Anleitung Ariston, modell fm81r ix aus
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Close-upView A. Control Panel E'. Knob for selecting the cooking features. Knob for adJusting the cooking temperature. D.Elec{ronicProgramer(onlyon a fe\,v models)-This feature allows youto set the lengthand end cooking timgfrrr any ofthe cookingfeatures.ltalsohas a timer Eature. Dl.TimerKnob(onlyon a few models). E. OvenLlght(onlyoncertain models) -When the light is on, it indicates that the oven is heating. lt will turn off when the temperature setting hasbeen reached. F. Dripplng-pan Oven Racka H. Guldesfor sliding the racks or dripping-pan in and out. /\ ll\ I {tlt ilI 'Ly'V V How To Use YourAppliance Jhe 7 Cuochi oven combines the advantages oftraditional convection ovens withthose of the more modern brced airventilationmodels. It is an extremely versalile appliance that allows youto easily and safelychoose between 7 different cooking modes.The various features are selected by means of theselectorknob(B)and the thermostat knob(C)on the controlpanel. Attentlon:The first time you use the oven we recommend that you set the lhermostat on the hightest setting and leave the oven on br about a half of an hour with nothing init. Then, open lhe ovendoor and let theroomair.The odourthatisoftendetectedduringthisinitialuse is due to the evaporationof substancesused to protectthe oven duringstorage and until it is installed. Convaction Mode lJ Setthetermostatknob(C)between60"Cand Max. Theouterheating elements at bolh thetop and the bottom of the oven will come on. Theheat is distributed unibrmlyhom the top to the bottom. Theconveclionmode is recommended br preparingmeaf baseddishesfeaturingbeef or veal which requlre slow cookingwiththe addition still remainsthebest cooking mode br dry pastriesandfruitingeneral.When cookingin convection mode,onlyuse one dripping-pan or cooking rackat a time, otherwise the the heat distribution wilh be uneven. Selectfromamong the variousrack heightsbasedonthe whether thedishneedsmoreorless heat from the topor bottom. Pastry Mode lEl Setthe termostat knob(C)between60'C and Max. The tan will start and all of theheating elements will turn on. This providesa delicate heating processwith a orevalenceof heat from the bottom. This mode is ideal for bakingandcookingdelicatefoodsespeciallypastriesthat need to rise because the heat coming from the bottomhelps tbe leavening process. PizzaMode 19 Set the termostat knob(C)between60"CandMax. The bottom and circularheatingelemenls,aswellas the fan, will com6 on. This combination rapidlyheatstheoven due to lhe largeamount of powerused by the appliance (2800-2900W), which rosulls in the productionof considerableheat coming prevalentlyfrom the bottom. The pizza mode is ideal for foods which need high lemperatures to cook, like piz2aand large roasts. Use only one dripping-panor rack at a time. However, if more than one is used, they must be switched half way through the cooking process. Ventilated Mode E Set the thermostat knob(C)between 60'C and Max. Eoth the heatingelementsandlhe fan willcome on. Since the heat remains constant and unifrcrm throughoutthe oven, the air cooks and browns bod uniformly over its entire surface. With this mode, you can also cook various dishes at the same time, as long as their respeclive cookingtemperaturesare the same. A maximum of 2 rack levels can be used al the same time, following the instructionsin the section entitled, "Cooking OnMore Than One Rack". This cooking mode is ideal for au gratindishes or those which require an e)dended cookingtime. Moreover,the excellent heatdistritution makes it possible to use lower temporatures when cookingroasts. This results in less loss of iuices,meat which is more lender and a decrease in th6lossof weight frcr the roast. The ventilated mode is especially suitedforcookingfish, which can be preparedwilhthe addition of a limitedamount of condiments, thus maintaining their flavor and appearance. Th6 ventilated mode can also be used to thaw whiteor red meat, fish and bread by setting the temperature to 80"-100'C.Tothawmoredelicatefoods, set the termostat to 60'C or use only the cold air circulation feature by setting the thermostat to 0"C. crillE Setthe thermostat to'C': Max. The central heating element of the grillwill come on. The incandescent heating element cooksfrcod by means of thermalradiationdirecteddownward.The extremely high and direct temperature of the grill makes it possibleto brown the surface of meats and roasts while lockino in thejuicesto keep them tender. Double Grlll E Set the thermostat to "C":Max. Both of the grillelementsare activaled. This oversized grill has a completely new design,increasing cooking efficiencyby 50%. The double grillalso eliminates pockets of unheated air in the corners of theoven. VentilatedDoubleGrlll E Set the thermostatto"C":between 60"C and 200'C. Both of the heatingelementsof the grillare activated, as well as the fan. This combination of batures increases the effuctiveness of the unidirectional thermalradiationof the heatin...