Anleitung Zusammenfassung
rue Colbert), Casablanca, 20 000, “ 2 26 86 31 Martinique Decius Absalon, 23 Rue du Vieux-Chemin, 97201 Fort-de-France, “ 73 43 15 Mauritius J. Kalachand & Co. Ltd., Bld DBM Industrial Estate, Stage 11, Plaine Lauzun, “ 2 12 84 13 Mexico Gillette Manufactura, S.A. de C.V./ Gillette Distribuidora, S.A. de C.V. Atomo No. 3 Parque Industrial Naucalpan Naucalpan de Juarez Estado de Mexico, C.P. 53370 “01-800-508-58-00 Nederland Gillette Groep Nederland BV, Visseringlaan 20-22, 2288 ER Rijswijk, “ 070-4 13 16 58 Netherlands Antilles Boolchand’s Ltd, Heerenstraat 4 B, P.O. Box 36, Curacao, 00802, Netherlands Antilles “ 9 61 22 62 New Zealand Key Service Ltd., c/o Gillette NZ, 69 Druces Rd., Manakau City, Auckland, “ 9-262 58 35 Nippon Braun Gillette Japan Inc., Siber Hegner Bldg., 7th Floor, 89-1 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, P.O. Box 247, Yokohama 231-0023, “ 045-6817591 Norge Gillette Group Norge AS, Nils Hansensvei 4, P.O. Box 79 Bryn, 0667 Oslo, “ 022-72 88 10 Oman (Sultanate of) Naranjee Hirjee & Co. LLC., 10 Ruwi High, P.O. Box 9, Muscat 113, “ 703 660 Pakistan Gillette Pakistan Ltd., Dr. Ziauddin Ahmend Road, Karachi 74200, “ 21 56 88 930 Paraguay Paraguay Trading S.A., Avda. Artigas y Cacique Cara Cara, Asuncion, “ 21203350/48/46 Philippines Gillette Philippines Inc., Braun Service Centre Villongco Road, Sucat, Paranaque City, “ 2 8 42 31 54 Poland Gillette Poland S.A., Budynek Orion, ul. Domaniewska 41, 02-672 Warszawa, “ 22 548 89 74 Portugal Gillette Portuguesa, Ltd., Braun Service, Rua Tomas da Fonseca, Torre G-9.B, 1600-209 Lisboa, “ 808 2 000 33 Qatar Al Baker Trading Co., P.O. Box 9, Doha, “ 04 15 0 57 Reunion Dindar Confort, 58, rue Marechal Leclerc, P.O. Box 12, 97400 St. Denis, “ 40 12 02 Romania Gillette Romania srl. Calea Floreasca nr. 133-137 et 1, sect 1, 71401 Bucuresti “ 01-2319656 Russia RTC Sovinservice, Rusakovskaya 7, 107140 Moscow, “ (095) 264 96 02 Saudi Arabia Salem M. Bakhashwain Sons, P.O. Box 743, Tabuk Street, 21421 Jeddah, “ 657 31 11 Schweiz/Suisse/ Svizzera Telion AG, Rutistrasse 26, 8952 Schlieren, “ 0844-88 40 10 Singapore (Republic of) Beste (S) Pte. Ltd., 6 Tagore Drive, # 03-04 Tagore Industrial Building, Singapore 787623, “ 4 552 24 22 Slovakia Techno Servis Bratislava spol. s.r.o., Bajzova 11/A, 82108 Bratislava, “ (02) 555 68 161 Slovenia Coming d.d., Slovenceva 024, 1000 Ljubljana, “ 386-01-560-40-00 South Africa (Republic of) Fixnet After Sales Service, 17B Allandale Park, P.O. Box 5716, Cnr Le Roux and Morkels Close, Johannesburg 1685, Midrand, Gauteng, “ 11 315 9260/1 St. Maarten Ashoka, P.O. Box 79, Philipsburg, Netherlands Antilles, “ 52 29 31 St.Thomas Boolchand’s Ltd., 31 Main Street, P.O. Box 5667, 00803 St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, “ 340 776 0302 Suomi Gillette Group Finland Oy/Braun, P.O. Box 9, Niittykatu 8, PL 9, 02200 Espoo, “ 09-45 28 71 Sverige Gillette Group Sverige AB, Dept. Sweden, Stockholm Gillette Rasundavagen 12, Box 702, 16927 Solna, “ 020-21 33 21 Syria c/o Khalil Daoud Amro Ibn Kalthoum Str. Unisyria, P.O. Box 35002, Damascus, “ 11 622 28 81 Taiwan Audio & Electr. Supplies Ltd., Brothers Bldg., 10th Floor, 85 Chung Shan N Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei (104), “ 0 80 221 630 Thailand Gillette Thailand Limited, 109 Moo 4, Chalongkrung Rd., Lamplatew Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, “ 645-0800 22 16 30 Tunesie Generale d’Equipement Industr., 34 rue du Golfe Arabe, Tunis, 2000, “ 00216 171 68 80 Turkey Gillette Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., Polaris Is Merkezi, Ahi Evran Cad., No:1, 80670 Maslak, Istanbul, “ 0212-473 75 85 United Arab Emirates The New Store, P.O. Box 3029, Al Suog Street No-10, Dubai, “ 43 53 45 06 Uruguay Driva S.A., Marcelilno Sosa 2064, 11800 Montevideo, “ 2 924 95 76 USA The Gillette...
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