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Anleitung B&B Electronics, modell Serial Servers Vlinx VESR9xx

Hersteller: B&B Electronics
Dateigröße: 462.11 kb
Dateiname: 5a79f190-e866-410a-a845-654b6ed36cac.pdf
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

VESR92x models are equipped an additional RJ45 Ethernet port. This port allows you to connect a local Ethernet device to the network and functions like an Ethernet switch. It does not matter which port is used for the network connection and the local connection. • Connect the serial device(s) : o RS-232 with DB9: straight- through for DCE device, null modem for DTE device o RS-232/ 422/485 with terminal blocks: see Appendix D for pinouts LLEEDD SSttaattuuss 3 LED STATUS Ready Blinks if system is operating correctly Port 1 On indicates serial port open, blinks when data present on serial port Port 2 Same as Port 1 (Present on 2 port units only) Link On indicates Ethernet operating in 100BaseTX, blinks when data present on Ethernet link MMooddee SSwwiittcchh Hold in Mode switch for… Result 0 to 2 seconds Initiates a Hardware Reset 2 to 10 seconds Enters Console Mode More than 10 seconds Resets to Factory Defaults 4 IInnssttaallll VVlliinnxx MMaannaaggeerr SSooffttwwaarree 5 • Insert the included CD and it should autostart • Follow the prompts to install the Vlinx Manager software. Note: Be sure you have administrative rights & disable firewalls in Windows XP and Vista. 6 SSeettuupp VVlliinnxx MMaannaaggeerr SSooffttwwaarree • Open Vlinx Manager: click Start .. Programs .. B&B Electronics .. Vlinx .. Vlinx Manager .. VESR Serial Server • The Discovery page opens • To configure via the network, select Network. • If you know the IP address, select The device is at this address, and type in the address.If not, select I don’t know the IP address of the device. • Click Connect. OORR…… SSeettuupp tthhee WWeebb IInntteerrffaaccee • Open a browser and type the IP address of the serial server in the Address Bar. • When the serial server is found, the Configuration window appears. 1 International Headquarters: 815-433- 5100 Fax 433-5104 European + 353 91 792444 Fax +353 91 792445 LLooggiinn7 LLooggiinn7 10 SSeettuupp tthhee PPoorrtt NNeettwwoorrkk PPaarraammeetteerrss Documentation Number pn#8906 VESR9xx-3208qsg rev000 12 SSaavvee aanndd LLooggoouutt • Click Login. (Password is blank from factory) • The General page appears. SSeettuupp tthhee NNeettwwoorrkk 8 • Click Network to open the Network page. • Select I want DHCP to setup the network for dynamic IP addressing (recommended) • Or, deselect it and type in the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway addresses. • Click Next. SSeettuupp tthhee SSeerriiaall PPoorrtt PPaarraammeetteerrss 9 • Click Port 1 Serial to open the Serial Port Parameters page. Select the type of serial connection between the serial server and the serial device. (RS- 232, RS-422, RS- 485 2-wire, or RS-485 4-wire) • Select the Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity and Flow Control needed to communicate with the serial device. • If your serial server is 2 port, select the next port in the Description box, then repeat the previous steps. • Click Next. • Click Port 1 Network to open the Port Network Parameters page. • Select the type of network protocol you want to use: TCP, UDP, VCOM or Paired Mode. • If you select TCP, select whether the serial server will operate as a Client or Server, then configure the required IP address, port numbers and other related parameters. • If you select UDP, configure the IP addresses, ports and other related parameters for the devices you want to receive from and send to. • If you want the serial server to act as a virtual communications port for a computer, select VCOM. • If you want the serial server to operate in Paired mode with another serial server, select Paired, then configure it as a client or server and set up the IP address, port numbers and other related parameters (similar to setting up TCP). SSeettuupp AAddvvaanncceedd PPaarraammeetteerrss 11 • If you want to set up Advanced parameters, click Advanced on the Port Network Parameters page. • If necessary for your application, select I want to control when connections are forced closed, then set up the Network Watchdog and Serial Watchdog as required. • If necessary for your application, select I want to control data packets are sent over the network, then set up the Character Count, Forced Transmit, Intercharacter Timeout, Delimiters and Delimiter Removal as required. • Click Next. • If you have completed the configuration, click Save to save the configuration to the serial server. • To Logout, click the Logout button. TToo TTeesstt aanndd VVeerriiffyy OOppeerraattiioonn • Set up serial server as a TCP Server on serial port 1. • Set serial port to RS-232 on serial port 1. • Set to 9600 8-N-1 on serial port 1. • Loopback serial port 1 by connecting TD to RD. • Open a DOS window and type “ telnet x. x. x. x yyyy” where x. x. x. x is the IP address of the serial server and yyyy is the port number of the serial port. • Type characters on the keyboard. The characters should appear in the window. If not, double check your settings. International Headquarters: 815-433- 510...


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