Anleitung Zusammenfassung
*1 Wenn im obigen Beispiel ein hoherer Schrittwert als 6 spezifiziert wird, wird Schritt 06 angezeigt. *1 Specificando un valore di fase superiore a 6 nell’esempio riportato sopra si visualizzera la fase 06. *1 Angivning av ett stegvarde over 6 i exemplet ovan uppvisar steg 06. *1 Als een stapwaarde groter dan 6 wordt gespecificeerd in het bovenstaande voorbeeld, wordt stap 06 getoond. *1 Spesifisering av stegtall storre enn 6 i eksempelet ovenfor, vil fore til at steg 06 blir vist. *1 Jos maarataan 6:ta suurempi vaihearvo yllamainitussa esimerkissa, naytoksi tulee 06. *1 Hvis en storre trinv.rdi end 6 specificeres i ovenstaende eksempel, vil trin 06 blive vist. *1 Especifi car um valor de passo maior que 6 no exemplo acima visualizara o passo 06. *1 При задании в вышеприведенном примере значения шага больше, чем 6, на дисплее отображается шаг 06. *1 6-nal nagyobb lepesertek megadasa a fenti peldaban 06 lepest fog megjeleniteni. *1 Pokud specifikujete v prikladu vyse hodnotu kroku vetsi nez 6, zobrazi se krok 06. *1 Wyszczegolnianie wartosci kroku operacyjnego wiekszej niz 6, w powyzszym przykladzie wyswietli krok operacyjny 06. To edit a calculation Pour modifier un calcul Per modificare un calcolo Bewerken van een berekening Laskutoimenpiteen muokkaus Para editar um calculo Egy szamitas szerkesztese Aby edytowac obliczenie Para editar un calculo Editieren einer Rechnung Att redigera en berakning Retting av regnestykker Redigering af en udregning Редактирование вычисления Zmena vypoctu — 53 — (20 + 10 – 5) . 2 . 5 = 10 R (20 – 5 – 5) . 3 . 5 = ) 01 REV + 20. *1 c *320* 4 c 01 01 REV CRT REV + 20. - 20. ) 02 REV - 10. c 02 REV CRT - 10. 5-c 02 REV - 5. ) 03 REV * 5. ) 04 REV , 2. c 04 REV CRT , 2. 3/c 04 REV , 3. ) 05 = REV5. *5 ) 06 REV ANS 6. *2 *6 *1 Press the c key before the step you want to correct. *2 The CRT (CORRECT) indicator is on the display while Calculation Memory editing is enabled. *3 Note that you can only edit values and command key operations (+, -, *, /). You can edit only one step. *4 After you are finished making the changes you want, press the c key again. *5 Scroll to the last step to check the new result. *6 The result is always produced by the calculation. You cannot change it by inputting a value. • While the step you want to edit is displayed, press c and then ( or ). This will cause one of the values in the displayed step to start flashing. You can change the flashing value to another value. Move the flashing between values by pressing ( or ) again. After changing any of the values you want, press c to exit editing. • When you edit the contents of a calculation, the rounding and decimal place settings in effect when you make the changes affects all steps stored in Calculation Memory. — 54 — • If an error occurs while you are inputting a calculation or editing a calculation, all the steps are cleared from Calculation Memory and cannot be reviewed. *1 Presione la tecla c antes del paso que desea corregir. *2 El indicado...
Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:Taschenrechner - DJ-120D (475.35 kb)