Anleitung Sioux Tools, modell 5550
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
ImpactTool C? @ IMPORTANT Readtheseinstructionscarefullybefore installing,operating,servicing or repairingthis tool. Keeptheseinstructionsin a safeaccessible place. 11 I I I SAFETY MESSAGES 1 A WARNING 1 Operator Instructions PeoonalSafetyEqucment Always Read Instructions includes: 1 1 Use-Safety Glasses Using PowerTwls Safety Ruk Use -Safety Gloves @ AlwaysWear Safety Goggles Foreseen Use Work Stations Use-Safety Boots @ Wear Hearingprotection PuttingIntoService Use-BreathingMasks Avoid Prolonged Exposure Operating Use-Ear Protectors YES A ToVibration Dismantlingand Assembly. Safety rules when using a 5550 ImpactTool -Useonly impactsocketsand extensions,universaljointe, requirementswhen instaihng, usingormaintainingthetool. etc., ratedasbeingsuitable for usewith impacttools. -Take careW#eexhaustair doesnot pointtowante any -Prcibqed exposure tovibration may cause injury. other person or material or substance that could be .- ReadaBjnstrucfionsbeforetKhgltfetoot.AIoperatorsmust contaminatedbyoil droplets.When first lubricatinga tool beMytrainedinitsuseandawareoftiesesafetyrules. or if thetool exhaust has a highoil content, donotallow -Donot exceedthe maximum working air pressure. theexhaustairto comenear very hot surfacesor flames. -Use personalprotectionequipment& recommerKled--Never laythe too! down untiltheworking attachmenthas -WcofnpressedsironlyattA.recornnerxledconcflions stopped-moving- -If the tool appears to malfunction, remove from use -When the tool is not in use, shut off the air supply and immed"latelyandarrangefor serviceand-r. tiit isnot press Ihrotfle frioaerfiever to drain the supply line. If the practicaltoremovetoolfromsewh, thanshutofftheair tool isnottobeused for a periodof time, first lubricate, supply to the too! and write or have written a warning dsconnectfroman-supplyandstoreinadryaverageroom note and attachit to the tod. temperature environment -If toolis to be usedwtt) a baiancer or other suspension -If thefool is passedfrom one userto a new or inexperi- device,ensure that the too)is firmly attached to the enceduser. makesure theseinstructionsare available to suspension/supportdevice. be passedwiththetool. -When operating the tori, always keep the body and -Do not remove any manufacturer fitted safety devices thehandsaway fromthe woriangattachment where fitted, i.e., wheel guards, safety trigger. speed KExw. go-, etc- Theiwlisnoteiectri insulated.Neveruseftatoolif -Wherever p-e, secure workpiece with clamps,avise, there is any chance o into contact w'h li cany etc.tomate itngtd soA§tdoesnomoveduringthework electricity. operation.Keepgood balance ataU times. Do not stretch -Always when using the too[,adopt a firm footing and/or oroverreach. posHion and p the tool sufficiently arty to overcome -Try to matchthetoolto(he work operation.Do not usea any reactioneces that may result from the tool doing todthatistoo lightor heavyfor the work operation. If in work. Donot ororgrip. doubt,seek advice. -Useonlycorrectspare partsfor maintenanceand repair. -in generalterms, this toolis not suitabie for underwater Do not improvise or make temporary repairs-Major useor useinexplosiveenvirmrnente-seek advicefrom servicing and repairs should only be carried out by manufacturer. personstrainedtodoso. -Tvtomakesurethattheworkareaisdeartoenablethe -Do not lock,tape, wire, etc. the 'On/Off valve in "On' work task to be performed safely. If practical and position.'me tfvotftetrigger/tever, etc. mustahvaysbefree possible, b'y to ctear unnecessary obstructions before to returntolhe "Off"positron when released. startingwork. On/W On/W shutofftheairsupplytoVnetootandpressthevalve to exhaust the air from the feed hose -Always use air hose and couplings with minimum work- ing pressure ratings at least 1 1/2 times the maximum before fitting, removingor adjustingthe working attach-working pressurerating of the tooL mentfittedtothetool. -Beforeusinothatool.makesurethata . shutoffdeucehasbeenfittedtothe supply tine and theposition is known andeasilyaccessiblesothattheair supply tothetoolcanbeshutoffinan emergency. -CheckhoseandfitSngsreoulartyfcfwear. To MaintainFteconnnenitKt -Takecareagainstentanglementofthe movtrgpartedttwtoolwithdoA.wg,hair fes,deaningrags.rings,jewafry.watrfres. bracelets,ete.'nrecotAJcauseftebody orpartsoftktbodytobedrawnfcwaids axiricortactwflhihemovingpartsofSw toolandcouldbevarydangerous. -itisexpectedthatuserswiladoptsafe working practices and observe all RecommendedAir Supply System Figure 1 local, regional or country legal Pager401 Foreseen Use Of The Tool -5550 The Impact tool is designed for the tightening and loosening of threaded fastener within the range as specified by the manufacturer. It should only be usedinconjunction with suitable impact type 112" square female drive nut running sockets. Only use sockets which are of Die Impact type. It isallowedto use suitable extension bars, universal joints and socket adaptors between thesquare output drive of the impact tool and the f...