Anleitung Carrier, modell ASPB07-1SI
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
A_ intended for outdoor installation only. A_ Not intended for life support applications. c_0s LISTED ELECTRICALINTERCONNECTIONDRAWING ® Turn to the Expertg \ \ \ N1 N2 23 194 / I GENERATOR GROUND \ / (LOCATED ON THE REAR OF UNIT) \ \ / GENERATOR OUTPUT CIRCUmT BREAKER 2 POLE \ / / / \EARTH \ SPIKE "_ \ \ \ \ TO HOUSE BRANCH CiRCUiTS SPLICED USING WiRE NUTS EMERGENCY CiRCUiTS IllU 40A OR 70A 2-POLE CIRCUIT BREAKER i BAR SERVICE CONNECTION BOX EXTERNAL CUSTOMER (8,10,12 UL LISTED PANEL BOARD OR 16 CIRCUIT TRANSFER SWITCH) 4 PmN CONNECTOR L TO CONNECTION OF GENERATOR EXTERNAL CONNECTION PANEL 1 = N 0 I Thank you for purchasing this model of the CARRIERproduct line. This modelisacompact,high performance,air-cooled,engine-drivengenerator designed to automatically supply electrical power to operate critical loads during a utility powerfailure. Thisunit isfactoryinstalledin anall-weather,acousticalmetalenclosure that is intendedexclusivelyfor outdoorinstallation.This generatorwill operateusingeitherliquidpropanegas(LPG)or naturalgas(NG). READTHISMANUALTHOROUGHLY If youdo not understandanyportionof this manual,contactCARRIERat 1-877-600-2792. Throughoutthis publication,and on tags and decals affixed to the generator,DANGER,CAUTIONblocksareusedto alert WARNING,andNOTEyou to special instructionabout a particularoperationthat may be hazardousif performedincorrectly or carelessly.Observethem carefully. Theirdefinitionsareasfollows: Afterthisheading,youcanreadinstructions that,if notstrictly compliedwith,will resultin seriouspersonalinjury,severe propertydamageand/orwithoutlimitation,death. Afterthisheading,youcanreadinstructions that,if notstrictly compliedwith, mayresultin seriouspersonalinjuryand/or severepropertydamage. Afterthisheading,youcanreadinstructions that,if notstrictly compliedwith,couldresultin damageto equipmentand/or property. NOTE:Afterthisheading, statements youcanreadexplanatorythatrequire specialemphasis. Thesesafetywarningscannoteliminatethe hazardsthat they indicate. Commonsenseand strict compliancewith the specialinstructionswhile performingtheserviceareessentialto preventingaccidents. Fourcommonlyusedsafetysymbolsaccompanythe DANGER,and WARNINGCAUTIONfollows: blocks.Thetypeof informationeachindicates Thissymbolpointsoutimportantsafetyinformationthat, if not followed,couldendangerpersonalsafetyand/orpropertyof you andothers. ,_ Thissymbolpointsoutpotentialexplosionhazard. Thissymbolpointsoutpotentialfirehazard. ,/_ Thissymbolpointsoutpotentialelectricalshockhazard. /_ SAVEINSTRUCTIONSsuggeststhatthese THESE-Themanufacturerrules for safe operationbe copiedand postednear the unit's installationsite. Safetyshouldbe stressedto all operatorsand potentialoperatorsofthisequipment. Theengineexhaustfromthis productcontainschemicalsknown to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductiveharm. The product contains or emits chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Study these SAFETY RULEScarefully before installing, operating or servicing this equipment. Becomefamiliar with this Installation Guide and the Instaflation & Owner'sManualincluded withtheunit. Thegeneratorcan operate safely, efficiently and reliably only if it is properly installed, operated and maintained. Many accidents are caused by failing to follow simple and fundamental rules or precautions. CARRIERcannot possiblyanticipate everypossiblecircumstance that might involveahazard.Thewarningsinthis manual,andontags anddecalsaffixed totheunit are,therefore,notall-inclusive.Ifyouuseaprocedure,workmethod or operating technique not specifically recommended,you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and others. You also must make sure the procedure,workmethodoroperatingtechniquethat youchoosedoesnot renderthe generatorunsafe. Despitethe safe designof this generator,operatingthis equipmentimprudently,neglectingits maintenanceor being carelesscancausepossibleinjuryor death.Permitonly responsibleandcapablepersonsto operateormaintainthisequipment. z_ Potentially lethal voltagesare generatedby these machines. Ensureall stepsare taken to renderthe machinesafe before attemptingto workonthegenerator. /_ Parts of the generatorare rotating and/or hotduringoperation. Exercisecarenearrunninggenerators. Z_ GENERALZ_ HAZARD Forsafetyreasons,CARRIERrecommendsthat the installation,initial start upandmaintenanceofthis equipmentiscarriedoutbya Dealer. Theengineexhaustfumescontaincarbonmonoxide,whichcan be DEADLY. This dangerousgas, if breathedin sufficientconcentrations, cancauseunconsciousness orevendeath.Thisexhaustsystemis factory installed,in strictcompliancewithapplicablecodesandstandards.You must do nothing that might render the system unsafe or in noncompliancewith suchcodesandstandards. • Keephands,feet,clothing,etc.,awayfromdrivebelts,fans,andother movingor hotparts.Neverremoveanydrivebeltorfanguardwhilethe unit is operating. Adequate,unobstructedflowof coolingandv...