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Creating Wallpaper from an Image You can make a selected image wallpaper for your computer. The JPEG image for the wallpaper (extension “.JPG”) is created using a copy of an image and therefore the original image remains unaffected. 2 2 1 1 Select an image. Select the [File] menu .. [Export Image] . . The [ Write a still image] window appears. 3 3 Select [Export an Image as Wallpaper] and then click the [Next] button. Write a still image window .. The [ Set Image as Wallpaper] window appears. 4 4 From the list box, select the wallpaper display method and then click the [Finish] button. Set Image as Wallpaper window 1234Introduction Table of Contents Basic Operation Advanced Operation High-Level Functions Reference Preferences Contents Lookup Index . The image you selected for your wallpaper is applied as wallpaper. To revert to the original wallpaper 1 On the desktop, launch [System Preferences] from the Dock and then click [Desktop & Screen Saver]. 2 Select the [Desktop] tab sheet. 3 Select the file for the wallpaper and then click [ ] to close the dialog box. Creating a Screen Saver from an Image You can make a selected image a screen saver for your computer. The data for the screen saver (extension “.SLIDESAVER”) is created using a copy of an image and therefore the original image remains unaffected. 1 1 Select an image. 2Select the [File] menu .. [Export Image]. . The [ Write a still image] window appears. 1234Introduction Table of Contents Basic Operation Advanced Operation High-Level Functions Reference Preferences Contents Lookup Index 3 3 Select [Export as a Screensaver] and then click the [Next] button. . The [ Export as a Screensaver] window appears. 4 4 Using the keyboard, enter a name and then click the [Finish] button. Export as a Screensaver window .. The screen saver data is saved in the [Screen Savers] folder. 5 5 Specify the saved screen saver on your computer. O On the desktop, launch [System Preferences] from the Dock and then click [Desktop & Screen Saver] • [Screen Saver] tab sheet to display the [Screen Saver] tab sheet. Select the saved screen saver data 6 6 Close the [Desktop & Screen Saver] window. O Click [ ] on the top left of the dialog box. 1234Introduction Table of Contents Basic Operation Advanced Operation High-Level Functions Reference Preferences Contents Lookup Index Printing Multiple Images on One Sheet of Paper (Index Printing) You can arrange multiple images in index format and print them on one 3 Specify settings such as the paper type and the sheet of paper. number of prints, and then click the [Print] button. 1 1 Select the images. 2 2 Click the [Print & Email] button and then select [Index Print] from the menu that appears. . The [ Index Print] window appears. Index Print window Print preview . Printing begins. 1234Introduction Table of Contents Basic Operation Advanced Operation High-Level Functions Reference Preferences Contents Lookup Index 37For a list of index print window functions, refer to p. 64. Arranging Images Freely and Printing (Layout Printing) 1 1 You can lay out images freely and then print them. 3 Lay out your images by dragging them and then click the [Print] button. Select the images. Layout Print window 2 2 Click the [Print & Email] button and then select [Layout Print] from the menu that appears. 1234Introduction Table of Contents Basic Operation Advanced Operation High-Level Functions Reference Preferences Contents Lookup Index . The [ Layout Print] window appears. Print preview . Printing begins. For a list of layout window refer to p. 65. 3High-Level Functions 3High-Level Functions Comparing Multiple Images............... ...................... 40 Viewing Shooting Information for an Image............. 41 Changing the Size and Type of an Image and Saving ............................ .................................. 41 Exporting Shooting Information ......... ...................... 42 Organizing Images Using High-Level Functions ..... 43 Setting Keywords in Images. ... ................................... 43 Entering Comments into Images ................................ 43 Saving Multiple Images with New File Names. ........... 44 Classifying Images by Shot Date................................ 44 Searching for Images .............................. ................ 46 Performing Advanced Editing.................................. 47 Adjusting the Color of an Image in RGB. .................... 47 Adjusting the Brightness Level . .................................. 48 Adjusting the Tone Curve. ....... ................................... 48 Transferring Images to Other Image Editing 49 Merging Images to Create Panorama Images............ 50 Adding Sound to Images/ Playing Back ................... 51 Adding Sound to Images ....................... ..................... 51 Playing Back Sound ................. .................................. 51 1234Introduction Table of Contents Basic Operation Advanced Operation High-Level Functions Reference Prefer...