Anleitung Energizer, modell MMT-511
Hersteller: Energizer Dateigröße: 907.39 kb Dateiname: 9b4ccffa-833e-4e43-9215-75438bcd4e2b.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
For your records Assistance Availability Emergency kit Pump and user guide conventions Your pump Installing the battery the first time Home screen Modes of operation NormalMiniMedThis areawill not haveor Special Attention Pump buttons Main menu Bolus menu Suspend Basal menu Prime menu Utilities menu Initial pump settings Basal rate information Meal boluses Correction bolus Blood glucose targets Reservoir and infusion sets Preparing your pump for use Setting the time and date Installing the reservoir Removing the reservoir Rewinding the pump Verifying insulin type Changing insulin type Manual Prime Priming with fixed prime Reviewing the prime history How to wear the pump Checking pump status Delivering a normal bolus Dual/Square bolus Square wave bolus Delivering a square wave bolus Normal bolus during a square wave bolus Dual wave bolus Delivering a dual wave bolus Delivering an express bolus When square/dual wave bolus option is off When square/dual wave bolus option is on Maximum bolus limit (max bolus) Setting the maximum bolus limit Easy bolus Setting up easy bolus Delivering an easy bolus Bolus history Basal menu What are start and stop times? Delivering a basal Maximum basal rate (max basal) Setting max basal rate Temporary basal rate (temp) How does it work? Delivering a temporary basal rate Verifying temporary basal delivery Canceling a temporary basal rate Personal basal patterns Turning on personal basal patterns Delivering personal basal patterns Selecting a pattern Basal review Standard basal rates Suspending the pump Resuming pump delivery Alarms Setting the alert type Using Auto-off Stop auto off Reviewing the alarms Daily totals Reviewing the daily totals Block Setting up block Setting the time and date Language Setting the language RF options (remote control) Adding an RF ID Deleting an RF ID Reviewing the RF ID codes Clear pump Clearing pump Selftest Using your remote control Remote control buttons Waking up your pump Deliver an easy bolus Suspend/resume the pump Installing a new remote battery Cleaning your remote control If the remote control is dropped If the remote control falls in water Troubleshooting My pump has a no delivery alarm What happens if I leave the battery out too long? What is a check settings alarm? I submerged my pump in water My screen appears distorted Pump maintenance Battery Installing a new pump battery Cleaning your pump Storing your pump Precautions Avoiding extreme temperatures Avoiding dunking the pump in water Special circumstances If the pump is dropped Indications Contraindications Warnings Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) Hypoglycemia Skin infections Reservoir and infusion sets X-rays, MRIs and CT scans General precautions Precautions - hypoglycemia Precautions - hyperglycemia Precautions - infusion sets and sites Adverse reactions Hyperglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) Hypoglycemia Site infection/abscesses Notice Insulin pump and remote control Alarms E (Error) MiniMed 5:30ACall help-lineESC,ACT to clearfor assistanceCheck all settingsProgram as requiredExx Off no power OFFNO POWER4:42ADelivery StoppedUse 1 AAA alkalineESC,ACT to clearReplace Batt Now0% batt life Auto off MiniMedAUTO11:17ATime limit expiredESC,ACT to clearNo buttons pushedduring time limitOFF Empty reservoir MiniMedEMPTY3:36PRESERVOIRDelivery stoppedChange reservoirESC,ACT to clear No reservoir MiniMedNORESERVOIRDelivery StoppedChange reservoirESC,ACT to clear4:36P MiniMedNO 11:17ADelivery stoppedCHANGE ENTIRE SETCheck BGIf problem persistsCall help-lineESC,ACT to clearDELIVERY No delivery Motor errMiniMedMOTOR12:05ADelivery stoppedRewind PumpESC,ACT to clearERROR or Batt out limit MiniMedBATT 12:00ACheck time/dateProgram as requiredPerform RewindESC,ACT to clearOUT LIMIT Max delivery MiniMed3:25PMAXExceeded 1 hourmax deliveryCheck BGESC,ACT to clearDELIVERY Button error MiniMed10:05ABUTTONButton pressed formore than 3 minESC,ACT to clearERROR Check settingsMiniMedCHECKESC,ACT to clearNeed to reprogramcleared settings or time withoutreprogramming8.35ASETTINGS Bolus stoppedMiniMedBOLUSESC,ACT to clearLoose battery cap? 8.35ASTOPPEDPump dropped orbumped? Check bolus history, Reprogram bolusif required Failed batt test BATT TESTESC,ACT to clearReplace with 8.35AFAILEDDelivery stoppednew battery Alerts Low battery MiniMedLOWBATTERY10:09AReplace battery nowUse 1 AAA alkalineESC,ACT to clear Low reservoir MiniMed3:36PLOWRESERVOIRESC,ACT to clear Message in Alarm History Specifications Alarms and error messages Backlight Insulin delivery Block Delivery accuracy Displacement accuracy Drive motor Dual wave bolus Easy bolus Infusion pressure Insulin concentration/type Normal bolus Occlusion detection Personal basal delivery patterns Power supply Prime function Program safety checks Pump size Pump weight Remote control Reservoir Square wave bolus Temporary basal rate Time and date display Water tight Factory default settings Icon table ...