Anleitung Canon, modell FAX-L800
Hersteller: Canon Dateigröße: 4.55 mb Dateiname: 215a0420-20f7-4dae-963b-05e1884bc3c5.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Copyright Copyright E 1997 by Canon, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Canon, Inc. As an ENERGY STAR Partner, Canon has determined that the Canon FAXL800 meets the Energy Star guidelines for energy efficiency. Although this equipment can use either loop disconnect or DTMF signalling, only the performance of the DTMF signalling is subject to regulatory requirements for correct operation. It is therefore strongly recommended that the equipment is set to use DTMF signalling for access to public or private emergency services. DTMF signalling also provides faster call set up. This CE Marking shows compliance of this equipment with Directive 73/23/EEC and Directive 89/336/EEC (as amended by Directive 92/31/EEC), both as amended by Directive 93/68/EEC. L’estampille CE indique que ce materiel est conforme aux dispositions de la Directive 73/23/CEE et de la Directive 89/336/CEE (modifiee par la Directive 92/31/CEE), toutes deux modifiees par la Directive 93/68/CEE. Diese CE-Markierung weist darauf hin, da. dieses Gerat mit Richtlinie 73/23/EWG und der durch Richtlinie 92/31/EWG geanderten Richtlinie 89/336/EWG ubereinstimmt, die beide durch Richtlinie 93/68/EWG geandert wurden. Denne CE-m.rkning indikerer, at dette udstyr folger Direktiv 73/23/EU og Direktiv 89/336/EU (som udvidet med Direktiv 92/31/EU), begge som udvidet med Direktiv 93/68/EU. CE Markningen visar att denna utrustning foljer direktiven 73/23/EEC och 89/336/EEC (komplement till 92/31/EEC) bada som komplement till direktiv 93/68/EEC. CE merkinta osoittaa taman tuotteen yhteensopivuuden direktiivien 73/23/EEC ja 89/336/EEC (taydennetty direktiivilla 92/31/EEC) kanssa, joita on taydennetty direktiivilla 93/ 68/EEC. Dette CE merket viser at utstyret er i samsvar med EU direktivene 73/23 og 89/336 (med korreksjon av EU direktiv 92/31), begge med korreksjon av EU direktiv 93/68. Deze CE markering toont aan dat het produkt in overeenstemming is met de richtlijnen 73/23/EEC en 89/336/EEC (zoals geammendeerd door richtlijn 92/31/EEC), welke beide zijn geammendeerd door de richtlijn 93/68/CEE. Questo contrassegno CE indica che l’apparecchio e conforme alle Direttive CEE 73/23 e 89/336 (successivamente modificata con la Direttiva 92/31), entrambe modificate con la Direttiva 93/68. Este simbolo CE indica que el equipo cumple con las Directivas 73/23/EEC y 89/336/EEC (segun la enmienda a la Directiva 92/31/EEC), ambas segun la enmienda de la Directiva 93/68/EEC. Esta marca CEE indica que este equipamento esta de acordo com as Directivas 73/23/EEC e 89/336/EEC (conforme amenda da directiva 92/31/EEC), ambas amendas da directiva 93/68/EEC. AuthA h CE shA mansh dhlwA nei thn sumvwnoAa the SuskeuhA e me thn OdhgoAa 73/23/EEC kai thn OdhgoAa 89/336/EEC (oA pwe tropopoihA chkan apoA thn OdhgoAa 92/31/ EEC), oA pwe amvoA teree eA qoun tropopoihceoA apoA thn OdhgoAa 93/68/EEC. Oznaka CE prikazuje, da oprema ustreza predpisu 73/23/EEC, in kot to predpisuje predpis 93/68/EEC. A CE jelzes tanusitja, hogy a berendezes megfelel az EEC 92/31 es 93/68 elo.irasokkal modositott EEC 73/23 es 89/336 kovetelmenyrendszernek. Oznaczenie CE jest potwierdzeniem niniejszego urza.dzenia z wymaganiami Dyrektywy 73/23/EEC oraz Dyrektywy 89/336/EEC (zgodnie ze zmianami Dyrektywy 92/31/EEC), obie uzupelnione przez Dyrektywe. 93/68/EEC. Znac.ka CE indikuje, z.e toto zar.izeni odpovida Sme.rnici 73/23/EEC a Sme.rnici 89/336/EEC ( Sme.rnici 92/31/EEC), ktere byly dale doplne.ny Sme.rnici 93/68/EEC. Kaesolev CE-markeering naitab, et antud seade vastab Euroopa Liidu Direktiividele 73/23/EEC ja 89/336/EEC (koos muudatustega vastavalt Direktiivile 92/31/EEC) ning vo.ttes arvesse, et mo.lemaid direktiive on muudetud vastavalt Direktiivile 93/68/EEC. CE maroe†jums nor¬da, ka s.. iek¬rta atbilst pras.b¬m, kas iek©autas EK direkt.v¬s 73/23 un 89/336 (ar EK direkt.v¬ 92/31 paredz†taj¬m izmai.¬m), kur¬s veikti labojumi saska.¬ ar EK 93/68. Z. enklas CE, kad .is .renginys atitinka direktyvas 73/23/EEC ir 89/336/EEC (atlikus pataisas direktyva 92/31/EEC), kuriose buvo atliktos pataisos direktyva 93/68/EEC. Markirovka SE ukazyvaet na to, oto dannoe oborudovanie sootvetstvuet Direktive 73/23/EEC i Direktive 89/336/EEC (s izmeneniqmi v sootvetstvii s Direktivoj 92/31/EEC) s izmeneniqmi, predpisyvaemymi Direktivoj 93/68/EEC. Fax III Preface Laser Safety Laser radiation could be harzardous to the human body. For this reason, laser radiation emitted inside this fax is hermetically sealed within the protective housing and external cover. In the normal operation of the product by the user, no radiation can leak from the machine. Use of controls, adjustments, or performance of procedures othe...