Anleitung Lennox Hearth, modell Merit Series MED-CK-LP TO NG
Hersteller: Lennox Hearth Dateigröße: 395.58 kb Dateiname: 6fc51076-37ae-465e-b5a8-f2b36de92bd8.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
The qualified service agency performing this installationisresponsiblefortheproperinstallationof thiskitandassumesresponsibilityforthisconversion. The installation is not proper and complete until the operation of the converted appliance is checked as specified in the manufacturers instructions supplied with the kit. A B Fig. 2 Figure 1 - Kit Contents Figure 2 - Tools Needed HEARTH PRODUCTS KITS AND ACCESSORIES wArNING This conversion kit shall be installed by a qualified serviceagencyinaccordancewiththemanufacturer's instructionsandallapplicablecodesandrequirements of the authority having jurisdiction. If the information in these instructions is not followed exactly, a fire, explosionorproductionofcarbonmonoxidemayresult causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life. The qualified service agency performing this installationisresponsiblefortheproperinstallationof thiskitandassumesresponsibilityforthisconversion. The installation is not proper and complete until the operation of the converted appliance is checked as specified in the manufacturers instructions supplied with the kit. A B Fig. 2 Figure 1 - Kit Contents Figure 2 - Tools Needed MEDINA™ GAS CONvErSION INSTruCTIONS LP TO NG CAT. NO. H5465, MODEL MED-CK-LP TO NG ™ AvErTISSEMENT Cet equipement de conversion sera installe par une agencequalifieedeserviceconformementauxinstruc tionsdufabricantettoutesexigencesetcodesapplica blesdel'autorisesavoirlajuridiction. Sil'information danscette instructionn'estpassuivieexactement,un feu,explosionouproductiondeprotoxydedecarbone peutresulter le dommages causerdepropriete, perte oublessurepersonnelledevie. L'agencequalifieede service est esponsable de l'installation propre de cet equipment. L'installationn'estpaspropreetcomplete jusqu'a l'operation de l'appareil converti est cheque suivant les criteres etablis dans les instructions de proprietaire provisionnees avec l'equipement. IMPOrTANT CANADA Theconversionshallbecarriedoutinaccordancewith therequirementsoftheprovincialauthoritieshaving jurisdictionandinaccordancewiththerequirements of the CAN/CSA B149.1 Installation code. IMPOrTANT LE CANADA SEuLEMENT La conversion devra etre effectuee conformement aux recommandations des autorites provinciales ayant juridiction et conformement aux exigences du code d'installation CAN/CSA B149.1 . IMPOrTANT The burner orifices provided in this kit are only for use at elevations of 0 to 2,000 feet (610 M) in the uSA and 0 to 4,500 feet (0-1372 M) in Canada. At higher elevations the BTu input must be de-rated by 4% for every 1,000 feet (305 M) to maintain the proper ratio of gas to air. If the installer must convert the unit to adjust for varying altitudes, a derationinformationstickermustbefilledoutbythe installer and adhered to the appliance at the time of the conversion. Contact your local gas supplier for deration requirements for your area. rEAD ALL THE STEPS BEFOrE STArTING THE CONvErSION. INSTALLEr NOTICE: THESE INSTruCTIONS MuST BE LEFT wITH THE APPLIANCE. rEAD ALL THE STEPS BEFOrE STArTING THE CONvErSION. INSTALLEr NOTICE: THESE INSTruCTIONS MuST BE LEFT wITH THE APPLIANCE. when installing gas components use pipe joint compound or Teflon tape on all pipe fittings before installing (ensure propane resistant compounds are used, do not use pipe joint compounds on flare fittings). INSTALLATION INSTruCTIONS Step 1. TurN OFF THE GAS SuPPLY TO THE APPLIANCE. Step 2.Usingaphillipsscrewdriver,removeanddiscardthetwopressure regulator mounting screws (see Figure 3). Remove the pressure regulator and rubber gasket. Discard all removed components. Install the new regulator. Ensure the rubber gasket on the back of the pressure regulator is properly positioned when installing the new pressure regulator using the new screws supplied with this kit. Locate the label provided in the regulator kit. Write in the required information, then affix it to the valve. Fill out & affix label from regulator kit to valve remove These Screws regulator Gas valve (located in control compartment below firebox) Figure 3 -Replace Regulator on Valve Step 3. Remove the glass door by releasing the two upper spring latches, and lifting up, out of the lower latches (see Page 18 of the InstallationandOperationManual). Carefully remove the logs. Exercise care so as not to break the logs. Set aside in a safe place. Step 4.Remove log rack by first removing the two 5/32” allen head screws. Note: Screws secure log rack and front of burner. After screws are removed you can pull the lock rack straight out making sure it’s held high enough to clear over the pilot assembly. See Figure 4A. Step 5.Remove burner by shifting it to the right until it releases from air shutter. Air shutter may need to be shifted to the left before burner will release. Remove 5/32” air shutter screw before moving air shutter. See Figures 4A and 4B. Log rack and burner screws Burner Air shutter screw Figure 4A Lift Out Burner Burner Figure 4B Step 6. Using a 7/16” open-end wrench, lo...