Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Cleanandlubricatetractorthoroughlyas describedinthe lubrication instructions. 2. Donot usea pressurewasheror gardenhoseto cleanyour unit. 3. Storemowerinadry,cleanarea.Donotstorenexttocorrosive materials,suchas fertilizer. 27 Enginefailsto start 1. PTO/BladeEngageleverengaged. 1. Placeleverindisengaged(OFF)position. 2. Parkingbrakenotengaged. 2. Engageparkingbrake. 3. Sparkplugwire(s)disconnected. 3. Connectwire(s)to sparkplug(s). 4. Throttlecontrollevernot in correctstarting 4. Placethrottleleverto FASTposition. position. 5. Chokenotactivated 5. PulltheCHOKEcontroloutward. 6. Fueltankempty,or stalefuel. 6. Filltankwithclean,fresh(lessthan30 daysold) gas. 7. Blockedfuel line. 7. Replacethe fuel lineandreplacefuel filter. 8. Faultysparkplug(s). 8. Clean,adjustgapor replaceplug(s). 9. Engineflooded. 9. Crankenginewiththrottlein FASTposition. Enginerunserratically 1. UnitrunningwithCHOKEactivated. 1. PushCHOKEcontrolin. 2. Sparkplugwire(s)loose. 2. Connectsparkplugwire(s). 3. Blockedfuel lineor stalefuel. 3. Replacethe fuel line;fill tankwithclean,fresh gasolineandreplacefuel filter. 4. Ventingas cap plugged. 4. Clearventor replacecap if damaged. 5. Waterordirt in fuel system. 5. Drainfueltank. Refillwithclean,freshgasoline. 6. Dirtyair cleaner. 6. Replaceair cleanerpaperelementor cleanfoam pre-cleaner,if equipped. Engineoverheats 1. Engineoillevellow. 1. Fillcrankcasewith properamountandweightof oil. 2. Airflowrestricted. 2. Cleangrassclippingsanddebrisfromaroundthe engine'scoolingfinsandhousing. Enginehesitatesat highRPM 1. Sparkpluggaptoo close. 1. Removesparkplugandresetthe gap. Engineidles rough 1. Sparkplugfouled,faultyor gaptoo wide. 1. Replacesparkplug.Set pluggap. 2. Dirtyair cleaner. 2. Replaceair cleanerelementand/orclean pre- cleaner. Excessivevibration 1. Cuttingbladelooseor unbalanced. 1. Tightenbladeandspindle. 2. Damagedor bentcuttingblade. 2. Replaceblade. Mowerwill not mulchgrass 1. Enginespeedtoo low. 1. Placethrottlein FAST(rabbit)position. 2. Wetgrass. 2. Do notmulchwhengrassis wet. 3. Excessivelyhighgrass. 3. Mowonce at a highcuttingheight,then mowagain at desiredheightor makea narrowercuttingswath. 4. Dullblade. 4. Sharpenor replaceblade. Unevencut 1. Decknot leveledproperly. 1. Performside-to-sidedeckadjustment. 2. Dullblade. 2. Sharpenor replaceblade. 3. Uneventire pressure. 3. Checktire pressureinall fourtires. NEED MORE HELP? Youll fkld t_e answe_ _"ct mo_e o_ maoage_nyl]o_ne co_n -br kee! Find this and all your other product manuals online. Get answers from our team of home experts. ,, Get a personalized maintenance plan for your home. ,, Find information and tools to help with home projects. maoage _ home b_*oug_t t_ _'ou by Sea_'s 28 777X41984 777D14478 777S33583 777122773 STEERIN6 WHEEL MOUNTING HARDWARE UNDER CAP, BEFORE OPERATION SECURE STEERING WHEEL TO SHAFTACCORDING TOM_HUAL 777X43688 DONOTUSE US50B FUEL CONTNNiNG MQ_E THAN 18% USHANQI _ _ _ (QTY 2) 777D14507 777123364 (QTY 2) 777D14481 REF: 751 B278826 777122454 (QTY 2) 777D14488 777S30018 777S30503 777123366 777122479 29 Craftsman Lawn Tractor IViodel 247.28911 2 15 32 38 I 5 23 33 3O Craftsman Lawn Tractor Model 247.28911 Ref,No, [ Part No, Description Ref,No, [ Part No, Description 1 710-04484 Screw, 5/16-18 x .750 25 712-04063 Nut, Hex Flange Ins. Lock, 5/16-18 2 710-04593 Screw, 5/16-18 x .375 26 731-04945 Steering Support 3 710-0751 Hex Screw, 1/4-20 x .620 27 783-04892B-0637 Dash 4 712-04064 Nut, Hex Flange Insert Lock, 1/4-20 28 746-04364 Throttle/Choke Assembly 5 725-0157 Cable Tie, 3/16 x .05 x 7.4 29 725-04992 Key Switch Module 6 925-0963 Lamp 30 925-1745A Key 7 731-04949A Grill Lens, 1 Style 31 710-0599 Screw, Hd. Tapp, 1/4-20 x .5 8 731-05078C Dash Collar 32 683-04448-0637 Assembly Rod 9 738-04091A Shoulder Screw, 5/16-18 33 726-0230 Cable Tie 10 783-05327B-0637 Left Support Pivot Bracket 34 747-04430 Speed Selector Control Rod II 783-05328A-0637 Right Support Pivot Bracket 35 751-10782 1.36 Gallon CARB Fuel Tank 12 783-05454-0637 Hood Pivot Bracket 36 751-10947 Fuel Cap 13 783-05684-4043 Hood Assembly, 1 Style 37 783-04584A-0637 Gas Tank Support Bracket 14 983-04216 Speed Selector, 7-Speed 38 731-05265 Choke Plug 15 710-04483 Self-Tap Screw, 1/4-20 39 783-05685-4043 Grill 16 710-3144 Hex Head Screw, 3/8-16 40 751-10589 Carbon Cannister 17 711-0736 Ferrule, 1/4-20 x 1.00 41 751-10590 Filter Vent 18 712-04065 Nut, Hex Flange Insert Lock, 3/8-16 42 751-10749 Low Perm Fuel Line 3/16 White 19 714-04040 Hair Pin Clip 43 751-10441 Rollover Valve 20 936-0133 Flat Washer, .411 x 1.25 x .lO0 44 735-04081 Rubber Grommet 21 750-04465 Flange Spacer 45 751-10610 Cannister Bracket 22 783-04862 Speed latch 46 736-3008 Flat Washer, .344 x.750 x .120 23 710-0604A Self-Tap Screw, 5/16-18 47 751-10750 Low Perm Fuel Line 7/32 Yellow 24 710-0895 Hex Screw, 1/4-15 31 Craftsman Lawn Tractor Model 247.28911 39 22 21 3O 14 45 38 11 % 2 32 Craftsman Lawn Tractor Model 247.28911 Ref,No, [ Part No. Description Ref,No, I Part No, Descripti...
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