Anleitung Zusammenfassung
21. Enter REG mode (Quadratic regression) FF2 r 3 A m = 29 P 1.6 S 50 P 23.5 S 74 P 38.0 S103 P 46.4 S 118 P 48.0 S 118. REG (Regression Coefficient A) A q = -35.59856934 (Regression Coefficient B) A w = 1.495939413 (Regression Coefficient C) A e = -6.71629667-03 (.y when xi = 16) 16 A b -13.38291067 (.x 1 when yi = 20) 20 A O 47.14556728 (.x 2 when yi = 20) A O 175.5872105 Data Input Precautions • SS inputs the same data twice. •You can also input multiple entries of the same data using A G. To input the data “20 and 30” five times, for example, press 20 P 30 A G 5 S. • The above results can be obtained in any order, and not necessarily that shown above. •To delete data you have just input, press A U. Complex Number Calculations (CMPLX Mode) •Press F2 to enter the CMPLX Mode for calculations that include complex numbers. •You can use variables A, B, C and M only. Variables D, E, F, X, and Y are used for storage of the imaginary parts of values and so cannot be used by you. 22. • Example: (2 + 3i) + (4 + 5i) Enter CMPLX Mode F 2 R 2 + 3 i T + R 4 + 5 i T = 6. Real number part A r 8. i Imaginary number part k Absolute Value/Argument Calculation • The procedure described below can be used to determine the absolute value (Abs) and argument (arg) for a complex number of the format Z = a + bi, which is presumed to exist as coordinates on a Gaussian plane. • Example: To obtain the absolute value (r) and argument (.) for the complex number 3 + 4i, when DEG is set for the angle unit mode Imaginary number axis Determine the absolute value. AAR3 +4 iT= Real number axis Metric Conversions (fx-991WA) 5. CMPLX Determine the argument. A aR 3 + 4 iT = 53.13010235 •A total of 20 different conversion pairs are built-in to provide quick and easy conversion to and from metric units. 23. •See the Conversion Pair Table shown below for a complete list of available conversion pairs. • Example: To convert 31 inches to centimeters CONV 31 A c CONV 1 01 01 is the inches-to-centimeters conversion pair number. 0. 31i n cm = 31in cm 78.74 •Conversion Pair Table Based on ISO Standard (1992) data and CODATA Bulletin 63 (1986) data. Number Conversion Pair Number Conversion Pair 01 in > cm 21 oz > g 02 cm > in 22 g > oz 03 ft > m 23 lb > kg 04 m > ft 24 kg > lb 05 yd > m 25 atm > Pa 06 m > yd 26 Pa > atm 07 mile > km 27 mmHg > Pa 08 km > mile 28 Pa > mmHg 09 n mile > m 29 hp > kW 10 m > n mile 30 kW > hp 11 acre > m2 31 kgf/cm2> Pa 12 m2 > acre 32 Pa > kgf/cm2 13 gal (US) >r rrrrr 33 kgf•m > J 14 r rrrrr > gal (US) 34 J > kgf•m 15 gal (UK) >r rrrrr 35 lbf/in2 > kPa 16 r rrrrr > gal (UK) 36 kPa > lbf/in2 17 pc > km 37 °F > °C 18 km > pc 38 °C > °F 19 km/h > m/s 39 J > cal 20 m/s > km/h 40 cal > J 24. Scientific Constants (fx-991WA) •A total of 40 commonly-used scientific constants, such as the speed of light in a vacuum and Planck's constant are built-in for quick and easy lookup whenever you need them. •Simply input the number that corresponds to the scientific constant you want to look up and it appears instantly on the display. • See the Scientific Constant Table shown below for a complete list of available constants. • Example: To determine how much total energy a person weighing 65kg has (E = mc2) CONST 65 L CONST28 28 28 is the “speed of light in vacuum” constant number. 65Co 0. K = •Scientific Constant Table Based on ISO Standard (1992) data and CODATA Bulletin 63 (1986) data. Number Constant Name Symbol 01 proton mass mp 02 neutron mass mn 03 electron mass me 04 muon mass m. 05 Bohr radius a0 06 Planck's constant h 07 nuclear magneton .N 08 Bohr magneton .B 09 Planck's constant, rationalized (h-bar) 65Co2 0. 65Co2 5.841908662 18 25. Number Constant Name Symbol 10 fine-structure constant . 11 classical electron radius re 12 electron Compton wavelength . c 13 proton gyromagnetic ratio .p 14 proton Compton wavelength .cp 15 neutron Compton wavelength .cn 16 Rydberg constant R. 17 atomic mass unit u 18 proton magnetic moment .p 19 electron magnetic moment .e 20 neutron magnetic moment .n 21 muon magnetic moment .. 22 Faraday constant F 23 elementary charge e 24 Avogadro constant NA 25 Boltzmann constant k 26 molar volume of ideal gas Vm 27 molar gas constant R 28 speed of light in vacuum C0 29 first radiation constant C1 30 second radiation constant C2 31 Stefan-Boltzmann constant . 32 permittivity of vacuum .0 33 permeability of vacuum .0 34 magnetic flux quantum .0 35 standard acceleration of gravity g 36 astronomical unit AU 37 parsec pc 38 Celsius temperature t 39 Newtonian constant of gravitation G 40 standard atmosphere atm Base-n Calculations •In addition to decimal values, calculations can be performed using binary, octal and hexadecimal values. •You can specify the default number system to be applied to all input and displayed values, and the number system for individual values you input. 26. •You cannot use scientific functions in binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal calculations.You cannot input values that include decimal...
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