Anleitung Kenmore, modell 580.76081
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
2 SAFETY 3 _mpo_ant Ssfety Instructiens 3 ELECTRICAL REQUREMENTS ....... 4 _NSTALUNG TNE POWER CORD .... 4 _NSTALLATi©N 5 ns chat o_1Requiremer_ts 5 nS_a/la_on ............................................. 6 How to nsta 6 Removal from,a 8 OPERatiON 9 HOw an Why .................. 9 No,me Sou ds 9 Capacity and R_JnningTree ................... g FULL 'ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON ROOM AIR CONDiTiONER FO_e ey_8 f_cr_ithe area, f purchase who t is ai_"cared :o ers eper ted and ma rqa r_ed fat nerm;B _9o_T'oat,/r_g acc_srdi% le the _r_strucliens iethS ,s_mer'e menus Sears wi r@®r ths s_r cors@[_ener,free of charge if defeet;v rne e#e or workmar'_eh # FULL FIVE-YEAR WARRANTY 0#4 SEALED REFRIGERATION SYSTEM _or five yaars from typedata of purchase when _hs sr tend tlena_ pe_a ed ar_d ma r_ta qed for I'_arf_}al room aeo_ (sg accord ng to l_fsa ss r%,ctietss r this av,,ne_s r_,artua Sears'_!l repair he soled refr_gersSo_'ssystem {consist ng o_re rge@n oennec_i g ub;_g, ad compressor), free of charge defe._v@ n matera or ,_,,_or_,:_sanship, Featur._s ................................... I 0 Usn 9 t_® Ar Conditioner ,10 Disp ay .............................................. 11 Remote Cor_t_o 12 MAINTENANCE 13 ArFt.rCeanng 13 Ar Car' didoner Cieaning ........................... t3 Bow to Remove the Freni Gre ................ !3 TROUBLESHOOTING ..................... 14 Be_o_eCal ir_gForSewc. ..................... I4 MASTER PROTECTION AGREEMENTS so SERVICE NUMBERS ........... Back Cov._ WARRANTY SSRV_C_ _SAVAILABLE BY CONTACT NG SBARS SER'ViC_ AT Wa _art2 caT®re;goapplice,_,',,_,_,__,_co dtorders used for emcom_._ereal praa_e hausehad purpasea The _;arranl apples only we ha y,re,Suct s h uae _'_t_}e U tee States T'_s ,,#arrsnty g ,cos you speofi. ega/ri@°_ s and yo may a/ss ha,co ohe_ ri9 ,,,,,hiehray from state te state Dlst_buted by Sea_, Roebuck and Co. Ho_an Estates, JL60179 I PORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS The safety ms r_._#stK}F_s betew ,_,ate_ you how _ose damage 1oyet ROOM AIR COND TONER FOR YOUR SAFETY Do so sto_e o_use gess ne or o_er flarrm' abe vapors and ::suds in _horio nty of ths Orany o_he applaa_ce, Road p_@u_ iobes Ier fiammabi ty and PREVENT ACCIDENTS To _educ® t_e risk of fro o octdeal shock o inury to pe_soas when usr_g you_ ar condii one _!o_cw base precouio s r_c:cling the foiow n_; Be sa/_etee ectr ca! sam€ice s adequate for the mode you have ohesee f the e sonar oner S to be _ssta ed n a vdndov_, yes wi prebab y wan;l to oteas bo_h sdes of the gasS _st the wndow s a _ip_e-backtype with a _sreen pane i_scuded, you may want to remove the screen comp!e_ely be_o_e insta lotion oBe s_re !_e ar co dit oner has b®e_ aecoreb/and certes y nSSaSed actor@rig to the sepa a e esta lot cn ns rust one ptoqd®d witt_ des masua Sase ths sanuai and nsta_tat on ns uoaons for passible future use n "emovin 9 o_ _oinsta [ _g th_s U_t, o Use goves ,0_,.'hen har, d :rig the at cendi_ e_e Be oa_e_u to eyed ouls fisem sap mete fins on lrolt arid rear eels. _LBCTR_CAL _NFORMATtON OeC COleti_igofyour_ew_o®F _r co_d 8one s sta_ed on he seral pike Reler to the _'ating when cheoki% 8'_eelec_ ca _qsiromen_s Be sure the a_ oond:t oner s pe_o_ 7 greunded_ To mnmze shock a_d fire hazards p_epe_ 9ro nd}n_ s i po_t,s_':,The pews cord s oq p@edwit's a _h_seoprang ground ng pug tar p_'oteobo ago s sock hazards. Your ar cendtene m at be pluggo_ n_e _s o prosody grounded well _'ecep_a o t the wall _ecepSac e you ntehd _e so is re adog atoy g_susdod or protected by a timedeay fuse o o:rcuit _beaker have o qua_ed o setdoar '_stal the p_ape receptacle '_Do ot runa condtone_with a pro_ec ve eoo,/edn9 Ths eeud resu!t in mechan ca! damage withiA he a:r conditioner. De eel uae am e_te_8_on ee_d o_ am odap_e_ y'ou_room at o_di one_ _.aeyed harm te you self or Aved _e hazard o_ e as'Iris a see:k. Do sot use an extension card o an adapter pug Do set remove asy prong from the pews core. @e_nd prong cod ENERGY SAVING IDEAS , The c_#,scity o the room ar _','snd one must fit the _aom sse for stricken ar_ sat s_actory salttherooma_candtionero hash dyads of'your ome A _qndow 8%4_aoes no_ i boat because t s Shaded most o he _e:y. Do not bits k ar con_ti_ner flow nside wilh birds euaairrs, o us ure e_ o_.oide wth:shr bs, er_c[osuree or ocher buldi gs ,, Csse the Soar and wail rag stern sac the irexp_ace damps so coo sr d@ooT_otoscae u_ _he rite the duct work, Keepb ds and drapes otherw dowsdssed dbrng the s nnestpail; of _he day. C}ean the air tier as recommended n the MA I"._TENANCEsection e_ hs mar;uaL Pra#e na laban or'_dweatAet strip#sng n you home wil ":ep _eop ,_uarmair ®u a_d ese ar in , Ex_oma _,::use shading wth t_ees, pants or owe ngs vu,{Ihelp redes tear eendit asses work earl Operale heat peduc_ng app anses s_._chas ranges wa he_s, dryers, and d shv,'ashe_s d ng the ceoes pats c_he day. _3 OBSERVE ALL LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES, DO NOT UNDER ANY C/RCU_ST,ANCES, REMOVE THE POWER SUPPLY CORD GRO#ND PRONG_ ELECTR}CAL GROUND iS REQURED ON TH_S A_PUANC...