Anleitung Craftsman, modell 79964
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
770-8894K 2/95 !MPORTANT OPERATIONPRACTICES THISSYMBOLPOINTSOUTIMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONSWHICH,IF NOTFOLLOWED,COULDENDANGERTHEPERSONALA ATTEMPTINGTOOPERATE FAILURETO COMPLYWITHTHESEINSTRUCTIONS YOURPOWERCHIPPER-VACUUM. MAYRESULTIN _ AFETYAND/ORPROPERTYOFYOURSELFANDOTHERS.READANDFOLLOWALL INSTRUCTIONSIN THIS MANUALBEFORE PERSONALINJURY.WHENYOUSEETHISSYMBOL--_ REEDITSWAFINING. & & Your chipper-vacuum was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this manua. As with any type of power equipment carelessness or error on the part of the DANGER: operator can result in serious injury. This unit is capable of amputating fingers and hands and throwing objects. Failure to observe the following safety instructions couso result in serious injury or death. _hl. GENERALOPERATION • Readthis owner'sguide carefullyin its entiretybeforeattempting to assemblethis machine. Read,understand,andfollow all instructionsonthe machineandinthemanual(s)beforeoperation. Becompletelyfamiliarwith thecontrolsandthe properuse of the machinebeforeoperatingit. Keepthis manualin a safe piecefor future and regularreferenceand for orderingreplacementparts. • Your chipper-vacuum is a powerful tool, not a plaything. Therefore,exerciseextremecautionat all times. Your unit has beendesignedto performtwojobs;to chipandvacuumvegetationfoundinanormalyard. Donotuseit foranyotherpurpose. • Neverallowchildrenunder16tooperatetheunit. Children16 yearsand oldershouldonlyoperateundercloseparentalsupervision. Onlyresponsibleindividuatswhoarefamiliarwiththese rulesof safeoperationshouldbeallowedto useyourunit. • Keepthe areaof operationclearof all persons,particularlysmall childrenandpets. Stoptheenginewhentheyareinthevicinity of the unit. • Whenfeedingmaterialinto this equipment,beextremelycareful that piecesof metal,rocks,bottles,cansor otherforeignobjects are not included. Personal injury or damageto the machine could result. • Alwayswearsafetyglassesor safetygoggles,duringoperation and while performing an adjustmentor repair, to protect eyes from foreignobjectsthat maybethrownfromthemachine. • Wearsturdy, rough-soledwork shoesand close fitting slacks and shirt. Shirt and slacksthat cover the arms and legs and steel-toedshoesare recommended.Do not wear loosefitting clothesorjewelryandsecurehairso it aboveshoulderlength. Theycan be caught in moving parts. Neveroperatea unit in barefeet,sandalsor sneakers.Weargloveswhenfeedingmaterialinthe chipperchute. • Do not operatethe unit while underthe influenceof alcoholor drugs. _lb • Donotover-reach.Keepproperfootingandbalanceatalltimes. • Neverplaceyour handsor anypartof your bodyor clothingnear orunderrotatingparts. Keepclearofthedischargeopeningat alltimes Neverinsertyourhandsoranypartofyourbodyor clothing into the nozzle,chipperchute or dischargeopeningas the rotatingimpetlercan causeseriousinjury. • If it is necessaryfor any reasonto unclogthe feed intakeor dischargeopeningsorto inspectorrepairanypartofthemachine where a moving part can come in contact with your body or clothing,stopthe machine+allowit tocool,disconnectthespark plugwire fromthe sparkplugand moveit awayfrom the spark _1 plugbeforeattemptingto unclog,inspector repair. • Neveroperateunitwithoutvacuumbaganddischargechute properly affixed to unit, Largezippered end of bag must be closedto preventobjectsfrom beingblownout. • Neveroperateunitwithout eithertheinletnozzleoroptional hoseattachmentproperlyaffixedto unit. Thesedevicesshield the operatorfrom accidentalcontactwith the rotating impeller. Neverattemptto converttheunitfrom nozzleto hosemodeor viceversawith theenginerunning. • Neverattemptto removeoremptyvacuumbagwhenengineis running. Shuttheengineoffandwaitfortheimpellerto cometo a completestop beforeremovingthe bag. The impetlercontinues to rotate for a few seconds after the engine is shut off. Neverplaceanypartofthebodyinthe impellerareauntilyou aresurethe impellerhas stoppedrotating. • Keepall guardsandsafetydevicesin placeandoperatingproperly. • Donotallow anaccumulationof processedmaterialto build up inthedischargeareaasthiswill preventproperdischargeand canresuttin kick-backfrom the chipperchute. • Keepyourfaceandbodybackfromchipperchutetoavoidaccidentalbouncebackof anymaterial. • If the cutting mechanismstrikes a foreign object or if your machineshould start makinganunusualnoise orvibration, immediatelystopthe engine,disconnectthe sparkplugwire and movethe wire awayfrom the sparkplug. Allow the machineto stopandtakethe followingsteps. • Inspectfor damage • Repairor replaceanydamagedparts. • Checkforanyloosepartsandtightentoassurecontinued safeoperation. • Muffterandenginebecomehotandcancauseaburn. Donot touch. • Donot altowleavesor other debristo buildupon engine'smuffler. Thedebriscouldigniteandcauseafire. • Donot operateengineff air cleaneror coverover carburetorairintake is removed, except for adjustment. Removal of such partscouldcreateafire hazard. 11,CHILDREN Tragicaccidentscan occur if the operatoris not aler...