Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Note: If more than five seconds elapse between touching a Timer Pad and a number pad, the Timer Pad must be touched again. Example: To set Timer One for 5 minutes, touch the Timer One Pad and the number 5 pad. After five seconds, the display will show: :g5 TIME_ [] Example: TosetTimerTwofor1hourand30minutes,touchtheTimer TwoPad and the numbers "1,3, 0" pads, After five seconds, the Display will show: Countdown willstart after fiveseconds. Countdownwill have display precedence over other time functions. If both timers are set, the timer with the least amount of time remaining will have display precedence. Atthe endoftimeset,the Timerwillchimefourtimes and "End"will appearin the Display. Iftimeris notcancelled(seebelow),"End"willremaininthe Displayand there will be two chimes every thirty seconds for five minutes. To cancel Timer 1. Touch and hold the Timer Pad for four seconds. OR 2. A. Touch the Timer Pad. B. Touch "0" number pad. Five seconds later the Timer will be cancelled. NOTE: TouchingCancelOffPadtocancelchimeswillcancelALLselectedoven1 programming. / 11 mit steps 5you want baki gto sta_ immediatl ,lyl...................... To set oven to start immediately and shut off automatically 1. Touch Bake Pad or Convect Bake Pad or Convect Roast Pad. Indicator Words BAKE orCONV BAKEor CONV ROAST will flash andthree dashes will be shown. 2. Touch the appropriate number pads for desired oven temperature. After four seconds the oven will begin to preheat. The Indicator Words ON, PREHEAT, and SAKE orCONV BAKE orCONV ROAST will appear in the Display. The temperature shown will be 100° or the temperature of the oven, whicheveris higher. Example: Ifat 10o'clock you set the oven for 3500 for convection baking, the Display will show: B,o:oo During the preheat, the Displaywill showa risein5° increments until programmed temperature is reached, When the oven is preheated, the oven will baep, the ON and PREHEATIndicator Words will gooff, and programmed oven temperature will be displayed. Important: Whenever ON appears in the Display, the oven is heating. 3. Touch Cook Time Pad. indicator Words COOK TIME will flash and Display will show "0 HR:00". 4. Touch the appropriate number pads to enter cooking hours infive minute increments. Hoursare to left of colon and minutes torightof colon.(Allowable range is 5 minutes to 11 hours and 55 minutes.) Examp|e: Ifcooking time selected for the oven is 2 hours and30 minutes, the Display will show: I _,..° After fifteen seconds, the time of day returns to the Display. Important: Oven will preheat for approximately7to 11 minutes. Atendof programmed Cook Time, oven will shut offautomatically; retained heat will continue tocookfood. Clock controlled cooking is notrecommended for bakeditems that require a preheated oven, such as cakes, cookies, pies, breads. For these foods, place food in preheated oven, then use Timer to signal end of baking time. At the end of programmed Cook Time, the oven will shut off automatically and a "chime" will be heardfour times and "End" will appearin the Display. If oven is not cancelled, "End" will remain in the Display and there will be a chime every minute for one hour. 12 To set oven to start at future time and shut off automatically 1-4. FollowprecedingSteps1-4,on page12. 5. TouchStop Time Pad. IndicatorWords STOP and TIME will flash, Display will show the calculated stoptimebasedoncurrenttimeofdayandcooktime. NoteWW30430Owners: The appropriateletter (U -upper oven; L -lower oven) and OVEN will also flash. 6. Touch the appropriate number pads to enter desired stop time. Astoptimecan onlybeacceptedfor laterinthe day.Note; Sincefoodcontinues to cookifleftinthe even,itis suggestedthattheclockcontrolsbeused primarily tostarttheovenwhennooneisinthekitchen. Provisionsshouldbemadetohave the food removedas soon as the chime has sounded. Example: Ifat10o'clockyousetthe ovenfor350°convectionbakingand2hours and 30 minutes cooking time, the calculated stop time would be "12:30". The Display would show: 8TOp F_k_AT_ I,<:3o IfyouwantthestoptimetobeIo'clock, Five touchthenumberpads"I,0,0". seconds later, the Display will briefly show the start time: lg:a.q o° After five seconds, the display will return to current time of day, thus showing: I0:00 ° oe_. lIMEO Attheendofthe delayedperiod,theDELAYIndicatorWordwill gooffandthe oven will begin to heat. 100° will be shown. As the oven heats, the Display will show a rise in incrementsof 5°until programmedtemperatureis reached. At the end of programmedCook Time, the oven will shut off automaticallyand a "chime"will beheardfour times and"End"will appearinthe Display. If oven is notcancelled,"End"will remaininthe Displayandtherewill beonechimeevery minute for ten minutes. IMPORTANT • NoteWW30430Owners: Clockcontrolledbakingcanbe usedwithonlyoneoven at a time. To program,first setthe bakeor eonvectbakeor convectroastfunction forthe desiredoven,thensetthecooktime. If one oven is set for clock controlled baking,theotherovencannotbe...
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