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Introduction to Toptools Database
driver and Agent packages can be carried out securely
without Internet access.
This document describes how to add individual
This document describes how to use the
packages to the system software database on your
Driver/FirmWare features of Toptools Device Manager
local system. These packages can be downloaded
when a direct connection from your management
individually from the FTP server on HP’s website.
server to the Internet is not possible.
A further step would be for you to create your own
To update a software driver or flash a BIOS, your
software packages for use with Toptools. Though this
Toptools Device Manager must have access to the
is feasible, HP does not recommend you do this and
new program it will use to update the PC. This
no support is provided.
program is stored in the form of a software package
suitable for automatic installation, grouped with other
HP Product Lines
From Toptools all BIOS, diagnostics, driver and
The principles of setting up a local FTP server for
Agent packages for HP Desktop PCs are stored in a
Toptools Device Manager software updates, as
system software database called the Revision
described here, are essentially the same for HP
Management Database (RMDB).
Desktop PCs, HP Omnibooks, HP Hubs & Switches,
By default, the Revision Management Database is
and HP Visualize Workstation systems.
located at HP’s support website.
Setting Up Your Local FTP Server
The Revision Management Database
To set up an emulation of HP’s FTP server on your
own network that is able to supply RMDB data when
When Toptools Device Manager updates software on
Toptools Device Manager requires it, you must first
your PCs, it first locates the correct RMDB software
create the local FTP server.
packages at the FTP server on HP’s website. These
Proceed as follows:
are then listed on the Settings >Drivers/FirmWare page of
Toptools and are available for use through the action
Windows NT
Manage Driver/FirmWare. When you use this command,
Toptools Device Manager will download the required
1 Set up your Toptools management server as an FTP
packages and carry out the automatic installation
Note: The default installation of Toptools
However, depending on your network and security
performs only a “minimal installation” of the
policies, you may not have installed Toptools Device
Windows NT Option Pack, which does not
Manager on a computer with an Internet connection.
include the FTP server capability. Therefore,
Or the connection may exist but requires the use of
you must re-run the installation of NT Option
passwords or specific proxy security extensions.
Pack to install the FTP server. Do this from
These prevent the tools in the Device Manager from
accessing the Internet.
a Your Toptools CD-ROM (program
In either case, you can access the Driver/Firmware
SETUP.EXE in the directory PWS or IIS,
features of Toptools Device Manager by creating a
depending on whether you are running
“mirror” of HP’s FTP server on your own network.
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or NT 4.0
Once you have created a local RMDB containing the
Server, respectively, or
correct directory structure and the files are copied
from the HP server, it can be addressed by Toptools
Device Manager just as if it were HP’s support
website RMDB.
This solution ensures that the automatic process for
downloading and registering BIOS, diagnostics,
...Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:
PC Desktops - HP e-pc 42 (194.88 kb)
PC Desktops - HP e-PC c10/s10 (194.88 kb)
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