Anleitung GPX, modell PC101B
Hersteller: GPX Dateigröße: 913.71 kb Dateiname: PC101B-IB.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
In stop mode, press to power off the CD player. CD DOOR PLAY/PAUSE Press to play or pause a loaded CD. SKIP/SEARCH Press to skip between tracks on a loaded CD. Press and hold to search an individual track on a loaded CD. OPEN Press to open the CD DOOR. PROG Press to program a loaded CD to play tracks in a specified order. MODE Press to repeat a single track or an entire CD, play tracks in a random order, or play the CD in intro mode. VOLUME Press to adjust the volume. DC POWER INPUT STEREO HEADPHONE JACK • CAUTION:TOPREVENTELECTRICSHOCK,MATCH WIDEBLADE OF PLUGTOWIDESLOT, FULLYINSERT. • WARNING: Toreducethe riskoffireor electricshock, donot expose thisapparatus to rainormoisture. • AveRtIssemeNt: Pour reduirele risqued’incendie oude chocelectrique,nepasexposercetappareil sous la pluieet l’humidite. • CAUtION: Use ofcontrols or adjustmentsorperformanceof proceduresotherthanthosespecifiedmay result in hazardous radiation exposure. • WARNING: Changesor modificationsto thisunit notexpressly approved bythe partyresponsibleforcompliancecould voidthe user’sauthorityto operatetheequipment. • WARNING: Donot place theunit ontop of anysoft,porous, orsensitive surfacesto avoiddamaging the surface. Usea protective barrier between theunit andsurfacetoprotect the surface. • WARNING: Use ofthis unitnear fluorescent lighting may cause interferenceregardinguseof theremote. If theunit is displayingerraticbehavior moveawayfromany fluorescent lighting, asitmay be thecause. • CAUtION: Danger of explosion if batteryisincorrectly replaced. Replaceonly withthe same orequivalent type. • PRECAUTION: Danger d’explosion si les piles sont remplacees de facon incorrect. Remplacer les piles seulement par le meme type de pile ou l’equivalent. • WARNING: There is adangerofexplosionifyou attempt to charge standardAlkalinebatteriesin theunit.Only use rechargeableNiMHbatteries. • WARNING: Theremotecontrol’s buttoncell batterycontains mercury. Donot putinthetrash,insteadrecycleordispose ofas hazardous waste • WARNING: Lithiumbatteries, likeall rechargeable batteries are recyclable and shouldberecycled ordisposed of innormal householdwaste.Contactyourlocalgovernmentfordisposal orrecyclingpracticesin your area.Theyshouldnever be incinerated sincethey mightexplode. Mainplug is used as disconnectdeviceand itshouldremain readily operableduringintendeduse. Do notmix oldand new batteries. Do notmix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc),orrechargeable (ni-cad, ni-mh,etc) batteries. No mezcle baterias viejas y nuevas. No mezcle baterias alcalinas, estandar (carbono-zinc) o recargables (ni-cad, ni-mh, etc.). Important Safety Instructions 1. ReadtheseInstructions. 2. KeeptheseInstructions. 3. HeedallWarnings. 4. Followallinstructions. 5. Donotusethisapparatusnearwater. 6. Cleanonlywithadrycloth. 7. Donotblockanyventilationopenings.Installinaccordance with themanufacturer’sinstructions. 8. Donotinstallnearanyheatsourcessuchasradiators,heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus(includingamplifiers)that produce heat. 9. Donotdefeatthesafetypurposeofthepolarizedorgrounding -type plug.Apolarizedplug has twoblades withone wider than theother.Agroundingtypeplughas twobladesanda thirdgroundingprong.Thewide blade or thethirdprongare providedforyoursafety. Whentheprovidedplug does notfit intoyour outlet,consultanelectrician for replacement of the obsoleteoutlet. 10. Protectthepowercordfrombeingwalkedonorpinched particularlyat plugs,conveniencereceptacles, andthe point where theyexit from theapparatus. 11. Onlyuseattachments/accessoriesspecifiedbythe manufacturer. 12. Useonlywithacart,stand,tripod,bracket,ortablespecified by themanufacturer, or sold withthe apparatus.Whena cartis used, use caution whenmoving thecart/apparatuscombination to avoidinjuryfrom tip-over. 13. Unplugthisapparatusduringlightningstormsorwhenunused for longperiodsoftime. 14. Referallservicingtoqualifiedservicepersonnel.Servicing is requiredwhen theapparatus has been damaged inany way, suchaspower-supply cordorplug is damaged,liquidhasbeen spilled orobjectshavefallen into theapparatus,the apparatus hasbeenexposed to rainormoisture,doesnot operate normally,or has been dropped. Company Information Personal CD Player Setup Operations Environmental Commitment to ‘Protect for Today and Sustain for Tomorrow’ 2009 marked the official launch of DPI, Inc.’s corporate campaign for a greener and cleaner world. DPI is building upon environmental initiatives introduced at all of their facilities to help formulate and sustain significant and important conservation efforts within its manufacturing and marketing communities. In addition to targeting and selecting energy efficient product features, and structuring ‘green office’ procedures, other initial program efforts include: • Reduction of all packaging sizes • Recyclable plastics for clamshell packages, with a plan to eventually replace plastic with recyclable paper • Recycled fiber board in place of the polyfoam in packing boxes • Recycled plastics in place of ...