O.E‚AOUE I U.‡‚IA cAEOOOI.AUEUAOO‚.AE‰AII.AOAUA‚OE .IU., ‚EIIU EIE IAOIOIUE.O‚‡IIU. .OAAUIU. • a.OIA UO„O .UO IOEAU O.E‚AOUE I OOE‡.U EIEOO.‡EAIE. .IAIU.E.AOIEI UOIOI cA‰OOUOI‡EUAOOO‡‰‡IEfl ‚O‰. I‡ .IAIU.E.AOIEA .IAIAIU.. cA UOU‡I‡‚IE‚‡EUAEA‰AIEA.fl‰OI O EOUO.IEI‡IE ‚I‡„E • e.EOUUOU‚UAU .EOI ‚OA„O.‡IEfl, ‚..O‰‡ EA OU.OflEA‰AIEfl, EIE OO.‡EAIEfl .IAIU.E.AOIEI UOIOI cA OUI..‚‡EUA OA.A‰I.. .A.AUIU EA‰AIEfl‚O ‚.AIfl .IOOIU‡U‡.EE (cA O.EI‡O‡EUAO. I .IAIU.OOU‡UE.AOIOIU UEI.U.U, AOIE EA‰AIEAEI OOI‡.AIO) • e.EOUUOU‚UAU .EOI UEAE.AOIOE U.‡‚., OO.‡EAIEfl .IAIU.E.AOIEI UOIOI EIE OO‚.AE‰AIEfl EA‰AIEfl CO ‚.AIfl O.O‚A‰AIEfl .EOUIE EIE .AIOIU‡ EA‰AIEfl OUII..EUA OEU‡IEA E EA‚IAIEUA OAUA‚OE .IU. EA .OAAUIE. • e.EOUUOU‚UAU .EOI OO.‡EAIEfl .IAIU.E.AOIEIUOIOI eIA‰EUA A‡ UAI, .UO·. I‡·AI. OEU‡IEfl IA ·.I EA‚IA.AI EIE OO‚.AE‰AI ‚O ‚.AIfl .IOOIU‡U‡.EE EA‰AIEfl • e.EOUUOU‚UAU .EOI ‚OA„O.‡IEfl EIE...
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