Anleitung Braun, modell 5410
Hersteller: Braun Dateigröße: 2.01 mb Dateiname: Braun-5410-Pdf-Rus.Pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
(Ciтoчкa для гoлiння тa piжyчий блoк: дeтaль № 5G5) 3.2 Зaмiнa piжyчиx чэстин ôo6 зaбeзпeчити oптимaльнy якicть гoлiння, мiняйтe ciтoчкy для гoлiння тa piжyчий блoк кoжнi пiвтopa poки a6o тoдi, кoли вoни знoшyютьcя. Miняйтe oбидвi дeтaлi paзoм. ñe зaбeзпeчить чиcтiшe гoлiння пpи мeншoмy пoдpaзнeннi шкipи. Koмпaнiя зaлишae зa co6oio пpaвo внocити змши в кoнcтpyкцiю пpиcтpoю бeз cпeцiaльнoгo oгoлoшeння. Eлeктpoтexнiчнi пapaмeтpи вкaзaнi нa кopпyci. 25 3aranbHi yMOBM 36epiraHHfl Bmpo6m ^¡pmm Braun peKOMeHflOBaHO 36epiraTM y WMTfiOBOMy npMMi^eHHi 3a yMOB KiMHaTHOI TeMnepaTypM Ta HopManbHoi BonorocTi. Bmpo6hmk 3anMmae 3a co6oo npaBO Ha BHeceHHfl 3MiH 6e3 nonepeflHboro noBiflOMneHHfl. flaHMM BMpi6 BiflnoBiflae BciM Heo6xiflHMM CBponeMCbKMM i yKpaiHCbKMM cTaHflapTaM 6e3neKM Ta ririeHM, y TOMy 4Mcni - BMMoraM flCTY 3135.2-2000 (rOCT 30345.2-2000, IEC 335-2-8-92), rOCT 23511-79 p.1. Ta caHiTapHMM HopMaM CaHniH 001-96, flCH 239-96 BMpi6 He MicTMTb WKiflfiMBMX flnfl 3flOpOB’fl peHOBMH flaTa BMpo6HMUTBa npoflyKuii Braun BKa3aHa 6e3nocepeflHbo Ha BMpo6i (b Micui MapKyBaHHfl) i cKnaflaeTbcfl 3 Tpbox UM$p: nepwa UM^pa e ocTaHHboo um^poo poKy BMpo6HMUTBa, iHwi flBi Um^pm e nopflflKOBMM HOMepoM tmwha y poui KpaiHa BMpo6HMUTBa: BRAUN GmbH, Waldstrasse D-74731 Walldurn, Germany «BpayH rM6r» BanbflmTpacce, fl-74731, BannbflypH, HiMe44MHa | ytpTECT - ooil 26 pL^jl jl l-aJj jjlc- ilJydi ^UJI ila«* ¿Lyj^Slll /''^^.^jlII djLsL^l^iJ oUJJ jl jL^J-L c-jLx- L# li[j jL-i> ^Ja3 CxLoJtl^ul lij jl 4 LlLj .¿>La-aJ t ojLi ^■-jc.^j lb| Vj Jjjii_LI jiLj ¿jLe^AJl V 4jUcaJ ^Xj ¿ji-e-utiJI 4jLLaJ ^Jx- c^-iJ ^jLj 4_aJL^ ¿Ui ^jL_JI JlStj ^J^e-uiJI ^Lfcj ¿jI-lLJI ^ ¿jl a*/311 ^jA s^Lfi-fciuVI ^ j' OjL>l ^J'-*‘ clt^ C^4 (JLw^l (¿)i-e-^-ll (jl A >“**1 cJL>- blSj (J,\ L$j^L«| Jju ¿)l«./afl 4jtlaj £_* ^1*1^ 4juIj ^OJ (jjjl -WZaJJ ^_;L»iZJI •6jU lj}Lt-fcX-1 0ia1 jL^j*~l Iaa ^¿dU a > OJ^L- ¿Ubj — l^JuJl jLj oJilJ oJA 1 ^ ^j-fl-j ^ 4^1 «/aJ ^jdl L_jliax.VI LjL^ (_^|_jl L^-L» ^pl «/o II S^UI (3 ^-‘■‘' cii *^-*-> IjLfl^- jl ^L^sJ ¿>1 ^jLji-l LjJj ♦ gj «/a II . 