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heruntergeladen wurde: 2   Dateigröße: 120 kb   Hersteller: Aga Ranges  
Kategorie: Siding und Bodenbeläge

Useful Numbers UK Sales 0845 366 0400 Export Sales +44 (0)1295 814316 Installations 01295 814310 Technical 01295 814271 Home Deliveries 01295 814313 Customer Care 01295 814396 Disclaimer The specifications and technical information given in this publication are intended for guidance and although they are to the best of our knowledge correct, they are given without warranty. We cannot accept any responsibility for reliance placed upon the advice contained herein since practical expertise and site

heruntergeladen wurde: 3   Dateigröße: 142 kb   Hersteller: Aga Ranges  
Kategorie: Siding und Bodenbeläge

They realised it was the most efficient and effective form of heating, this is as true today as it was then. The Fired Earth range of electric systems take the Roman genius into the modern era, enabling underfloor heating to be laid simply and efficiently in new and existing buildings. Fired Earth have systems that can be used as the sole source of heating or simply just to warm an otherwise cold floor. They are suitable for use with all Fired Earth floor tiles. Electrical Heating There are many
