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Anleitung Viking, modell F20518A

Hersteller: Viking
Dateigröße: 1.82 mb
Dateiname: m2660291_F20518.pdf


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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

Single) ___________________________________________________22 Final Installation (36”W. Double) __________________________________________________23 Optional Center Trim Installation (36”W. Double) ___________________________________25 Door Replacement & Adjustment (36”W.) __________________________________________25 Final Preparation ___________________________________________________________________26 Performance Checklist ______________________________________________________________27 Service & Registration_______________________________________________________________28 IMPORTANT –Please Read and Follow Your safety and the safety of others is very important. We have provided many important safety messages in this manual and on your appliance. Always read and obey all safety messages. This is the safety alert symbol. This symbol alerts you to hazards that can kill or hurt you and others. All safety messages will be preceded by the safety alert symbol and the word “DANGER,” “WARNING” or “CAUTION.” These words mean: DANGER Hazards or unsafe practices which WILL result in severe personal injury or death Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in severe personal injury or death CAUTION Hazards or unsafe practices whichCOULD result in minor personal injury orproperty damage All safety messages will identify the hazard, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tell you what can happen if the instructions are not followed. 3 • Before beginning, please read these instructions completely and carefully. • DO NOT remove permanently affixed labels, warnings, or plates from product. This may void the warranty. • All local and national codes and ordinances must be observed. Installation must conform with local codes or in the absence of codes, the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1 NFPA54-latest edition. • The installer must leave these instructions with the consumer who should retain for local inspector’s use and for future reference. In Canada: Installation must be in accordance with the current CAN/CGA B149.1 & 2 Gas Installation codes and/or local codes. Electrical installation must be in accordance with the current CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Codes Part 1 and/or local codes. In Massachusetts: All gas products must be installed by a “Massachusetts” licensed plumber or gasfitter. A “T” type handle manual valve must be installed in the gas supply line to the appliance. IMPORTANT–Please Read and Follow A GFI shall be used if required by NFPA-70 (National Electric Code), federal/state/local laws, or local ordinances. • The required use of a GFI is normally related to the location of a receptacle with respect to any significant sources of water or moisture. • Viking Range Corporation will NOT warranty any problems resulting from GFI outlets which are not installed properly or do not meet the requirements below. If the use of a GFI is required, it should be: • Of the receptacle type (breaker type or portable type NOT recommended) • Used with permanent wiring only (temporary or portable wiring NOT recommended) • On a dedicated circuit (no other receptacles, switches or loads in the circuit) • Connected to a standard breaker of appropriate size (GFI breaker of the same size NOT recommended) • Rated for Class A (5 mA +/-1 mA trip current) as per UL 943 standard • In good condition and free from any loose-fitting gaskets (if applicable in outdoor situations) • Protected from moisture (water, steam, high humidity) as much as reasonably possible WARNINGTopreventpossibledamagetocabinetsandcabinetfinishes,useonlymaterialsandfinishesthatwillnotdiscolorordelaminateandwillwithstandtemperaturesupto194°F(90°C).Heatresistantadhesivemustbeusediftheproductistobeinstalledinlaminatedcabinetry.Checkwithyourbuilderorcabinetsuppliertomakesurethatthematerialsmeettheserequirements. DANGER Electrical shock hazard. To avoid risk of electrical shock, personal injury or death; verify your appliance has been properly grounded in accordance with local codes or in absence of codes, with the National Electrical Code (NEC). ANSI/NFPA 70-latest edition. DANGERFire/explosionhazard. IFTHEINFORMATIONINTHISMANUALISNOTFOLLOWEDEXACTLY,AFIREOREXPLOSIONMAYRESULTCAUSINGPROPERTYDAMAGE, PERSONALINJURY,ORDEATH. •DONOTstoreorusegasolineorotherflammablevaporsandliquidsinthevicinityofthisoranyotherappliance. •WHATTODOIFYOUSMELLGAS: –DONOTtrytolightanyappliance. –DONOTtouchanyelectricalswitch. –DONOTuseanyphoneinyourbuilding. –Immediatelycallyourgassupplierfromaneighbor’sphone. –Followthegassupplier’sinstructions. –Ifyoucannotreachyourgassupplier, callthefiredepartment. •Installationandservicemustbeperformedbyaqualifiedinstaller,serviceagency,orthegassupplier. DANGERChemicalhazard. Toavoidriskofpropertydamageand/orpersonalinjuryordeath;thisapplianceisnottobeusedasaheatingsource. •Benzeneisachemicalwhichispartofthegassupplytothiscookingproduct, whichisconsumedintheflamesduringcombustion.Exposuretoasmallamountofbenzeneispossibleifagasleakoccurs.Formald...


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