4JLa Vjb IJuJj-« 11 LyJ 11*3 fcV I • oL<^J V 4^is»L>- jl*3 JL«jl^u/I) ^Ia^l^VI . d^ _gl jl-4^-1 Country of origin: Germany J CuLLp Year of manufacture To determine the year of manufacture, refer to the 3-digit production code located below the cutter block. The first digit of the production code refers to the last digit of the year of manufacture. The next two digits refer to the calendar week in the year of the manufacture. Example: “615” - The product was manufactured in week 15 of 2006. IjJJ j*j (_JI ,r> ^ ^-9^*1 ¿jfuill ^^wVI I oLJLJI o^—11 ^»Lc ^^Jl (_jl ^bsVI y»j ¿¿A cJjVI . ^uaII ^U- ^3 •V*♦!^ 27 ¿JL^U. Ul Jx JóiU ui** Г ju ja¿L ги Äjljj ^yJ «*nIj 4J^S\JJ í AÍ^Li-l Jl*j • . ^jL**ka ^La*w ^Jx 4J¿ 4j jjjjl ç i 4д}Ы-1 lg*- 4il3jJI ^La-^- Jx Jai-uäJI ^Jx 4x1^o . L-A-b-J V U*!^ 4ÍT}ti-l о¿Л» f * 4jo^I Jf ^ . oLí^áJI ^Iw^tcXatuLj OjJîJX ^Дд,1а1г1 ôjbi olyvAj9 L_j^aj . 4il5ji\j 4Í}U~t (2)1 i L-íLÁjÍ-I -XjJJX £jJI £jA * 4.,la дj (j| ¿ jjäaJLj 4j}li~l 4^rL^' ^e; 4з13^ ^ ^X- ¿lLsLjLI CjLl^'Lo ¡£ ^hLsüLuJLI OjJ>ÍI .ъш Ï35LU gbi JIjlJLJ Г.Г ¡y» ( 4J>UU aJV 2JLsj *Ы ^¿ai! Jx ^jJ 4x1 Ja ft N3 4^jjb«JJ 4«,1a a 11 L>- ^Jx ^J^gptí . s^vJí-лЛ ^¿4 í •(^J IJúl 27 :М çb-î & f¿~ tfl Iflt ï ^ f %: I ri If 1-^ ifoh? Ю СО ¿Xxj^ls»- aJU jtJL&Z-) (¿j I ^J-»Lj » ^**Jl ^L«jwu- 4j^li-l 4JI ¿LL jlLoj i ^x- LUIa»- • ^3 ^¿- olTlbJ J£**j <—a!s . d^jSX« 4jl3^Jl oL?- i-LLax (T) U^LLI <5l5j (2) 4jJi>lsJI ^v~3 (3) jj>UI ^J»-iJI (4) lJIajVI/jJ-Jt-ioJI ^"bLfl-o (5) 4J^Li-l aJI ^jjjJULa (6) («head lock») ¿l^d.1 ^AJl Ji5 ^Ui- ® («trimmer») II ^ju*uJI 29 English Guarantee We grant 2 years guarantee on the product commencing on the date of purchase. Within the guarantee period we will eliminate, free of charge, any defects in the appliance resulting from faults in materials or workmanship, either by repairing or replacing the complete appliance as we may choose. This guarantee extends to every country where this appliance is supplied by Braun or its appointed distributor. This guarantee does not cover: damage due to improper use, normal wear and tear (e.g. shaver foil or cutter block) as well as defects that have a negligible effect on the value or operation of the appliance. The guarantee becomes void if repairs are undertaken by unauthorised persons and if original Braun parts are not used. To obtain service within the guarantee period, hand in or send the complete appliance with your sales receipt to an authorised Braun Customer Service Centre. For UK only: This guarantee in no way affects your rights under statutory law. Fr...