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The result is rounded to a 10-digit mantissa before it is displayed. • For mixed arithmetic calculations, multiplication and division are given priority over addition and subtraction. Example Operation 23 + 4.5 - 53 = -25.5 23Ш 4.5R53 W 56 x (-12) + (-2.5) = 268.8 56* —12/ —2.5W (2 + 3) x 102 = 500 (2Ш3)® 1E2W*1 1 + 2 - 3 x 4 + 5 + 6 = 6.6 1ffl2R3*4S5ffl6W 100 - (2 + 3) x 4 = 80 100R(2ffl3m®4W 2 + 3 x (4 + 5) = 29 2ffl3®m4ffl5W*2 (7 - 2) x (8 + 5) = 65 m7R2mm8ffl5mw*3 = 0.3 4 x 5 6 sm4*5mw*4 (1 + 2i) + (2 + 3i) = 3 + 5i msffic s awmfflmdffl dsawmw 5 II - (2 x + (2 mc+s a(i)msmcR s aw mw *1 ( 2 + 3 ) E 2 does not produce the correct result. Be sure to enter this calculation as shown. *2Final closed parentheses (immediately before operation of the W key) may be omitted, no matter how many are required. 3A multiplication sign immediately before an open parenthesis may be omitted. 4This is identical to 6 / 4 / 5 W. 19990401 2-1-2 Basic Calculations ■ Number of Decimal Places, Number of Significant Digits, Normal Display Range [SET UP]-»»ngflCTlI-[Fix] / [Sci] / [Norm] • Even after you specify the number of decimal places or the number of significant digits, internal calculations are still performed using a 15-digit mantissa, and displayed values are stored with a 10-digit mantissa. Use Rnd of the Numeric Calculation Menu (NUM) (page 2-4-1) to round the displayed value off to the number of decimal place and number of significant digit settings. • Number of decimal place (Fix) and number of significant digit (Sci) settings normally remain in effect until you change them or until you change the normal display range (Norm) setting. • • • • • Example 100 + 6 = 16.66666666... Condition Operation Display 100/6W 16.66666667 4 decimal places S3(SET UP)®®®®®®®®®® KFix) e w i w 16.6667 5 significant digits S3(SET UP)®®®®®®®®®® 2 (Sci) f w i W 1 1.6667E+01 Cancels specification U3(SET UP)®®®®®®®®®® 3(Norm)i W 16.66666667 2-1-3 Basic Calculations • • • • • Example 200 + 7 x 14 = 400 Condition Operation Display 200/7*14 W 400 3 decimal places (S 3(SET UP)®®®®®®®®®® 1(Fix)dWiW 400.000 Calculation continues 200/7 W 28.571 using display capacity m Ans x u of 10 digits 14 W 400.000 • If the same calculation is performed using the specified number of digits: 200/7 W 28.571 The value stored H5(NUM)S(Rnd)W 28.571 internally is cut off to m Ans x [] the number of 14 W 399.994 decimal places you specify. ■ Calculation Priority Sequence This calculator employs true algebraic logic to calculate the parts of a formula in the following order: 1 Coordinate transformation Pol (x, y), Rec (r, 8) Differentials, quadratic differentials, integrations, £ calculations d/dx, d2/dx2, fdx, £, Mat, Solve, FMin, FMax, List^Mat, Seq, Min, Max, Median, Mean, Augment, Mat ^ List, P(, Q(, R(, t(, List 2 Type A functions With these functions, the value is entered and then the function key is pressed. x2, x-1, x !, ° ' ”, ENG symbols, angle unit o, r, g 3 Power/root A(xy), x\[~ 4 Fractions ab/c © Abbreviated multiplication format in front of n, memory name, or variable name. 2n, 5A, Xmin, F Start, etc. © Type B functions With these functions, the function key is pressed and then the value is entered. V-, 3V~, log, In, ex, 10x, sin, cos, tan, sin-1, cos-1, tan-1, sinh, cosh, tanh, sinh-1, cosh-1, tanh-1, (-), d, h, b, o, Neg, Not, Det, Trn, Dim, Identity, Sum, Prod, Cuml, Percent, AList, Abs, Int, Frac, Intg, Arg, Conjg, ReP, ImP 19990401 2-1-4 Basic Calculations 7 Abbreviated multiplication format in front of Type B functions 2V3, A log2, etc. ® Permutation, combination nPr, nCr @ x , - 0 +, - @ Relational operators >, <, >, < @ Relational operators =, G © and (bit operation) $ xnor, xor (bit operations) © or (bit operation) © And (logical operation) © Or (logical operation) • • • • • Example 2 + 3 x (log sin2n2 + 6.8) = 22.07101691 (angle unit = Rad) I 3 I I_4_I I_5_I I_6_I # When functions with the same priority are used in series, execution is performed from right to left. exIn'l120 ^ ex{In(V120)} Otherwise, execution is from left to right. # Compound functions are executed from right to left. # Anything contained within parentheses receives highest priority. 19990401 2-1-5 Basic Calculations k Multiplication Operations without a Multiplication Sign You can omit the multiplication sign (x) in any of the following operations. • Before coordinate transformation and Type B functions (1 and ® on page 2-1-3), except for negative signs • • • • • Example 2sin30, 10log1.2, 2V-, 2Pol(5, 12), etc. • Before constants, variable names, memory names • • • • • Example 2n, 2AB, 3Ans, 3Y1, etc. • Before an open parenthesis • • • • • Example 3(5 + 6), (A + 1)(B - 1), etc. k Overflow and Errors Exceeding a specified input or calculation range, or attempting an illegal input causes an error message to appear on the display. Further operation of the calculator is impos...