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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
node. an individual Tandem computer system within a network of such systems.
(Each system consists of two or more processor modules, an interprocessor bus, an
input/output channel, and two or more device controllers.)
null value. A value indicating that a program has made no explicit assignment to a
variable or field. In the context of SPI, a field of a structure has a null value if the
application has made no explicit assignment to that field after calling the SSNULL
procedure to initialize the structure.
object. In SPI, an entity subject to independent reference and control by a subsystem:
for example, the disk file or the data-communications line. An object typically has a
name and a type known to the controlling subsystem.
object type. The category of objects to which a specific object belongs: for example, a
specific disk file might have the object type FILE and a specific terminal the object type
SU. A subsystem identifies a set of object types for the objects it manages. The
operator interface to the subsystem might have keywords to identify the types.
Correspondingly the programmatic interface would have object-type numbers suitable
for passing to the SPI SSINIT procedure.
object-type number. A number that represents an object type managed by a subsystem.
Each subsystem with a token-oriented programmatic interface can have its own set of
object-type numbers, which are represented in DDL by constants and in programs by
TAL literals or defines, COBOL85 level-01 variables, or TACL text variables. (In some
cases, as with the data-communications subsystems, object-type numbers are shared
by several subsystems.) The object-type number is a header token in commands and
responses. See object type. In the context of DNS, the term subsystem-object type
number is used (see that term).
operations environment. An interface that enables both DSM management applications
and custom management applications to manage Tandem subsystems and customer
applications programmatically. See also subsystem environment.
operations management model. A model for managing Tandem systems that divides
operations management into two main functions: managing production and
managing change. DSM applications and tools provide support primarily for the two
main production activities: operations and support.
operator. A person or program that that issues commands to subsystems, retrieves,
examines, and responds to event messages, or does any combination of those things.
owner. In the case of a disk file, the user or program that created the file, or a user or
program to whom the creator has given the file with the FUP GIVE command. In the
case of a process, the user or program that created the process or, if the PROGID
option was specified in the FUP SECURE command for the code file, the user or
program that owns the code file. In the case of a token or other definition, the
subsystem that provided the definition. In the case of a subsystem, the company or
organization that provides the subsystem, or the eight-character string identifying that
Pathway. A Tandem subsystem for managing online transaction processing; it uses the
requester-server model with requesters consisting of a Tandem supplied Terminal
31258 Tandem Computers Incorporated
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