Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A. 770-1228A Printed in U.S.A. (3/98) Content Page Content Page Warranty Information 2 Service & Adjustment 14 Safe Operation Practices 3 Off-Season Storage 16 Assembly 5 Trouble-Shooting 17 Operation 8 Repair Parts 18 Maintenance 11 One-Year Warranty on Craftsman Chipper-Shredder For one year from thedate ofpurchase,whenthisCraftsmanchipper-shredderismaintained,lubricated,and tunedupaccordingtothe operatingandmaintenanceinstructionsintheowner'smanual,Sears willrepair,free of charge, anydefectin materialorworkmanship. This warrantyexcludes blades, chipperblades, flails,air cleaners, spark plugs, catcherbags and tires whichare expendable parts and become worn dudng normal use. If this chipper-shredderis used for commercialor rental purposes, thiswarranty appliesfor only 30 days from the date of purchase. WARRANTY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE BY CONTACTING THE NEAREST SEARS SERVICE CENTER INTHE UNITED STATES. THIS WARRANTY APPLIES ONLY WHILE THIS PRODUCT IS IN USE INTHE UNITED STATES. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., D/817WA, Hoffman Estates, II 60179 These accessories were available when the chipper- shredder was purchased. They are also available at most Sears retail outlets, and service centers. Most Sears Spark Air Engine Gas Stabilizer Tow HitchKit stores can order repair parts Plug Filter Oil Can for you when you provide the model number of your Craftsman chipper-shredder. PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Model Number ............247.775880 .......................... HORSEPOWER: 8,5 H.R CRANKCASE CAPACITY: 26oz. SAE 30 ENGINE OIL Serial Number ........................................................... FUEL TANK CAPACITY: 4 Quart (UNLEADED) Date of Purchase ...................................................... SPARK PLUG: Champion (N4C) GAP .030 Record both serial number and date of purchase and TIRE PRESSURE 24 PSI keep in a safe place for future reference. 2 This symbol points out important safety instructions which, if not followed, could endanger the personal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate your chipper shredder. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in personal injury.When you see this symbol-heed its warning. ] Yourchipper-shredder was builtto be operated according to the rules for safe operation in / RAN P_I=R-this manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the pert of the oper-/ .......... ator can result in serious injury. If you violate any of these rules, you may cause serious / injury to yourself or others. / J to cause cancer, birthdefectsorotherreproductiveharm. ,_ WARNING: The Engine Exhaustfrom this product containschemicalsknownto the State of California GENERAL OPERATION Read thisowner'sguidecarefullyinitsentiretybefore attemptingtoassemble thismachine. Read, understand,and follow allinstructionsonthe machine andinthe manual(s)beforeoperation. Becompletely familiar withthe controlsand the properuseofthe machine before operating it. Keep thismanual in a safe place for future andregular referenceand for orderingreplacement parts. Your chipper-shredderis a powerful tool, not a plaything. Therefore, exerciseextreme cautionat all times. Yourunithasbeendesignedtoperformtwo jobs;to chipand shredvegetationfound ina normal yard. Do not use itfor any other purpose. Never allowchildrenunderage16tooperatetheunit. Children16 years and oldershouldonlyoperate the unitunderclose parentalsupervision.Only responsibleindividualswho are familiar withthese rulesofsafe operationshouldbeallowedtouseyour unit, Keep the area of operation clear of all persons, particularlysmallchildrenandpets. Stopthe engine whentheyare inthevicinityof theunit. Keepwork area clean and clear of branches or obstacleswhich could cause you to stumbleor fall. When feeding material intothisequipment, be extremelycarefulthat piecesof metal, rocks,bottles, cans or other foreign objectsare notincluded. Personal injuryordamagetothe machine could result. Alwayswear safetyglassesorsafetygoggles,during operationandwhile performinganadjustmentor repair, to protecteyes from foreign objectsthatmay be thrownfrom the machine. Wear sturdy, reugh-soled work shoes and closefitting slacksandshirt. Shirtandslacksthat coverthearms and legs andsteel-toodshoesare recommended. Do notwear loose fitting clothesorjewelryand secure hair so it is aboveshoulderlength. They canbecaughtin moving parts. Never operate a unit in bare feet, sandals or sneakers. Wear glovss when feeding matedal in the chipperchuteorshredder hopper. Never placeyourhands, feet, oranypartof yourbody intothe shredderhopper,chipperchute,discharge opening,or near anymovingpartwhilethe engine is running.Keep clearofthedischargeopeningatall times. If it becomes necassarytopushmatedalinto thechipperchuteorshredderhopper,u...
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