Anleitung HP, modell scientific calculator
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
¦DD¦, MM, SS.SS< 1 . 10 100 , 0 . MM, SS.SS x < 1 . 10 100 x y x > 0 : –1 . 10100 < y log x < 100 x = 0 : y > 0 x < 0 : y = n, 1/(2n+1) where n is an integer but –1 x 10100 < y 1 log .x. 100 x Y y > 0 : x . 0, –1 x 10100 < x 1 log y < 100 y = 0 : x > 0 y < 0 : x =2n+1, l/n where n is an integer other than 0 but –1 x 10100 < x 1 log . y . 100 a b/c Input:The integer, numerator, denominator and fraction symbols must in total be no more than 10 digits. Result:Displayed as a fraction when the integer, numerator and denominator are each less than 1 . 1010 . nPr, nCr 0.r.n, n.9999999999; n, r are integers. STAT .x . < 1 . 10 50 , .. x . < 1 . 10 100 0 .¦.x 2¦<1 . 10 100; n, r are integer x:n.0, S:n>1,.:n>0 Range = 1 ~ r, 1.n.r, 80.r.20400 >DEC 0 . X .9999999999 (for zero or positive) –9999999999 . X . –1 (for negative) >BIN 0 . X . 0111111111 (for zero or positive) 1000000000 . X . 1111111111 (for negative) >OCT 0 . X . 3777777777 (for zero or positive) 4000000000 . X . 7777777777 (for negative) >HEX 0 . X .2540BE3FF (for zero or positive) FDABF41C01 . X . FFFFFFFFFF (for negative) Overflow and Error Conditions The symbol E appears when any of the following conditions occur. Press [ ON/C ] to remove the overflow or error indicator. • When you attempt to perform a function calculation with a number outside the allowable input range. • When you attempt to divide a number by 0. • When you have pressed the [ ( ] key more than 15 times in a single expression. • When any result (whether intermediate or final) or the accumulated total in memory is outside ±9.999999999 . 10 99 • When there are more than six pending operations. If the calculator becomes locked and pressing keys has no effect, press [ M+ ] and [ ENG ] at the same time. This unlocks the calculator and returns all settings to their default values. Basic Calculations The following examples of basic calculations assume that your calculator is in decimal base and with floating point display. Mixed Arithmetic Calculations 1 + 2 . 3 = ? 1 [ + ] 2 [ . ] 3 [ENTER] DEG 7. –3.5 + 8 .2 = ? 3.5 [ +/– ] [ + ] 8 [ . ] 2 [ENTER] DEG 0.5 Parentheses Calculations Operations inside parentheses are always executed first. You can specify up to 15 levels of parentheses in a single calculation. When you enter the first parenthesis, the ( ) indicator appears on the display and remains until each opening parenthesis has a corresponding closing parenthesis. ( 5–2 . 1.5 ) . 3 + 0.8 . (– 4 ) = ? [ ( ] 5 [ – ] 2 [ . ] 1.5 [ ) ] [ . ] 3 [ + ] 0.8 [ . ] 4 [ +/– ] [ENTER] DEG 2.8 2 . ( 7 + 6 . ( 5 + 4 )) = ? 2 [ . ] [ ( ] 7 [ + ] 6 [ . ] [ ( ] 5 [ + ] 4 [ENTER] DEG 122. Note: It is not necessary to press [ ) ] before [ENTER]. Repeating a Calculation You can repeat the last number entered, or the last operation executed, by pressing [ENTER]. Repeating the last number 3 . 3 = ? 3 [ . ] [ENTER] DEG 9. 3 . 3 . 3 = ? 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 = ? [ENTER] DEG 27. [ENTER] DEG 81. Repeating the last arithmetic operation 321 + 357 = ? 321 [ + ] 357 [ENTER] DEG 678. 654 + 357 = ? 654 [ENTER] DEG 1011. 579 – 159 = ? 579 [ – ] 159 [ENTER] DEG 420. 456 – 159 = ? 456 [ENTER] DEG 297. 18 . 45 = ? 3 [ . ] 6 [ . ] 45 [ENTER] DEG 810. 18 . 23 = ? 18 . (0.5x102) = ? 23 [ENTER] DEG 414. 0.5 [ EXP ] 2 [ENTER] DEG 900. 96 . 8 = ? 75 . 8 = ? (1.2x102) . 8 = ? 96 [ . ] 8 [ENTER] DEG 12. 75 [ENTER] DEG 9.375 1.2 [ EXP ] 2 [ENTER] DEG 15. Percentage Calculations 30% of 120 = ? 70% of 120 = ? 120 [ . ] 30 [ 2ndF ] [ % ] [ENTER] DEG 36. 70 [ 2ndF ] [ % ] [ENTER] DEG 84. 88 is 55% of what number? 88 [ . ] 55 [ 2ndF ] [ % ] [ENTER] DEG 160. 30% mark up of 120 = ? 120 [ + ] 30 [ 2ndF ] [ % ] [ENTER] DEG 156. 30% discount of 120 = ? 120 [ – ] 30 [ 2ndF ] [ % ] [ENTER] DEG 84. Memory Calculations • The M indicator appears when a number is stored in memory. • Recalling from memory does not delete the contents of memory. • The memory is not available when you are in statistics mode. • To copy the displayed number to memory, press [ X>M ]. • To clear the memory, press [ 0 ] [ X>M ], or [ CE ] [ X>M ], in that order. 3 . 5 [ CE ] [ X>M ] DEG 0. 3 [ . ] 5 [ M+ ] M DEG 15. + 56 . 7 56 [ . ] 7 [ M+ ] M DEG 8. + 74 – 8 . 7 Total = ? 74 [ – ] 8 [ . ] 7 [ M+ ] M DEG 18. [ MR ] M DEG 41. 0 [ X>M ] DEG 0. Common Math Calculations The following example calculations assume that your display is fixed at 2 decimal places. Reciprocal, Factorial 1.25 1 = ? 1.25 [ 2ndF ] [ x –1] [ENTER] DEG 0.80 5! = ? 5 [ 2ndF ] [ x! ] [ENTER] DEG 120.00 Square, Square Root, Cube Root, Power, Other Roots 2 2 + 3 4 = ? 2 [ x 2 ] [ + ] 3 [ x y ] 4 [ENTER] DEG 85.00 5 .3 27 + 34 = ? 5 [ . ] 27 [ 2ndF ] [ 3v ] [ + ] 34 [ v ] [ENTER] DEG 20.83 9 72 = ? 72 [ 2ndF ] [ Xv ] 9 [ENTER] DEG 1.61 Logarithms and Antilogarithms ln7 + log100 = ? 7 [ ln ] [ + ] 100 [ log ] [ENTER] DEG 3.95 10 2 = ? 2 [ 2ndF ] [ 10 x ] [ENTER] DEG 100.00 e 5 – e –2 = ? 5 [ 2ndF ] [ e x ] [ – ] 2 [+/–] [ 2ndF ] [ e x ] [ENTER] DEG 148.28 Fraction calculations Fractions are displayed as follows: 5 .12...