Anleitung Carrier, modell DIRECT VENT 4 58HDV
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
The special vent fittings and accessory concentric vent termination kits and accessory external drain trap have been certified to ULC S636 for use with those IPEX PVC vent components which have been certified to this standard. In Canada, the primer and cement must be of the same manufacturer as the vent system - --IPEX System 636, PVC/CPVC Primer, Purple Violet for Flue Gas Venting and IPEX System 636, PVC Cement for Flue Gas Venting, rated Class IIA, 65 deg C. must be used with this venting system - --do not mix primers and cements from one manufacturer with a vent system from a different manufacturer. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions in the use of primer and cement and never use primer or cement beyond its expiration date. The safe operation, as defined by ULC S636, of the vent system is based on following these installation instructions, the vent system manufacturer’s installation instructions, and proper use of primer and cement. All fire stop and roof flashing used with this system must be UL listed material. Acceptability under Canadian standard CSA B149 is dependent upon full compliance with all installation instructions. Under this standard, it is recommended that the vent system be checked once a year by qualified service personnel. The authority having jurisdiction (gas inspection authority, municipal building department, fire department, etc) should be consulted before installation to determine the need to obtain a permit. CERTIFIED ama Consignes speciales pour l’installation de ventillation au Canada L’installation faite au Canada doit se conformer aux exigences du code CSA B149. Ce systeme de ventillation doit se composer de tuyaux, raccords, ciments et apprets conformes au ULC S636. La tuyauterie de ventillation des gaz, ses accessoires, le terminal concentrique mural ainsi que l’ensemble du drain de condensat exterieur ont ete certifies ULCS 636 pour l’application des composantes IPEX PVC qui sont certifiees a ce standard. Au Canada l’appret et le ciment doivent etre du meme manufacturier que le systeme de ventillation - --IPEX Systeme 636, Appret PVC/CPVC. Mauve Violette pour conduit en evacuation des gaz et IPEX Systeme 636, ciment pour PVC pour conduit en evacuation des gaz, evalue CLASSE IIA, 65 deg. C. doit etre utilise avec ce systeeme d’evacuation - --ne pas melanger l’appret et le ciment d’un manufacturier avec le systeme de ventillation d’un autre manufacturier. Bien suivre les indications du manufacturier lors de l’utilisation de l’appret et du ciment et ne pas utiliser ceux- --ci si la date d’expiration est atteinte. L’operation securitaire, tel que definit par ULC S636, du systeme de ventilation est base sur les instructions d’installation suivantes, ainsi que l’usage approprie de l’appret et ciment. Tout arret feu et solin de toit utilises avec ce systeme doivent etre des materiaux listes UL. L’acceptation du standard Canadien CSA B419 est directement relie a l’installation conforme aux instructions ci- --haut mentionnees. Le standard Canadien recommande l’ inspection par un personel qualifie et ce, une fois par annee. Les autoritees ayant juridiction (inspecteurs de gas, inspecteurs en batiments, departement des incendies, etc) devraient etre consultees avant l’installation afin de determiner si un permis est requis. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE IMPORTANT INFORMATION ......................... 2 SAFE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ............... 3 COMBUSTION & VENTILATION AIR .................. 8 CONCENTRICTERMINATION ....................... 31 GASSUPPLY&PIPING ............................. 33 ELECTRICALWIRING ............................. 37 DUCTWORK&FILTER ............................. 39 CHECKS&ADJUSTMENTS ......................... 42 FURNACEMAINTENANCE ......................... 44 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION & DIAGNOSTICS ......... 46 1 Required Notice for Massachusetts Installations 58HDV IMPORTANT The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires compliance with regulation 248 CMR as follows: 5.08: Modifications to NFPA- --54, Chapter 10 2) Revise 10.8.3 by adding the following additional requirements: a. For all side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment installed in every dwelling, building or structure used in whole or in part for residential purposes, including those owned or operated by the Commonwealth and where the side wall exhaust vent termination is less than seven (7) feet above finished grade in the area of the venting, including but not limited to decks and porches, the following requirements shall be satisfied: 1. INSTALLATION OF CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS. At the time of installation of the side wall horizontal vented gas fueled equipment, the installing plumber or gasfitter shall observe that a hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an alarm and battery back- --up is installed on the floor level where the gas equipment is to be installed. In addition, the installing plumber or gasfitter shall observe that a battery operated or hard wired carbon monoxide detector wit...